Monday, January 14, 2013

Who is Who - vegans fruteriantsy, pranisty ...

Now the planet is about 1 billion vegetarians. Figure is not exaggerated - in one only populous India, most people do not eat meat for religious reasons. In order not to get lost in the vegetarians, they can be divided into several communities.


Кто есть кто — веганы, фрутерианцы, пранисты...Proponents of absolute vegetarianism. The main principle is a complete rejection of any other kind of animal exploitation. Vegans do not eat any animal products, including milk and honey, do not wear clothes made of fur, leather, wool, silk, not sitting in a leather chair, do not use products that have been tested on animals (drugs, cosmetics, household chemicals and even condoms ). Vegans protest against the use of animals for entertainment: circus, a zoo, dolphinarium, horse riding and other activities involving animals, for vegans unacceptable. Pets are also considered unethical. Vegans - the most active fighters for the rights of animals.

This is the largest group. They do not eat anyone who moves, but may eat eggs and / or milk. Accordingly, ovovegetariantsy eat eggs, but avoid dairy products. Laktovegetariantsy - contrary consume milk and dairy products, but do not eat eggs.
Pesco-vegetarians and Polly

Disclaimer of red meat, but eating fish and seafood (sand-vegetarianism) and / or poultry (Polly vegetarianism).

As vegans, vegetarians follow the philosophy of the absolute, but even more radically. Fruteriantsy try not to harm not only to animals but also plants. Eat only those fruits that are collected is not harmful to plants: fruits, grains, and nuts. Fruteriantsy think to pick apples or tomatoes can and digging carrots or potatoes - is inhumane. Just in case some do not eat mushrooms, so that from the point of view of biology mushrooms - not plants and animals, and a separate kingdom.

Small group. Eat only raw ("live") vegetables and fruits, and seeds, nuts and raisins. The main difference from fruteriantsev - never subjected to the food cooked and eat only one type of food at a meal. For example, only apples for breakfast and only tomatoes for lunch.

Can live without food. (More details can learn from books Dzhasmuhin.)

What is the meat, really?

Что такое мясо на самом деле?Meat is not a peculiar source of nutrients. You can often hear: meat is necessary for food, meat is indispensable, not a meal without meat ... But in reality? In fact, the meat is not any particularly useful, "a wonderful product," quite the contrary. Judge for yourself.

Animal meat, used for human consumption, contains 14-20% protein. According to this parameter is not meat records. Cheese contains 30% protein (about 25%), 18% low-fat cottage cheese, beans, on average about 20% (to 35% of the protein in soybeans).

"Experienced" meat-eating supporters say: "Meat protein very nutritious." Is this true?

Indeed, apart from the amount of protein in the product, important nutritional value of the protein. Proteins are made of amino acids. From food proteins are digested, not directly but only after expanding into their constituent amino acids. It is so important for the amino acid nutrition of the human body and determine the nutritional value of a protein. From the set of amino acids out eight "special", so-called "essential" amino acids: lysine, methionine, tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, phenylalanine. Essential amino acids can not be synthesized in the body of animals (not only human), and can not be replaced by other amino acids, so they must come from food. There are also amino acids, which are often (for whatever reason) are synthesized by the body in sufficient quantities, it is histidine and arginine. In turn, the amino acids cysteine ​​and tyrosine are formed only of the essential methionine and phenylalanine.

In debate on the need to use flesh to eat often refer to the amino acid composition of meat proteins. However, as seen from the table, the meat does not have any noticeable advantage in this area.

In addition to the amino acid composition, nutritional value of proteins depends on their digestibility. With these requirements in the best proteins are proteins of dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.), and not the meat, as it is in the body longer to digest protein and less digestible.

In addition to protein, meat contains fat - a significant part of its substance. Components of fat - fatty acids - are divided into two types: saturated and unsaturated (ie the degree of saturation of acid molecules with hydrogen atoms).

Meat fats consist mainly of saturated fatty acids. The nutritive value of a saturated fatty acid yield unsaturated. In addition, the possible negative effects of saturated fatty acids on the fat metabolism and function of the liver. Also, saturated fatty acids increase the development of atherosclerosis.

Unsaturated fatty acids, prevalent in vegetable fats, on the contrary, strengthens blood vessels, has a positive influence on the metabolic processes in the skin and mucous membranes.

In addition to the lower nutritional value, fat meat is difficult to digest, and low-fat meat is digested worse.

