Sunday, January 13, 2013

5 good reasons to eat slowly

5 веских причин кушать неспешноThe main problem of our time - the eternal lack of time and the constant rush. When the time comes, we will quickly swallow the food and run farther. This leads to chronic accumulation of stress and harmful. If one day you decide to eat slowly - your life will change immediately. Is it difficult? Not at all. You do not need any superhuman effort: you bite off a little piece, carefully and slowly chew it, stretching the pleasure of eating.

Your meal is extended for only a few minutes, but it will lead to significant changes.

You may have already heard of the slow food movement (Slow Food), which originated in Italy a couple of decades ago. Slow food - is the opposite of fast food.

"In order to adequately carry the name of Homo Sapiens, one must get rid of the hustle and bustle, they will inevitably lead to the extinction of the human race" ~ excerpt from the manifesto of the movement Slow Food

If you read the manifesto of the movement slow food completely, you will find that it is not only about health, but about another way of life in general. Do you accept these postulates or not, in any case will not hurt you to get acquainted with the benefits of slow food:

1. Getting rid of excess weight. A growing body of research confirms that eating slowly, you will consume fewer calories. This fact in itself is enough to lose up to 10 kg per year. No need to have something else or do something extra. The explanation of this phenomenon lies in the fact that our brain needs about 20 minutes to make sure we were satisfied. If we eat at a fast pace, we do not have time to realize that we already have enough and continue on. But if we eat slowly, we have a plenty of time to feel that it is time to stop. I still recommend you stick to a healthy diet, but if you have a problem of excess weight - slow food simply must be part of your new life.

2. Enjoying a meal. In my view, this reason is also quite compelling. It is hard to enjoy a meal if it does not linger in your mouth. I even think that there is nothing wrong with what you eat a small amount of junk food, but it thoroughly chewing. Do you like fried foods, pizza, sweets? Then what's the point to eat it fast? Think about it. If you eat slowly, you will receive the same amount of fun, but in your stomach will be less harmful. Make your meal object gastronomic pleasure, not something that you are in a rush to throw in itself.

3. Improved digestion. If you chew - it improves digestion. Maybe you did not know, but the digestion begins in the mouth, so that the longer it is - the less work goes to the stomach. This will help to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Stress reduction. Full concentration on the process of eating can be a great exercise for the development of attention. Live exactly this moment, do not think about what you will do after the meal. When you eat, you should only have. I believe that this prevents the accumulation of stress in modern man. Do not believe me - try it yourself!

5. Rejection of fast food. Our hectic, stressful and chaotic century demands to reduce the time taken for a meal. This way of life obeschelovechivaet us, undermining our health, leading to stress and makes us unhappy. We nosimsya all day, solving one problem after another senseless, depriving themselves of the opportunity to enjoy life, to communicate with your friends, be a man. By eating slowly, you will resist this. Give up fast food products. Have dinner at a nice restaurant, and even better, - prepare yourself. Feel the taste of life.

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