Monday, January 14, 2013

Interview with Dr. Ruth Heydrich

Dr.Ruth_HeidrichDr. Ruth Heydrich, always in motion. Multiple winner in track and field (marathon, triathlon) without being engaged in the competition, she spends breathtaking oratorical marathons, where shares his experience and inspiration on the benefits of plant-based diet. We were lucky to find her for a short conversation. The latest e-book of Ruth, "Running for Life - cookbook" Chef ": Cheap, useful, easily, without fat [CHEF (Cheap, Healthy, Easy, Fatfree)] will soon be available online. If you want to learn more about Dr. Heydrich, the schedule of her performances, buying her books, or want to ask her a question - please go to the site


Tell us a brief history of your vegetarianism / veganism.

Dr. Heydrich: I strict vegetarian (vegan) for the past 21 years, and the last 4 years have been practicing a raw food diet. The reason that I became a vegan and switched to low-fat diet that I was diagnosed - progressive breast cancer [in 1982, at age 47 - approx. author of the blog]. Clinical studies conducted in this field, Dr. John McDougall (Dr. John McDougall). I offered myself as the subject of his research, and it is required to adhere to vegetarian diet without oil, plus the refusal of chemo-therapy and the incident so that the positive result was due to the diet, and not therapy. I think I can say that it worked!

Like most people these days, you got to the vegetable diet in adulthood. What do you think about children and vegetarianism?

Vegetable diet - the best for everyone, from the age when the child is weaned. There is evidence that feeding food of animal origin contributes to the formation of platelets and the development of arteriosclerosis in children for 2 years of age. The situation may be exacerbated by the time they reach late adolescence and into adulthood, these diseases are already common in the general population.

Do you have friends / relatives, families raising children-vegetarians?

Oh, and the closest thing I know a 18 year old boy who was raised as a vegan. I watched him during the time when it was weaned, and now he - college freshman.

How these people influenced your understanding of life, based on the plant-based diet?

They - the living proof that plant foods provide all the necessary human nutrients.

Your work focuses on the use of a vegan diet for the treatment of diseases. You or the people you help, had difficulty obtaining support for your approach to the treatment of doctors?

Yes, it seems that the majority of physicians adhere to the rules that are taught in medical schools, namely, that the Standard American Diet is quite adequate, it is their duty as physicians to diagnose and treat, and only very rarely do they think of the prevention or reversal of disease through changes in diet. Most doctors, with whom I talked, they say that they do not have time to talk with patients about their eating habits, and in addition, they believe that the patient is still unlikely to be a change.

You have worked with children / young people, using his approach?

Only to support mothers and babies, and in conversations with children during my performances in schools.

As I understand it, you practice a diet of mostly raw foods. In your opinion, such a diet is appropriate for all ages?

Two of my children were adults and lived separately, when I switched to a strictly vegetarian diet. If I had known before, of course, brought to them vegans. Relative to the raw food diet, I believe that having on hand a selection of fruits and vegetables can not be lacking in any nutrients, because I include B-12.

What is your daily diet?

Main - leafy greens during the two meals daily. In addition to herbs, this morning the carrots, celery, mango, banana, molasses, molasses (molasses) and nutritional yeast with the B-12. Evening - more greens, carrots, plus tomatoes, broccoli, celery, cabbage, garlic, salsa - as a decoration, plus flaxseed. For dessert - a large bowl of berries and a few walnuts. Snack on carrots, apples and popcorn.

Do you have a favorite recipe that you would like to share with us?

I have a cookbook for raw-foodists. Of course, I would like everyone to have bought it. And briefly, I can say the following: buy a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables, bring home, wash and serve! I - a very practical person, I prefer jogging, cycling, swimming, - instead of spending time in the kitchen. My style food gives me much time for sports and other activities.

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