That eating raw-foodists:
The most suitable food for humans are fresh fruits. Ideally, the fruit of the area in which you live. That fruit - the best food, it is important to change your mind on the general concepts that fruits - a dessert, entertainment, a bit of candy or cake. A basic food, yet it is called real or serious, it's potatoes, bread, meat, cereal, soups. On the contrary, fruit - a product that is best suited to us, is the nature and best nourishes our body. And all of the above just does not fit, the more used thermally processed.
Thus, the main food - fruit, dried fruit, dried in the sun, are also suitable raw fruit, vegetables, herbs, nuts, you honey, pollen of bee products, seeds, seafood. Slightly less suitable legumes, cereals even less, especially since they are difficult to eat raw, but you can soak and sprout better. Still eat dairy products, but they are even less suitable. A dairy-store does not fit.
Of course, our body is able to absorb and cooked foods, but they are not alive. Their assimilation spent more strength, and quality of cells and tissues is lower.
If you find it difficult to accept the idea of 100% raw food diet, try to make your diet consisted of at least 50% of the raw fruit. And of the remaining 50% were eating raw vegetables and fresh herbs. This is the release you from many health problems.
But the miraculous healing begins the transition to 100% raw food diet.
In terms of the purification of the body, fasting is more powerful raw food diet. After all, even with raw fruits and vegetables we can get to nitrates, pesticides, fertilizers, pollution of the soil. Only fasting can remove them and neutralize. A raw food diet - is the most high-quality food. Because food is a part of daily life, the effects of raw food sometimes surpass the effects of starvation.
To date, the small quantity of raw-foodists, although their number is growing rapidly. Force of society is largely based on food, variety of food dishes. Everywhere cafes, fast food outlets, restaurants, enormous supermarkets, grocery delis. More creativity in the culinary sophistication in a variety of foods. And more and more people's dependence on food. Often from unnatural and lifeless. Disease arising from poor nutrition, are also beneficial to society. After working industry pharmacology, pharmacy, doctors, artificial vitamins. Food - a profitable business. Various additives to foods often aimed at the formation depending on the food.
Raw food can also become a cult food. In this ego trap. It is important that this kind of power was a tool for living, not living to eat. If a person other than the food does not see the meaning of life, finds no interest, the raw food diet will help to prolong life. And joy in life will be a little bit.
It is important that the enormous power that comes with this feeding behavior was aimed at building their lives and the world around them.
Dignity of the raw food diet as that changes life in general, shifting priorities in life is soul-searching.
A healthy raw food diet, combined with fasting gives great magical results.
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