Monday, January 14, 2013

Life without murder

More often than not, doing the cooking or sitting at the dinner table, we did not think about that daily paid to kill animals, so we got used to this ugly aspect of cooking. We are comfortable with the fact that we have ham on the plate - it killed a pig. And should think about it and reconsider their views on eating meat, even though the topic is certainly not pleasant.

Let's imagine the following situation. Here Chinese friends have invited you to visit and offered some exotic dish. You ate it, you liked it, and you asked, from which it is made. You respond that of worms, grasshoppers, and others, is not the most appetizing food in our opinion. What feelings do you have in this experience? Understandably nausea, disgust, etc. But the amazing truth is that every day you eat the same thing - dead animals, even other species.

We are horrified at the thought that in some countries people eat our friends dogs and cats. But most of us quietly eat cows and pigs - animals are just as highly as our pets. There are cases when the animals saved their owners from a burning house at the risk of his own life. Before slaughter farm animals feel the impending doom and cry real tears.

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Would you agree to crank through the wringer your dog or pussy? No? Why, then, buy ground beef patties to make him? After all, this shapeless mass, cut worms, was once a cow with beautiful sad eyes shining.

The word "fresh meat" always makes us special appetite. We think that this is something particularly tasty and healthy. Think about it: the bloody corpse torn from which steam is coming - this is very good? You will want to run up to this dead body, climb into his trembling hands inside, tear it, tear off a piece of warm meat and enthusiastically absorb it? If a person during a meal to talk about how butchered carcass, from which it is made sausage, his appetite is likely to be lost.

Go to the meat market and you should look into a severed pig's head. Previous skin, eyes put out, print side ... It's like a headless outlaw whose head planted on a pole on the central city square. Only animals except us enemies, why do we execute them?

Many people love the pudding, and the kids just love hematogen. Imagine yourself in a slaughterhouse: animals had their throats cut immediately begins to beat jet black and blood red. In a stuffy, cloying air and breathes fear and death. Can not find a treat, received a more humane way?

For most people, the best stay in good weather is associated with a barbecue. We were attracted by the smell of delicious pork, roasted on skewers. And imagine yourself on the island of Papua New Guinea. Here savages killed his enemy from another tribe, butchered and devoured. By the way, according to the testimony of ethnographers, killed opponents they call "long pig" - because they are in the form of fried and externally, and they taste similar to pork. I would like you to be on such a feast?

We are particularly shocking murder of a child, but we quietly eat veal and lamb and suckling pigs are the adornment of any feast. Let our celebration will not be fatal for playful cheerful children with a whole life ahead!

Soft rabbit we have because the pretty defenseless trusting long-eared rabbit with soft eyes and long whiskers hit on the head with a truncheon. Then, to a better place bleeding, small animal with a sharp knife take out the eyeballs and turn the carcass upside down. Then remove the urine, so it does not spoil the meat. You take care of your health, your body and feel sorry because you eat rabbit meat diet? Please take care also about the living things! If you refuse any meat, it will be for the benefit of the animals and your health!

We all know the harshness and cruelty of our state officials to retirees. If a person because of age and illness could no longer work, the pension he is purely symbolic, on which it is impossible to live, health care, so necessary for old people, terrible. Old farm animals do even worse. When should a cow down, they sacrificed, the same fate awaits the hens when they stop laying. Where humanism, where respect for life? While necessary, because able to work - live, grow old - no space, do not eat the food, get the meat, so much good to you anymore.

Our major mistake is that we are used to divide the killing of animals for good and bad. By killing bad we usually mean the killing of our friends dogs and cats, rare animals, killing for fun, etc. However, we unconcerned about slaughter of farm animals. Why do people believe that if the animal is bred specifically for meat, then it has no right to life. We do not come to mind, that these animals are able to feel, suffer.

The Nazis did not consider non-Aryan races representatives of the people, they killed them by the thousands and millions. In their long-term plan was to grow "nedolyudey" for the heaviest work. Those villains allowed cruel exploitation non-Aryans only because this race belonged, so to speak, to a particular type of person. Now we take it as a wilderness, but allows a number of animals slaughtered just because they are farm animals.

Please understand that every living being has a right to life! Help stop the cruelty: do not turn your kitchen into a morgue! If you become a vegetarian, it will save the life of 5 cows, 20 pigs, 29 sheep, 760 chickens, 46 turkeys, 15 ducks, 7 rabbits and half a ton of fish. Not too little, is not it?

In addition, you greatly extend its life, the risk of many diseases (including heart disease and cancer) will decrease by several times. According to Academician P. Anokhin, vegetarians have a chance to become centenarians is 10 times higher than the "meat eaters." The average life expectancy is 80 years vegan! Doctors have long understood that meat and animal fats are harmful to health. The benefits of vegetarianism is officially recognized in most countries, including in Russia.

Children vegetarians usually healthier peers, they are less likely to colds, their growth above.

These days, more and more people are turning to vegetarianism because they want to save the lives of animals and maintain their health. In the UK, over 10% of people give up meat. A total number of vegetarians in the past 10 years has increased by half.

Remember that the conventional wisdom is not always correct, so do not pay attention to the fact that most people still eat meat. Global trends show that the meat is increasingly losing its former importance in human nutrition. Whenever you give up meat and fish, you are saving lives.


  1. We are made in such combination that eating meat is as necessary for health as eating vegetable is. If we stop eating meat for any reason, we will be losing iron, zinc and vitamins from our body. Likewise if we stop eating vegetables, we will lose potassium, dietary fiber and vitamins. So our body needs these groupings naturally.

    1. We do not need to eat animal flesh or animal secretions for health. I became vegan in 1987 and consume a whole food diet full of vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, nuts and seeds. Green leafy vegetables and beans have tons of iron, grains and beans, nuts and seeds have zinc. You will keep vitamins and minerals much more when you consume foods RAW versus cooking and killing them. Modern society is deficient in magnesium, B12, vitamin D and iodine. Farm animals are deficient in B12 and receive it in a pill form. I love animals too much to participate in their suffering or death. Plants of all kinds are healthy fuel from god. namaste.

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