Saturday, January 12, 2013

Metabolic Typing

Metabolic Typing

Many people feel that eating a vegetarian diet is ideal for everyone, and will benefit all of mankind. This is simply not true! The saying 'One man's meat is another man's poison' is absolutely correct.

We cannot all eat the same foods - it really depends on our METABOLIC TYPE, which is based upon the research of William Wolcott.

If you haven’t yet read the book, The Metabolic Typing Diet, I would strongly encourage you to do so as it reviews these topics extensively.

If you are already feeling good, eating should, at the very least, help to maintain your energy level. But if you feel worse in some way an hour or so after eating, such as:

- You still feel hungry even though you are physically full
- You develop a sweet craving
- Your energy level drops
- You feel hyper, nervous, angry or irritable
- You feel depressed

… then it might be due to an improper combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at your last meal. You might be eating the perfect foods for your metabolism, but having too much of one type of food in place of another can easily produce the symptoms listed above.

Everyone has their own unique Metabolic Type. Many people come to my office eating very high-quality nutritious foods and are still quite sick. They haven’t touched sugar or junk food in ages and still suffer with many health problems. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the major physical ones is related to the fact that they are not eating appropriate foods for their metabolic type.

Simple Fuel Analogy
Just as food is fuel for our bodies, gas is food for our cars. Imagine for a moment that you have pulled into an exclusive gas station that has secured the highest quality gasoline from one of the world’s leading refineries … gas that has been screened carefully and shown to be free of anything that would possibly harm your car’s engine.

It would seem reasonable to believe that your car is going to thrive on that high-quality gas once you put it in your tank. But what if you were driving a diesel-powered vehicle? If that were the case, in a few minutes your car would stop running, and you would have a very expensive repair job ahead of you.

The fact that the car stopped running does not imply that the gas wasn’t any good or that your car was defective. It was simply the wrong type of fuel for your car.

Like your car, your body was designed for a certain correct type of fuel … that is, a certain correct blend of the right food types. The further you deviate from this ideal, the more health problems are likely. That is why some of the sickest people I see in my practice are those who are “designed” to be eating high-proteins foods but have decided to be vegetarians. Conversely, carb types who choose to eat high amounts of meats also don’t do very well.

Different Metabolic Types
There are three types of Metabolic Types:


Protein Types do better on low-carbohydrate, high-protein and high-fat diets. A typical ratio might be 40 percent protein and 30 percent each of fats and carbohydrates, but the amounts could easily shift to 50 percent fats and as little as 10 percent carbohydrates depending on individual genetic requirements.

Carb Types normally feel best when the majority of their food is carbohydrate. However, just as we only have one word for snow while the Eskimos have many more, we only have one word for carbs while there are actually different types. There is a major difference between vegetables and grains and yet they are both referenced as “carbs.”

So if you are a Carb Metabolic Type you will require about 60 percent of your food as carbs, 25 percent protein and 15 percent fat, but this type may need as little as 10 percent fat and as high as 80 percent carbs in exceptional times. If you followed an Atkins Diet you might improve initially but eventually your system would break down because it required far more carbohydrate.

Once a person attains a normal weight and does not struggle with other insulin related disorders, it is actually possible to consume some grains and remain perfectly healthy. Carb types actually can do quite well with grains, but remember this is likely to only be about 15 percent of the population at best.

Don’t stress out about the percentages; they are only rough guidelines. Even if they needed to be precise, you wouldn’t take the time or make the effort to eat exact percentages of foods every single time you ate, especially for the rest of your life.

Additionally, your activity and stress levels will affect and alter the quantity of food, as well as the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you need to feel your best.

Last, there is also a circadian rhythm to account for. Your biochemistry moves through various phases throughout the day. These rhythms involve your hormonal output, your acid/alkaline shifts, your waking/sleeping times and many other time-based variables. While some people will have a need for the same ratios of protein, fat and carbs at each meal, others will discover that they need very different ratios at the different meals in order to derive optimum energy, well being and performance.

How to Determine Your Metabolic Type
The Metabolic Typing Diet has a basic test for you in the book. It is generally helpful but not as accurate as the Intermediate Program that is available through certified metabolic typing clinicians, such as myself.

The INTERMEDIATE Program takes you a step beyond the book in defining your metabolic individuality. This computerized analysis of a short, easy-to-complete questionnaire provides a more specific identification of your metabolic type, identifying autonomic or oxidative dominance, and determining whether you are a Parasympathetic, Sympathetic, Fast Oxidizer, Slow Oxidizer or Mixed type. The Intermediate Program also recommends an appropriate metabolic type dietary program and basic supplementation for your metabolic type, as well as provides access to a certified Metabolic Typing consultant such as myself to guide you through the programme and answer your questions.

