Simple eye movements, such as blinking and swaying from side to side, brought a stunning result. I realized that I did it! Without the help of doctors, senior teachers, equipment and magic spells. I did it! I myself have found the way to his own insight, passed it and enjoy the results. Was it easy? I guess now I can say that, yes. That was easy. Blink and "shoot" the eyes for a week will be able, perhaps, that one. Was it hard? Also yes. Overcome himself, to overcome the "knowledge" that it is "impossible" to break through the wall of his own doubts. Yes, it was difficult. Perhaps so.
Exercise number 1. "Glimpse"
Exercise "Glimpse" is a compulsory elementary exercise course and to configure mode "sharp" view, as well as increasing the residence time in this mode, up to two or three seconds. (After achieving these results, we can move to the next exercise of the complex.)
Exercise is as follows. In free space (that is, outside the room), in the daytime, choose an object for study. The preferred use for this purpose any good to read the inscription, because the font is a clear contrast border and easily differentiates image to "read" and "unreadable". Selecting an object moving away from him at a distance greater than the distance of the free readability inscription on one or two meters. That is, get up, so that the image was blurred just enough so as not to be readable, however briefly stood out from the myopic haze after each blink. After that, start to blink, looking at the sign, and focusing on the glimpse arising after each blink. Try at this glimpse read the inscription. After a glimpse of the "island" of disappeared, and the picture is clouded, blink again and again tried to read the inscription. And so on. Exercise can be done in an hour, and the objects can be changed for a change. On the first day of class to do just blink every second, yet soon a glimpse of "acute" vision will increase markedly, which will move to the next exercise.
Exercise number 2. "Target Shooting"
Exercise "target shooting" is the logical continuation of the exercise number 1, but in contrast, requires a longer glimpse of the "acute" view, which allows to shift his gaze from one object to another, without letting and neither one nor the other out of focus.
In fact, exercise is as follows. Outside the building, in the daytime, in turn (with a frequency of approximately one target per second) select views of various objects (targets) present at the different distances (from the tip of the nose to the horizon). Each object (target), it should be kept in focus, which is regularly blinking, catch a glimpse of "The Island" view. At the initial stage, while a glimpse of not very high, blink at each selected object (target), that is, a rate of about one blink every second. As more glimpse, you blink less often, that is no longer on each target, and one worked up to two or three. The target should not choose imaginary, non-existent objects, but only the real, in which the eyes can really focus on.
Exercise number 3. "Spider-Man"
Exercise "Spider-Man" is the embodiment of the exercise number 2, is used to achieve the same goals and, by and large, is different from the exercise number 2 in the first instance a role painting.
Exercise is as follows. Outside the building, in the daytime, choose the object of exercise a spreading shrub or tree (but you can use any other, similar-sized objects), and went from blinking to "acute" view, start mentally wrap nonexistent object turns defunct thread. In addition, each coil accompany gaze, focusing it at the point of contact between the thread and the imaginary object. As needed - Morgan (to constantly keep the core of the object in focus). From time to time the object changes to keep the excitement and visual perception.
Exercise number 4. "Rest"
Exercise "Rest" is to remove the stress from the eyes, created during exercise, or by some other, unrelated to exercise reason.
Exercise is as follows. Eyes closed eyelids, apply to face Keel folded hands. Right hand is applied to the right eye and the left, to the left, respectively. (Fingers crossed on his forehead in the "third eye.") Eye naturally goes into the blackness, trying to turn away from the possibility of randomly manifest visual images. Exercise is carried out to obtain the desired comfortable feeling.
Exercise number 5. "Pendulum"
Exercise "Pendulum" is used to further increase the glimpse of "acute" vision, and to develop the habits of mobile view.
Exercise is as follows. Outdoors in the daytime choose an object for exercise. Preferred to use any object as a human-readable label, fairly large size (for example from a remote store signs or posters advertising or other content). Blinking, reaches a state of "acute" view by focusing on signs and starts swinging, moving the point of view along the line back and forth, like a pendulum sways, trying to maintain focus on the possibility of looking at the object. When misting image again to blink, enter into "acute" view, to continue to exercise. And so on. With good skills to perform, you can deselect a particular object and use this principle as a basic way of seeing. The exercise then becomes unrestricted.