Along with the proteins and fats in the diet of the important role played by minerals. The meat of minerals containing iron and phosphorus. Compare the amount of iron in meat and other foods (per 100 g): meat - 1.5-2.8 mg beans - 12.4 mg, buckwheat - 8.0 mg, seaweed - 16 mg, hips - 11.5 mg, peaches - 4.1 mg. Iron content, some cereals, fruits and vegetables are superior meat in 3-10 times. It's the same with phosphorus (numbers per 100 g): Meat - 130-210 mg, beans - 541 mg, peas - 226 mg, millet - 233 mg.

The most important component of the diet - vitamins. Needless to say that their main sources are plants. In meat food vitamins are scarce. Meat food boasts the only more or less is there in it vitamin B (100 g): B1 - 0,10-0,93 mg, B2 (riboflavin) - 0.15-0.25 mg, B4 (choline) - 80-113 mg, B6 (pyridoxine) - 0,3-0,61 mg. Also, meat contains nicotinamide (vitamin PP) - 2,7-6,21 mg/100 g, however, the meat does not have vitamin C, which is not synthesized in the body and does not accumulate, and vitamin A. The lack of these vitamins in causes severe human disease.

Vegetable and dairy foods are composed of B vitamins in no fewer than meat, for example (100 g): B1: Buckwheat - 0.43 mg, peas - 0.90 mg, 0.62 mg of wheat; B2: spinach - 0.25 mg, Beans - 0.12 mg, cheese - up to 0.5 mg. However, apart from this group of vitamins, vegetables and fruits contain a diverse set of other essential vitamins C, K, E, Group A. ..

Thus, the meat is not the source of any particular protein or fat, and the more minerals and vitamins. At best, the meat food may accept a mediocre source of nutrients, not create even the appearance of a full ration.

GM ingredients? Meat can be more dangerous than just meat!

Unfortunately, anthropocentrism ("All for the people"), which lies at the heart of most environmental organizations, played a role in the unseemly fate of animals in the newly organized anti-GM foods (genetically modified food).

Speaking for the completeness of information for consumers, environmentalists do not give it to the desired volume, focusing solely on the transgenic plants. In layman came to mistrust of vegetarianism, which is associated in people's minds, especially with soybeans. Frightened people do not explain that not all transgenic soybeans, and that health is much more useful to eat a piece of meat instead of soy cheese - tofu. "Zoom in" on rival meat - soy was very convenient for the meat corporations that together took up the excitement, making it a struggle for the "clean meat" free of herbal supplements ...
So, General Manager slaughterhouse "Wellcome" proudly states: "Few people can resist the temptation not to use soy. We believe that the sausage - it's still a meat product, and it should be made out of meat. Therefore we do not use its production of soybeans and other genetically engineered substitutes and supplements. (m / k "TVC", 15.02.2005) and has been agreed to the fact that the national president of the Association of Genetic Safety Alexander Baranov says: "By itself, soy is not very useful, because this plant contains a protein that is not well absorbed by the human body. "(" MK ", 31/05/2004).

Today, no one remembers that soy - the most valuable crop, which for centuries was used by monks-vegetarians, Eastern peoples, and their longevity.
ГМ-компоненты? Опасней мяса может быть только мясо!
Perhaps inadvertently, can quarrel with the reluctance of the meat, as well as pharmaceutical magnate, environmentalists do not reach to the people most important information.

1. In Russia, a huge number of imported meat from animals fed the transgenic corn. To this end, Europe last year bought 17 million tons of transgenic corn. Studies have shown that meat and milk of animals eating GM foods, retains the GM components. Attention! In March 2004, Dr. Terry Trawick discovered cauliflower mosaic virus, which is used to modify cereal, meat. In June 2004, researchers from the CDC for dairy products for the first time the Munich University of Technology, revealed traces of genetically modified organisms in the milk. ("New news, 10.12.04). And considering accumulative ability to store meat, in addition, pesticides (13 times more than the vegetables), as well as hormones, antibiotics and vaccines, it begs a simple conclusion: the danger of meat can be just meat !

2. In addition to transgenic plants, there are transgenic animals, whose meat has long been used around the world, including in Russia and Ukraine. A number of foreign companies (PPL - U.S., Pharmino - Netherlands, Transgenics Advanced and Cell Technologi - USA) engaged in the cultivation of special transgenic animals, in which the body produces a special protein that is used to manufacture drugs.

