Sunday, January 13, 2013

Simple ways to be healthy

Простые способы не болетьChoose any type of physical activity that you like - do exercises in the morning, run, play badminton, go to the pool - it does not matter what you do, as long as it brings you a favor and good humor.

Eat right. This does not mean that you have to live on mere cereals, dairy products and vegetables. Just try not to abuse the product, which can undermine your health - fast junk, fatty foods, soda, etc.

Do not abuse alcohol. It can have many adverse effects on your health. Think there are a few hours of fun numerous risks associated with them. Spirits naptski cause a lot of trouble, from alcoholism to cirrhosis. Of course, sometimes you can afford to relax a little bit, but all you need to know to stop.

Do not smoke. The fact that smoking - this is one of the most dangerous habits, proved a long time and is not subject to any doubt, yet people continue to poison themselves and others. Do not be too careless. Do not think that the terrible diseases caused by nicotine is the lot of any other man, but not you. Take care of yourself.

Do not be too hard on yourself. If you are tired - rest. Tired of the body - it is the most fertile ground for the development of diseases. While you are full of energy, your immune system is the guardian of your health and relentlessly fights all viruses and infections.

Sleep - is vital to the state of your body. During a restore your strength. Try to devote to it at least eight hours a day.

Give yourself a promise to eat daily three useful product.

Do not forget to visit the doctor for a checkup. Easier to prevent disease than to treat it advanced.

Spend more time outdoors, enjoy the sun and fresh air. Importantly, do not overdo it with sunbathing. If the sun is too bright, use a barrier cream.

Do not forget to drink vitamins. They strengthen your immune system.

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