Exercise number 6. "Chinese idol"
Exercise "Chinese idol" is used to achieve the same purpose as the exercise number 5, as opposed exercises is that the mobility of sight is not achieved by the movement of the eyes, and with a rocking from side to side of the head to practice.
Thus, the exercise is as follows. First of all, select the object exercises (according to the object is the same as in Exercise number 5). Selecting the object, blink, catch a glimpse of the "island" of view, focusing on an object and, swaying from side to side, trying to keep focus on the subject as much as possible for a long time. When misting "pictures", blink again and continue to do the exercise. And so on. Just as exercise number 5, Exercise "Chinese idol" should be seen as a variant of the basic way of seeing. While this exercise in this case also is unlimited.
Exercise number 7. "Eight"
Exercise "Eight" is a combination of exercises № 5-6 and is used to achieve the same goals that were set before these exercises.
Exercise "Eight" is the following. First of all, select the object for the upcoming viewing (according to the object are not different from those described above, in the exercise № 5-6). However, this exercise is more than an exercise № 5-6 allowed to perform without pre-selected object (that is, using the object of exercise, all visible space). Determine the choice of the object, blink, catch a state of "acute" view, and making eye path movement overturned sideways figure eight, try to keep the focus as much as possible look for a long time. Head while committing swinging motion to the right (moving to the right eye) and left (moving to the left eye), thereby increasing the horizontal dimensions of the overturned sideways eight (or, which is the same as the angle horizontal view). Just as exercise № 5-6, exercise "eight" should be used as an alternative way of seeing the ground. Time of it in this case - is also unlimited.
Exercise number 8. "Polishing"
Exercise "polish" is used to achieve the same purpose as the exercise number 5, 6 and 7.
Exercise is as follows. First of all, select the object (according to the object are the same as in the exercises № 5,6 and 7). Determine the choice of the object with blinking enter into "acute" view, and focus the mind on the object, start viewing parts of the object. (If an object is selected title, then each piece is her letter.) Examining produce parts with soft circular movements of the eyes, resembling the character polishing motion. With these movements, try to keep the focus on the subject look as much as possible for a long time. Then again, Morgan and continue the exercises. With enough skills to perform this exercise, as well as exercises № 5,6 and 7, can serve as a way of seeing the main option.
Exercise number 9. "Ray of Light"
Exercise "Ray of Light" is used to supply life-giving eye solar energy, which gives them amazing strength and comfort.
To exercise "Ray of Light" is needed sunshine, however, in the absence of the sun, you can use the scattered sunlight or the light bulb (including the fluorescent tube.) Exercise is as follows. Tight, yet stress-free, close our eyes for centuries and for a while (about a minute), we substitute the face the light source. (The use of this exercise is the sun a much more preferable.) Exercise can be done five to six times a day.
Attention! All exercises need to perform in a relaxed, comfortable position possible. Strongly avoid tensing the eyes!
Lack of proper vision is a common health problem faced my most people in India. This lack of proper vision is particularly a problem faced by those suffering from Diabetes. Diabetes patients are more likely to suffer from eyesight and distorted vision problems owing to the negative impacts of Diabetes on eyes. While laser surgery and other methods like wearing spectacles and contact lenses can be very helpful too, there is another method of treatment that not a lot of people are aware about! It is acupuncture therapy yes you read it right, acupuncture treatment can be extremely helpful in improving the vision and many doctors recommend this type of treatment to patients. Acupuncture thus, is the best way to improve eyesight.
ReplyDeleteThere are no specific remedies that are proven to improve your vision and eyesight naturally without corrective eyewear if you suffer from astigmatism, nearsightedness (myopia), or farsightedness (hyperopia). There are things you can do to maintain eye health and potentially enhance your vision, however. These include healthy lifestyle choices like eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and not smoking. Optometrist near Naperville recommends Reducing eye strain and protecting your eyes from exposure to UV and excessive blue light are also good for eye health.