You do not like myself for most of the photos? When photographing, I try to turn polubokom or hide behind someone? Try to choose pants and skirts that hide and correct your problem areas? You choose the clothes of dark colors and boxy? You have a lot of complaints about your body and you're not alone - many people have similar problems, or rather complexes about her own body.
If all of the above for you ... you must change your? approach and the first step will be to achieve harmony with your body, which is important for your mental and physical health. Your body is unique and beautiful, it deserves to be loved you!
The ancient yogis called for a life in harmony with your body. They called cherish it, and make symbolic gifts for him. Everyone must be happy for what he has given nature - for your body! And check out and help him a lot of life's joys and pleasures.
Man must feel the joy and extract it from the little things - sweet sleep, good food, movement, etc. It's all there in his life thanks to his extraordinary body! Unfortunately, modern people have forgotten about it, they give much time and attention to the body, and want to get a result!? And besides, they are almost always unhappy body, go somewhere to make it smaller, and somewhere a little more! In addition during the life of such person's feelings are made stronger, and the desire to work hard and often disappears altogether!
In other words, we do spoil your life, self-esteem and underestimate because of that we get a lot of problems in his personal life in communion, etc. A lot of people decide to start with, unfortunately, plastic surgeons. Naturally there is a lot of health problems!
Formed all of these problems at a psychological level. The image of the body - it's part of the "I" - internal concept of each person. It is formed out of our understanding of ourselves and the relationship to their own as well as the people around you. Together, this creates all your motivation to action: for example, to go to the gym, buy a swimsuit and outdoor etc.
Each morning begins with a little warm-up, it will improve the circulation of blood and the internal organs. Each day, try to spend at least 5 minutes before the mirror, admiring her own reflection. Even if it is still not happy you tune in a positive way and give yourself compliments. Very important internal installation. If every day you'll perform a simple exercise that will soon smile in the mirror and you will please you.
Fall in love in the first place your body, and the result of this love will bear fruit!
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