The Intermediate test is administered online and is evaluated by a sophisticated computer program that generates a 25-page comprehensive report. The program is based on over 25 years of clinical experience. Prior to the program it took someone nearly eight hours to make these calculations by hand.

We currently use the Intermediate Metabolic Typing test on nearly all of our patients here at The Natural Therapy Center. It is one of the profoundest tools for balancing metabolic biochemistry that I have encountered, and is the missing link in optimizing nutrition.

If you wish to complete the Intermediate Program and obtain the computerized printout of your Metabolic Type Diet, along with detailed diet and supplementary suggestions, as well as an hours supervision by myself, please email me at and I will give you written instructions on how to proceed.

You May Need Metabolic Typing . . .
Perhaps you've reached the point where you think or even know that nutrition is important if you ever want to get well and stay well. It's just common sense, right? But you've also come to find that the field of nutrition is quite baffling. And even though the information explosion has made more information available than ever before, it's also made it even harder to find what's really true and right for you or decide just what to do.
Has the information explosion brought confusion instead of clarity to your questions about nutrition? If you're interested in nutrition and are looking for answers to a health problem or are simply looking for a way to stay healthy, your search may have led you to ask some of these questions . . .

- Why is it that my best friend's nutritional supplements work absolute miracles, but make me feel lousy?

- Why does a low fat, low protein, high complex carbohydrate diet RAISE cholesterol in some people instead of lower it?

- Why does taking a nutritional product help one person with a problem but not another?

- How can one best selling book say one thing about nutrition, and the other best-seller say just the opposite?

- Why will a certain diet give my friend energy and help to lose weight but make me tired and GAIN weight?

- Why can't I get rid of my candida overgrowth problem, even though I've followed an "anti-candida" diet?

- Why does The Zone diet make me gain weight and cause others to lose weight?

- Why is it that I eat the best organic foods, buy the most expensive supplements, exercise 'till I'm blue in the face, get my 8 hours sleep, and still end up feeling like I can barely make it through the day?

If you've been asking yourself questions like these, but haven't been getting the answers you're looking for, take the guesswork out of your search for health! Find out exactly what's right for you! The answers you've been looking for may be found through The Intermediate Program of Metabolic Typing, based on over 20 years of empirical research in the exciting field of metabolic typing and the determination of individual metabolic requirements.

Everywhere you look, there are contradictions. Your friend tells you one thing. You read about just the opposite in a health magazine. And a hot new best seller at your local book store says something quite different altogether.

And, maybe you've learned from your own experience that what works for one person, doesn't help a second and can actually make a third person worse! How can there be so much confusion and contradiction about something that is supposed to be so good for you?
The reason is that 90% of the people talking about nutrition know just enough to be dangerous. They know that nutrition can be the answer, but they don't know how to use it properly. And, yes, it is a two-edged sword: If you use it properly, it can help make you well. But, if you use it improperly, it can help make you sick or keep you that way.

The wrong way to think about nutrition is that one diet is right for everyone!

The wrong way to use nutrition is the same way that you use a drug!!

You know. Take this nutrient for that condition. A magic bullet. One standard nutritional remedy for each problem that is supposed to work for everyone.
But, your own experience and all the contradictory books and articles that you've ever read aside from making the field of nutrition confusing, frustrating and sometimes downright baffling have already shown you that this approach doesn't work. And your common sense agrees. You know that you are unique! You know one shoe size doesn't fit all. You know that everyone is as unique as their fingerprints. So, why would anyone ever think that one diet is right for everyone? Or, that what works nutritionally for one person would work for another as well?

The fact is, you really can eat the best organic foods, exercise regularly, drink plenty of fluids, get sufficient rest, take the finest supplements that money can buy . . . and still not feel well, or even start feeling worse than before!

So, what is the answer?

The Answer Is To Find Out What Is Right
For You!

Not what some book says. Not what a friend says. Not what the latest fad says is right. You need to find out exactly what is right for YOU! A nutritional program that is tailored specifically for your kind of metabolism and that will meet the special and unique nutritional needs of the one and only you .

B O T T O M L I N E:
Unless you match your nutrition to your metabolism,
you'll only be wasting your time and money!
Where can you get that kind of information? . . .

For information on how to have your Metabolic Type analyzed and to find out what is right for YOU, simply Click here and then click on the 'BUY' button at the bottom of the page. Complete your VISA details using the secure server, and Dr. Georgiou, Ph.D.,N.D.,D.Sc will immediately send you the appropriate instructions to begin immediately.

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