3. The creation of new forms of plants and animals that are more productive, dictated solely by the needs myasoedcheskoy civilization which spends 90% of agricultural land for pasture and forage crops, while crops like 16 times more economical livestock.

Vegetarianism and Pregnancy

Вегетарианство и беременностьIf the benefits of a vegetarian diet during pregnancy Russian mom heard for a long time (as evidenced by many of the popular edition), by vegan literature collected much less. This gave rise to doubts as to the admissibility of vegan food for children and pregnant women.

(Vegans - the most severe group of vegetarians, are excluded from the diet not only meat and fish, but all animal products - eggs, etc.). As you know, real life examples are the most convincing.

June 11, 2005 marked the birth of a boy Alexis, born employee of the Centre "Vita" Tatiana Maruyev. Doctors who watched Tatiana, stated a normal pregnancy, childbirth and successfully passed the excellent state of the infant.

Tatiana - Convinced veganka. "I did not take any vitamins during pregnancy, eating simple, wholesome food - vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, rice. I felt almost no discomfort when pregnant with Alyosha, continues to be active in the" Vita "- says Tatiana.

Tatiana's husband, a physician, physical therapist, specializing in natural methods of healing the body, "Veganism is the most natural and healthy way of eating, it is recommended for a variety of diseases. This applies to both adults and children. Truth is that children that grow on the vegan diet, get everything you need from plant sources. Children are not only unnecessary animal products, they are harmful to them. "

Foreign experts:

 American scientists have shown that pregnant women and their children best vegetarian diet. The potential deficiency of vitamin B12 may be covered by a multivitamin.

This study was conducted during the seven years between 1983 and 1990 in these three groups of pregnant Irish women. The population of this region was chosen for a reason. They were chosen because it was rare for them the use of vitamins or other additives in food.

Many experts agree that pregnant women can thrive on a vegetarian diet. Experts of the American Dietetic Association - the largest organization of food and nutrition, report that a well-planned vegetarian diet suitable for all stages of the life cycle, including during pregnancy, lactation, and for children and adolescents. A vegetarian diet has many benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, and higher levels of protein, folic acid.

"Women who follow a vegetarian diet, not only have healthy pregnancies, they are often healthier than moms who consume meat," - according to specialists. "They eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and other healthy vegetarian foods, including cereals and other foods fortified with vitamin B12, thus obtaining all the nutrients."

Choosing a vegetarian diet can help women escape can also help women avoid hormones and environmental toxins found in dairy products, meat and fish. Analysis of breast milk show that the level of environmental contaminants in breast milk in women - vegetarians are significantly lower than in women - not vegetarians.

The need for vitamin B12, which is mainly found in meat, fish, dairy products and eggs, can be satisfied with cereal and soy milk, which is low in fat and calories. The simplest and most reliable source of vitamin B12 is a daily multivitamin.

Life without murder

More often than not, doing the cooking or sitting at the dinner table, we did not think about that daily paid to kill animals, so we got used to this ugly aspect of cooking. We are comfortable with the fact that we have ham on the plate - it killed a pig. And should think about it and reconsider their views on eating meat, even though the topic is certainly not pleasant.

Let's imagine the following situation. Here Chinese friends have invited you to visit and offered some exotic dish. You ate it, you liked it, and you asked, from which it is made. You respond that of worms, grasshoppers, and others, is not the most appetizing food in our opinion. What feelings do you have in this experience? Understandably nausea, disgust, etc. But the amazing truth is that every day you eat the same thing - dead animals, even other species.

We are horrified at the thought that in some countries people eat our friends dogs and cats. But most of us quietly eat cows and pigs - animals are just as highly as our pets. There are cases when the animals saved their owners from a burning house at the risk of his own life. Before slaughter farm animals feel the impending doom and cry real tears.

Жизнь без убийства
Would you agree to crank through the wringer your dog or pussy? No? Why, then, buy ground beef patties to make him? After all, this shapeless mass, cut worms, was once a cow with beautiful sad eyes shining.

The word "fresh meat" always makes us special appetite. We think that this is something particularly tasty and healthy. Think about it: the bloody corpse torn from which steam is coming - this is very good? You will want to run up to this dead body, climb into his trembling hands inside, tear it, tear off a piece of warm meat and enthusiastically absorb it? If a person during a meal to talk about how butchered carcass, from which it is made sausage, his appetite is likely to be lost.

