Sunday, January 13, 2013

How and why I became a raw-foodists

About 30 years ago I (Alexander Chuprun) began exploring the various aspects of the raw food diet, including their own experience. And I used to take the problem of food preferences, habits and preferences in food. I really wanted to find out, why it is difficult to win a habit to eat unhealthy, denatured food?

In our family, my father was a gourmet meat, so that the same to me getting any food. And there had to be a way that "propped" and it was customary to leave a clean plate. Fatty pork floating in butter cakes garnished with rice and buckwheat, greasy fried fish - have been held in high esteem, and vegetables and fruits are not considered a serious meal. Since childhood, I received the appropriate habits and might, for example, coming home from work, put the pan 50-100 grams of oil, fry it 200 grams of chopped ham, sausage, pour two or three eggs and consume it all, sometimes with a bottle of beer ...

"Thanks" to a similar diet 30 years ago, I "came to such a life," which to the second floor where my office, it was difficult. Between floors I had to rest before overcoming second flight of stairs, and wait until your heart rate of 120 beats per minute back closer to normal.

Most naturgigienistov recommend his players to perform physical exercises. But how much movement there, what exercise, when I was "first aid" came in a day! Only switching to a raw food diet has given me more energy, you need to start moving.

They say, "not sinned - not yet, and not repent - not saved" ... I have long believed that saying too cynical. But it was very fair - and in this case too. Gourmet meat has a chance to ruin the health and earlier - if there is much to think about, but rather to think about how to correct it. But people act differently ... I once read in a newspaper an eerie story: of a smoker warned: it's time to give up the habit, or endarteritis lead to complete blockage of the blood vessels, and will have a leg cut off. He continued to smoke, and both legs removed, one by one. However, lack of leg does not prevent him from continuing to smoke ...

Rawfoodist certainly not be on the day after the change in diet. Have the strength and cunning to win the taste habits gradually, so the "carnivorous" often complain that they find it difficult to give up meat, that they hardly get used to the food, does not seem to have a gastronomic interest. Some people do not have enough bread rolls or rye bread, a longing for herring with onions, I got a lot of notes in class ... No matter what anyone habits, overcome them is still not easy. Even if it is not sausage or fish. The mechanism of addiction to a specific product is the same as in addiction: it is associated with biochemistry fun, enjoyment. But, as they say, the habit of eating otvychka. With regard to psychological discomfort, it passes quickly for the sake of health can bear. Can endure - together. Months in three or four new food will be and tasty and desirable. Although the "old love" sometimes long forgotten: I, for example, a few years fat with garlic dreamed in Ukraine is standing dish in many homes ...

Sometimes, a strict raw-foodists eventually tiring isolation from society in the diet. Such a person, and he knows that he is uncomfortable when he comes to visit you. Break bread with someone your own - it's a ritual of friendship ... and then he is a bag of his food, he needs to serve something special, and attention to the switch to an unscheduled topic that raw-foodists eat and why? And if you, say, have dinner with us once, like all normal people, so that you will become? I am from such persistent effort to treat me in a Restaurant and a drink for a long time for himself, showing a photocopy of a newspaper article, which carried. In her PhD Alexei Katkov wrote about me, and I responded to the invitation to the table that can not violate the purity of the experiment, followed by scientists ...

Some people, achieving better health by switching to a raw food diet, consider that once the "medicine worked" - so you can stop taking it. Soon it becomes clear that this is a mistake ... I am six years held the raw food diet is very strict, and then still made known to me from the literature formula: "... and never strayed far from his home." What people say about this authority? Norman Walker, said: "From experience, we know that after the restoration of health, if we choose to make it worse again, we need only go back to eat dead food. Indeed heartening to note that many people have no desire to go back to the middle or worse health. They Came to believe that for the sake of health, vitality and strength is sacrificed food that taste better than nutritious. "

The structure of the human body makes it clear that we are genetically programmed to raw plant foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and various chemical elements in the most appropriate form - the organic compounds. It is a diverse raw plant foods (vegetables and greens, fruits, nuts, oil seeds) contains plenty mentioned elements deficient in the diet of civilized man, so - is the most healthy! The diet of centenarians (eg, Abkhazia) a lot of fruits and grapes, it confirms, at least partially, that the proponents of the raw food diet right. And because no normal microbial flora of the intestine can not be healthy (literally depends on it, our life), here is my formula supply food must fully meet the needs of the intestinal microflora. Raw food matches.

