Sunday, January 13, 2013

Eat less - the longer you live

The more a person lives, the more think about the fact that life is very short and not much time to make that so desired. But all we can to give yourself extra years of life, and the joy of a healthy and energetic body. All the matter in our diet.

Relationship between life expectancy, health, and amount of food was spotted by scientists in the 30's. last century. They drew attention to the fact that underfed mice rarely get sick, and they reduce the risk of cancer.

Americans over 10 years of the control group were fed a diet of monkeys, which was 30% less than that of the other group. Nedokormyshi formed smaller in size, were thin (stroynymi!), they slowed metabolism and decreased total body temperature. A drop in temperature of one degree Celsius prolongs life by 3-4 times! Low calorie diet extended the life span of rats by 30-40%, and fruit flies Drosophila - twice. Long-lived animals have also been hibernating: during sleep metabolism is slowing significantly.
Меньше ешь — дольше живешь (секреты долголетие, долгожители и продолжительность жизни)

Surely you've noticed that the findings of scientists are based on experiments with the little animals. We can have a common DNA chain with Drosophila, but that is no reason to identify with insects and pigs, the bodies which are closest to human. For global conclusions, we need experiments on humans, and they are banned.

And yet, the researchers observed the effects of restrictive diets, when doctors put their patients on them. It has been observed that the decrease in the diet at 25% of normal reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's, as well as slow extinction of the human brain, ie, increased life span. This effect is particularly pronounced in the elderly. And an example of the contrary: most tools for fast weight loss are classified as illegal because they break up the metabolism with amphetamines. For an instant success and a slender body man pays health.

How does a slow metabolism

When the body lacks calories, it will mobilize internal resources and begins in emergency mode to supply all the necessary internal systems. As a result, agencies, spoiled food and gratuitous excess energy as would wake up and start to work more precisely and measured. Is the very saving energy costs for the digestion of food, warming the body, etc. This ascetic regime and prolong the shelf life of the organism.

One of the theories why this is so said that slowing aging is by reducing production of triiodothyronine (T3), hormones affect metabolism. Accordingly, the exchange is slow and slow down the aging process. A new study from the University of St Louis (USA), suggests that reducing calorie intake by about 300-500 per day, is similar biological effects in humans.

The purpose of the study was also to find a link between the reduction of calories and reduced T3. To determine whether lowering of T3 ("aging hormone") is a consequence of the decrease in consumption to write, rather than the overall reduction of fat mass, studied were divided into several groups.

Group 1 - People with limited caloric intake.

2.gruppa - people who support the weight through exercise.

3. group - the people ate a familiar and favorite foods and they did not use the fitness program (control).

All study ranged in age from 50 to 60 years, do not smoke and do not suffer from chronic diseases.

It was found that only the people in the group with the restriction of caloric intake had decreased levels of T3.

Incidentally, the first result is a truncated power one sees on the face - improves skin, rejuvenation, and there is an extraordinary lightness in the body. Thus, if a normal diet aging start around age 35, then the economy mode can move the process up to 50-60 years, and at the same time extend life.

Limitations: what and how much?

Fighters for a long life in a slender and healthy body recommend the following dietary principles:

1. The basis of the diet - plant foods, because without fiber immuniteteta no.

2. Lean on raw vegetables and fruit, and vegetable oil.

3. Minimize the amount of protein foods, especially meat and products containing animal fat (animal protein to consume seafood, poultry and dairy products).

4. Restrict certain types of carbohydrates: pure sugar, flour, rice (the rice they do not hit, it is not clear).

5. Food should be complete - with a complete set of vitamins and minerals.

6. Practice periodic fasting.

7. Get enough sleep.

8. Keep your weight on the boundary of an ideal. In every system has its reasonable limits, violating that can achieve the opposite effect.


Reducing calorie write - a good idea to improve the quality and duration of life and the key point here is to reduce calorie intake by 300-500 per day (such as a Big Mac and fries) and regular physical activity.

However, people rarely pay attention to the recommendations of a healthy lifestyle. After reading another article about the dangers of eating too much, we quickly forget the tips and continue to eat junk food. Suffice it to recall the same United States: many years, the people insist that "McDonald's" will kill them, but the number dying from obesity is growing. Read the article - good, but the main thing - you need to make changes in their lives, and only then is the result.

1 comment:

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