Go to the meat market and you should look into a severed pig's head. Previous skin, eyes put out, print side ... It's like a headless outlaw whose head planted on a pole on the central city square. Only animals except us enemies, why do we execute them?

Many people love the pudding, and the kids just love hematogen. Imagine yourself in a slaughterhouse: animals had their throats cut immediately begins to beat jet black and blood red. In a stuffy, cloying air and breathes fear and death. Can not find a treat, received a more humane way?

For most people, the best stay in good weather is associated with a barbecue. We were attracted by the smell of delicious pork, roasted on skewers. And imagine yourself on the island of Papua New Guinea. Here savages killed his enemy from another tribe, butchered and devoured. By the way, according to the testimony of ethnographers, killed opponents they call "long pig" - because they are in the form of fried and externally, and they taste similar to pork. I would like you to be on such a feast?

We are particularly shocking murder of a child, but we quietly eat veal and lamb and suckling pigs are the adornment of any feast. Let our celebration will not be fatal for playful cheerful children with a whole life ahead!

Soft rabbit we have because the pretty defenseless trusting long-eared rabbit with soft eyes and long whiskers hit on the head with a truncheon. Then, to a better place bleeding, small animal with a sharp knife take out the eyeballs and turn the carcass upside down. Then remove the urine, so it does not spoil the meat. You take care of your health, your body and feel sorry because you eat rabbit meat diet? Please take care also about the living things! If you refuse any meat, it will be for the benefit of the animals and your health!

We all know the harshness and cruelty of our state officials to retirees. If a person because of age and illness could no longer work, the pension he is purely symbolic, on which it is impossible to live, health care, so necessary for old people, terrible. Old farm animals do even worse. When should a cow down, they sacrificed, the same fate awaits the hens when they stop laying. Where humanism, where respect for life? While necessary, because able to work - live, grow old - no space, do not eat the food, get the meat, so much good to you anymore.

Our major mistake is that we are used to divide the killing of animals for good and bad. By killing bad we usually mean the killing of our friends dogs and cats, rare animals, killing for fun, etc. However, we unconcerned about slaughter of farm animals. Why do people believe that if the animal is bred specifically for meat, then it has no right to life. We do not come to mind, that these animals are able to feel, suffer.

The Nazis did not consider non-Aryan races representatives of the people, they killed them by the thousands and millions. In their long-term plan was to grow "nedolyudey" for the heaviest work. Those villains allowed cruel exploitation non-Aryans only because this race belonged, so to speak, to a particular type of person. Now we take it as a wilderness, but allows a number of animals slaughtered just because they are farm animals.

Please understand that every living being has a right to life! Help stop the cruelty: do not turn your kitchen into a morgue! If you become a vegetarian, it will save the life of 5 cows, 20 pigs, 29 sheep, 760 chickens, 46 turkeys, 15 ducks, 7 rabbits and half a ton of fish. Not too little, is not it?

In addition, you greatly extend its life, the risk of many diseases (including heart disease and cancer) will decrease by several times. According to Academician P. Anokhin, vegetarians have a chance to become centenarians is 10 times higher than the "meat eaters." The average life expectancy is 80 years vegan! Doctors have long understood that meat and animal fats are harmful to health. The benefits of vegetarianism is officially recognized in most countries, including in Russia.

Children vegetarians usually healthier peers, they are less likely to colds, their growth above.

These days, more and more people are turning to vegetarianism because they want to save the lives of animals and maintain their health. In the UK, over 10% of people give up meat. A total number of vegetarians in the past 10 years has increased by half.

Remember that the conventional wisdom is not always correct, so do not pay attention to the fact that most people still eat meat. Global trends show that the meat is increasingly losing its former importance in human nutrition. Whenever you give up meat and fish, you are saving lives.

Animal life on the farm. factories of Death

In modern intensive methods used farm animal breeding, in which they are treated as machines for the production of eggs, milk and meat.

Calves weaned from the mother at birth. They are placed in a small cage, and much of cow's milk, which was intended for the calf, is the people. Separation from the mother is a huge stress for the newborn calf and the cow-mother. Cramped, stuffy and loneliness hurt psyche of the calf, and he does not develop normal behavior - he licks the corral wall or their own urine.