Undoubtedly, the people did eat, not until Prometheus stole fire from the residents of Olympus. And nothing, not extinct and not degraded, and to develop physically and mentally. A degradation of the face - it's becoming increasingly clear - namely, processed food on the fire.

Of course, the question of the perfect diet - not that simple: some tribes living in isolation, though in places of the world where there was little or no vegetables, herbs and fruits, oil seeds and nuts, somehow adapted to the food, rather unusual for a man as a species. Of course, the military said, the price of significant losses in manpower. Some adjustment of the organism begins in the womb, as the fetus feels the composition of the mother's blood, which is waiting for his food after birth - not immediately, but later, when he will receive the same food you eat at home. For example, the abundance of fatty meat in the food the mother of the fetus forms a stronger enzyme system that provides the breakdown of fats. Lipase enzyme that performs this function, it becomes much harder. But for the genetic changes that to adapt to this unusual man as a kind of food needs for millions of years. The human body tries to adapt to it, but how expensive is a price ... Many human diseases - is the adaptive response of the body - thought so well known theoretician I.V.Davydovsky medicine.

Let me illustrate this even a story about the "adaptation" of man to the meat.

Already in school textbooks, we learn that life of primitive man was difficult, and people died young, old skeletons anthropologists almost never caught. I would venture to guess: the secret of this - appendicitis, in prehistoric times, killed a lot of meat-eaters-hunters ... And he spoke, probably under the name of "evil spirit," I will dwell in the stomach dies. Appendix ill because of the abundance of animal protein in the diet, with a deficit of dietary fiber (cellulose), when the dish of the menu - fried mammoth, no vegetable side dish ... Glancing once in the post-war edition of Minor Medical Encyclopedia, article on appendicitis, I read that in the first 5 years after the war, the range and quantity of food for the Russians went to the mountain, while the number of removed appendix - more than twice! The reason - the "better nutrition", read - the excess of protein in the diet.

And the same article reminds us that the opening of this cause appendicitis Shanpioneru owned by the French scientist, and published it in 1902 ... Appendectomy continues to this day at a good pace. With the "improvement" power returned not only inflamed appendix, returned and asthma, almost extinct in starving the war years ...

Obviously, a person can some cost to adapt to very different foods, people live in different climatic zones in different natural conditions ... Different - but not treated with fire! Boiled in nature has never been, and no matter how much we tried to convince almost everyone has known Nutrition (Nutrition), that the human body has adapted to the allegedly boiled, there is enough evidence to the contrary ... I believe that as cooked food in nature never existed against this truly diabolical inventions of human nature could not provide any protection. The human body is not designed originally to ensure that fully digest a meal and easily eliminate all the consequences.

Despite the harmfulness of such food, people survive, but - at the cost of heavy losses for the health, physical and mental performance. Illustrative experiments with rats: they were given a choice of raw and boiled eggs, and even a creature adapted to life, who can not choose a laboratory analysis of food, which is scarce in his body trace element, made a fatal mistake. In the control group, eating raw eggs, rats survived. But with choices they ate only boiled eggs without touching raw, and ... light all the memory they were a science!

Thermal processing of food, and has made an inedible edible, came to us from the troglodytes, feasting by the fire in the cave. A modern industry continues to refine these methods cave, canning, cleaning food from the vital elements. Do you think science knows absolutely all parts of raw materials, which we can safely put on the fire, that it was "delicious"? Who knows exactly what we are in this ruin? Although something is known. Say, a collective farm in Chernihiv, going to work, usually in the morning leave cooked food in the oven to come home in the evening, eat lukewarm, and not engage in, tired after a day's work, and even a kitchen. But scientists are literally brain itself dislocated, trying to understand why the strongest iodine deficiency, caused in Chernihiv goiter! Iodine in the soil there abound, from the soil, it goes into the plant and animal products produced in the area, and people are sick ... still found reason: prolonged heat treatment containing iodine salt become indigestible compounds. As another example, in a wet apple hardware coupled with fructose (fruit sugar). Fructose is readily absorbed from the intestine, and "the trailer" in the blood gets iron. It is known that the iron in meat is more, but it is much better absorbed from apples. From raw! But apple compote or pie that's not the case: in cooking and baking is a complex compound decomposes, and the absorption of iron becomes a problem ... Examples can continue indefinitely.

