Some people ignore the advice of nutritionists reduced or eliminated from the diet of animal products, hoping, apparently, to the emergence of a "magic pill" that will cure all ills. Common sense tells us that the best treatment - prevention of disease. More and more people are finding the ability to please your taste buds, without feeling that fate.
Elimination of animal products from the diet reduces the risk of some of the most dangerous diseases. Dr. T. Colin Campbell (Dr T. Colin Campbell), a research nutritionist at Cornell University and the head of the largest epidemiological study in history, said: "The majority of cancers, cardiovascular disease and other diseases can be prevented - simply go to food-based plant foods. " Cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, and other diseases associated with the consumption of meat and dairy products. Never too late to change your habits. Change the diet much easier than to go through heart surgery, the suffering caused by paralysis after a stroke, the need for the passage of chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer! The transition to a vegetarian diet - the only and best thing you can do for your health.
"A vegetarian diet - the best. Among vegetarians - the lowest rate of coronary heart disease in the country ... ". - William Castelli (William Castelli), MD, Center for the Study of the heart in Framingham, the longest epidemiological study in medical history.
"At any time of life there is no reason for a person to use cow's milk. It is designed for calves, not for people. " - Dr. Frank A. Oski (Frank A. Oski), Head of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University
"What is your opinion about the meat-based diets, such as Atkins diet?"
I call them "diet to get sick," as they immerse the body in ketosis - a condition in which the seriously ill man. Another reason why I use a similar definition of such diets - what they themselves recommended foods - meat, chicken, bacon, eggs and cheese - are those who study the association of cardiovascular disease and the Organization for Research on Cancer has identified reason most serious illness ... There is only one way to satisfy your appetite for delicious food - while remaining slim and healthy for life: it is a low-fat vegetarian diet, fruits, vegetables, and a little exercise. - Dr. John McDougall (John McDougall), head of the medical program McDougall.
Vegetarians usually leaner meat eaters. In the UK, a huge number of men - 70%, and 63% of women are obese or overweight. Under such conditions, developing a number of diseases - cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease, arthritis, and problems with the musculoskeletal system.
A study by the British Medical Journal, the researchers observed 21,105 people and found that compared to meat-eaters, male vegetarians (vegans) weighed 5.9 kg less, and women vegans - 4.7 kg less. The researchers concluded: "These data show that a low degree of obesity is caused by a diet without meat."
The risk of cardiovascular disease among meat eaters are 50% higher than among vegetarians. The researchers found that the longer and more often people eat meat - the higher the risk for a cardiovascular disease.
Meat, dairy products and eggs are completely deprived fiber and complex carbohydrates - those nutrients that we need to eat more. On the contrary, these foods are overloaded with saturated fats and cholesterol, which quickly make us apathetic fat, subsequently becoming the cause of clogged arteries and heart attacks.
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