Жизнь животных на ферме. Фабрики смертиEgg chickens are in small cages so that each bird has an area the size of a little less than one album sheet. That is, they can not even straighten the wings! As a result, the birds develop abnormal behavior: they pull out their own feathers and peck to death the weaker birds.

To reduce the number of such cases, cut the chicken part of the beak, which is very painful for them.

In broiler chickens bone growth has not kept pace with the growth of muscles, and legs bent under the weight of the body. This was the result of selective breeding. 4/5 chickens have broken bones or other bone defects. Chickens be hurt and they are sitting on crooked legs. They can not get to food and water.

Pigs - is highly evolved animals, their intelligence is close to the dog's intelligence. Pig - a real concentration camp for the poor animals. Pigs to gain weight faster, they are castrated, without anesthesia.

Very often the pigs are kept on bare cement or on a perforated floor. Abroad in the commercial breeding of pigs 20% of pigs are killed within the first 8 months of life. If not for the regular administration of antibiotics, the mortality rate would be even higher. Animals constantly give stimulants and hormones, and because of this they are just 5 months to gain weight 100 kg!

For most of the livestock deaths - the only deliverance from suffering. Slaughterhouses reminiscent of the paintings of hell, where the animals are killed with little or no stunning, simply cutting the throat.

In the event that the flesh of animals is to go for export, they were taken to a slaughterhouse in another country. Such transport is very painful for the animals, as beaten up during loading and during transport, they often do not provide food, water, rest for a few days. Can you survive the long trip in the crowded summer train, when for a few days, you do not give to sit down, you can not eat, drink and go to the bathroom? Not surprisingly, some of the animals die during such transport.

For fish, they have a complex nervous system and in pain about the same as a man. Professor Frank Hurd, a microbiologist at the University of Melbourne, for 10 years has studied the sensitivity of the fish to the pain, said: "The argument is that fish do not feel pain, it is very convenient." Therefore, vegetarians refuse consumption not only meat, but also fish. Veganism called veganism, the abandonment of all animal products, which is always associated with the operation of the animals.

How to get the goose liver. Liver pate is very expensive. But the highest price paid for his animals.

14 million ducks and geese in France, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, the United States should suffer for the sake of a whim gourmets around the world. More than anything in the world makes this product France - 10,000 tons of fatty goose and duck liver. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the liver production is prohibited. However, these countries are the largest importers of the product, and the current trade agreements to ban the import of the liver until it is impossible.

Liver - is the largest organ in the body metabolism of warm-blooded. It can process large amounts of sugar, fat and protein. With it neutralized and eliminated many toxins in the body. If the authority reaches the limits of its capacity, the fat begins to accumulate in the liver cells, and it is growing. This property is used for liver and duck liver production of industrially.

Three times a day, each duck forcibly stuffed. For this work is included in the corral, grabs a duck, which is frantically trying to escape. He pulls her to the floor, pulling her head up and stretch the neck. Then strongly embrace her beak to force the bird's beak open and pushes the metal tube in the throat. The tube is inserted deep into the stomach. Then air Pumpe several strong pushes forcefully pushes a bird or 7.6 pounds of corn porridge, which is ten times the normal amount of food. This procedure often leads to rupture of the stomach and goiter. Workers often do not look properly positioned bird feeding. One of the workers shows that animals appear tumors caused by wounds from the tubes. One of the ducks neck was so hurt and is dotted with worms that when she saw the water poured out.

Veterinarians report that after a short time of the feeding due to the damage of the pharynx and esophagus birds no longer able to feed themselves. In addition, there is a high risk of infection, since the same tube is used for a variety of animals without prior disinfection. Food often gets into the lungs, causing pneumonia. Spread of infection, which is treated with antibiotics and other drugs, which eventually come to us.

A huge number of animals die before they reach the slaughterhouse. One of the workers told reporters that those employees who die in less than 50 "of" birds, receive the award.

Other "ways" treatment of workers with birds also cause shudder: workers routinely experience them by the neck. While ducks are wheezing and release from fear feces and urine. And the multitude of ducks bleeding wings and sides, wounded beaks and legs. Experts say that "birds look sick. Their eyes are indifferent, they're not - feathers neuhozheny. This can happen only when the animals are suffering. Being very weak, wounded or sick, many ducks are not moving or able to move without the aid of wings. "

Since only the liver drakes used for roast, female chicks literally thrown in the trash: after sorting chicks by sex workers fill the tank waste boiled water and pushed chicks in nylon bag. Bag tied and thrown into the tank. If the bag pops up, press down its huge stone. Those chicks that manage to swim out through the hole in the bag, killed by a blow on the wall of the tank.