For those who still sneers about the raw food diet, you can remind the proverbial: boiled potatoes or cabbage ulcer nobody has been able to cure, and their raw juices are used for this for a long time and successfully. Mainly on food raw, untreated with fire herbal products based various anti-cancer diet - Evers, Gerson, Ann Wigmore, cured of cancer ... a raw food diet and became world famous preacher of "living food," Dr. Cornelius Moerman, Netherlands.

Twice winner of the Nobel Peace Prize by Linus Pauling, for decades supported the Moerman against colleagues who are stuck on a shortcut charlatan, in the preface to his book on the method Moerman said:

"... Now his opponents overthrown. In January 1987, the Ministry of Health of the Netherlands finally approved his method.

Dr. Moerman therapy includes a high intake of vegetables and fruit, especially fruit and vegetable juice instead of water and other beverages. Flour products - white bread, cakes, pasta, spaghetti, made of fine flour - is prohibited. Also prohibited the use of refined sugar, meat and animal fat than butter. As a result of this selection poor vitamin and mineral products are not subject to a diet ... "

Basic knowledge of naturopathy allows a person to understand how to make a natural diet, typical of his nature. But beginners rawfoodist should know that they will inevitably have to go through crises. While the body has not yet cleared, raw food can accumulate forces for healing acute various chronic ailments. After two to three weeks of complete raw food diet will inevitably arise aggravation long hushed, Hidden chronic arthritis. If hungry, arthritis almost certainly go away, but after a few weeks or months, it may be two, three crisis until they are restored, all the unhealthy bodies displayed all toxins. We know the formula: the disease goes through the aggravation. The problem of the true naturopath - not suppress various inflammatory and vice versa: using diet, rest, short-day fasting and personal hygiene, make of the patient's primary care crisis, to put it simply - exacerbation of chronic disease. And only then prescribe fasting - until the symptoms disappear.

As shown attending crisis? With him, in fact, familiar to many who, after a good rest in a sanatorium received exacerbation of their illness. The doctors explained it "reaction to spa treatment," and - dolechivali, including medications ... Plain crisis manifestations - fever, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, headache and pain in different parts of the body can be an intestinal disorder or vomiting, sweating and skin rashes. As you can see, with something of the body released. (If there is worsening, and no signs of separation, it is more modest in scale of the crisis, also a constructive and useful - but only for a body and not to the whole body).

Microbial infections - one of the greatest natural wealth, we just do not know how to use it. But we know that many feel better after undergoing "cold"! Medicine all over the world seeking the means of ARI - acute respiratory disease ... But this is the most common, typical treating crisis! Do I have to deal with it? It is not reasonable to bless the "cold", which gives each of us a reason to starve for several days and come out of this adventure healthier than before?

The real raw-foodists do not consider microbial infections as something dangerous and do not run immediately to the pharmacy for antibiotics. Raw food diet eliminates a person who moved to this kind of food, vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It frees up a lot of energy - and for life, and self-healing - for the "inner physician". This energy the average person spent on removing waste and other problems caused by unhygienic behavior.

Increased resistance to infection due to the raw food diet would suggest the natural antibiotics, volatile, which is in raw food. But the fact that microbes in the body simply does not clean the medium, because the body is not intoxicated. After all, slag (particles of dead cells, the protein mass) are the dinner tables for bacteria, and the weaker cells - for viruses. Weaken the protection of the cells of many factors, even frequent meals, tiring some parts of its genome. The body rawfoodist clean and microorganisms aliens practically nothing to sustain itself. Therefore, immunity to infections in rawfoodist experienced strong and sturdy. Influenza epidemics pass by them. If they are sick, in a very easy manner, without complications, and recover quickly. Microbial invasion is short-lived: they quickly do their task - the task of cleansing the body - and are immediately deleted. Since the "literate" raw-foodists do not perceive an infectious disease as a disease, but as a natural healing crisis, they are always hungry in this case, and if you can not starve, at least, give up the protein and starchy foods, leaving a little fruit, and juices.

Of course, such crises, though healing, but unpleasant, and it is good to get sick less often and easier. This man and comes slowly when feeding raw plant foods: immunity rawfoodist so robust that infections can not it "shake."

Raw food diet, though - this is not only a natural diet, which promises us a good health, but also a perfect tool to achieve the desired healing crisis. Emphasize, consistently applying!

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