Feeding lasts 4 weeks and at the end of this period, poultry liver weighs about 1.3 - 1.5 pounds, which is in the 6 to 12 times more than normal duck liver (30 - 60 grams). It is a great burden to other organs. Ducks are terminally ill.

It is this degraded, full of antibiotics, toxins, fat and cholesterol products are sold as "fresh duck liver."

The famous scientist and Nobel laureate, one of the founders of the science of animal behavior Konrad Lorenz called this "production", "a disgrace to the whole of Europe."

Interview with Dr. Ruth Heydrich

Dr.Ruth_HeidrichDr. Ruth Heydrich, always in motion. Multiple winner in track and field (marathon, triathlon) without being engaged in the competition, she spends breathtaking oratorical marathons, where shares his experience and inspiration on the benefits of plant-based diet. We were lucky to find her for a short conversation. The latest e-book of Ruth, "Running for Life - cookbook" Chef ": Cheap, useful, easily, without fat [CHEF (Cheap, Healthy, Easy, Fatfree)] will soon be available online. If you want to learn more about Dr. Heydrich, the schedule of her performances, buying her books, or want to ask her a question - please go to the site


Tell us a brief history of your vegetarianism / veganism.

Dr. Heydrich: I strict vegetarian (vegan) for the past 21 years, and the last 4 years have been practicing a raw food diet. The reason that I became a vegan and switched to low-fat diet that I was diagnosed - progressive breast cancer [in 1982, at age 47 - approx. author of the blog]. Clinical studies conducted in this field, Dr. John McDougall (Dr. John McDougall). I offered myself as the subject of his research, and it is required to adhere to vegetarian diet without oil, plus the refusal of chemo-therapy and the incident so that the positive result was due to the diet, and not therapy. I think I can say that it worked!

Like most people these days, you got to the vegetable diet in adulthood. What do you think about children and vegetarianism?

Vegetable diet - the best for everyone, from the age when the child is weaned. There is evidence that feeding food of animal origin contributes to the formation of platelets and the development of arteriosclerosis in children for 2 years of age. The situation may be exacerbated by the time they reach late adolescence and into adulthood, these diseases are already common in the general population.

Do you have friends / relatives, families raising children-vegetarians?

Oh, and the closest thing I know a 18 year old boy who was raised as a vegan. I watched him during the time when it was weaned, and now he - college freshman.

How these people influenced your understanding of life, based on the plant-based diet?

They - the living proof that plant foods provide all the necessary human nutrients.

Your work focuses on the use of a vegan diet for the treatment of diseases. You or the people you help, had difficulty obtaining support for your approach to the treatment of doctors?

Yes, it seems that the majority of physicians adhere to the rules that are taught in medical schools, namely, that the Standard American Diet is quite adequate, it is their duty as physicians to diagnose and treat, and only very rarely do they think of the prevention or reversal of disease through changes in diet. Most doctors, with whom I talked, they say that they do not have time to talk with patients about their eating habits, and in addition, they believe that the patient is still unlikely to be a change.

You have worked with children / young people, using his approach?

Only to support mothers and babies, and in conversations with children during my performances in schools.

As I understand it, you practice a diet of mostly raw foods. In your opinion, such a diet is appropriate for all ages?

Two of my children were adults and lived separately, when I switched to a strictly vegetarian diet. If I had known before, of course, brought to them vegans. Relative to the raw food diet, I believe that having on hand a selection of fruits and vegetables can not be lacking in any nutrients, because I include B-12.

What is your daily diet?

Main - leafy greens during the two meals daily. In addition to herbs, this morning the carrots, celery, mango, banana, molasses, molasses (molasses) and nutritional yeast with the B-12. Evening - more greens, carrots, plus tomatoes, broccoli, celery, cabbage, garlic, salsa - as a decoration, plus flaxseed. For dessert - a large bowl of berries and a few walnuts. Snack on carrots, apples and popcorn.

Do you have a favorite recipe that you would like to share with us?

I have a cookbook for raw-foodists. Of course, I would like everyone to have bought it. And briefly, I can say the following: buy a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables, bring home, wash and serve! I - a very practical person, I prefer jogging, cycling, swimming, - instead of spending time in the kitchen. My style food gives me much time for sports and other activities.