Sunday, January 13, 2013

The benefits of fasting

Польза голоданияDid you know that hunger prolongs life? Scientists have proved that fasting and healthy diet prolongs life and prevents aging and earlier emergence of cardiovascular diseases. Every time a person is moderately fast, in the human body produces substances that kill unwanted bacteria or simply cleaned bodies that are blocked by malnutrition.

When and how to use starvation?

Before fasting for any duration is advisable to prepare the body. The day exclude from the meat, eggs, milk, cream, cheese, all the flour and fat. It is best to eat fruits and vegetables. When fasting need to drink as much as you want, unless of course you do not gnaw "in the dry."

To get started, simply do not eat one day a week. It will be a great strain for your body, your digestive tract a rest from food and a little compressed, allowing you to continue to eat a little less than usual.

When the day fasting has become the norm well tolerated, we can move to 2-3 days fasting. The body begins to clear out the toxins and infections.

With longer fasting 3 to 10-day there is a deep cleansing, leaving the excess weight.

For the treatment of various diseases fit 21-25 daytime fasting. Long-term (30 days or more), fasting has been used successfully in the treatment of obese, ulcers of the skin and mucous membranes, skin rashes and eczema.
The best period of fasting - in the summer when it is hot and there is no desire to eat. Catch the moment and take advantage of this chance. Important not to forget the hot sultry weather, drink plenty of water (2-2.5 liters).

Is very important to get out fast. If you are starving one day, the next day, start with the cleaning of vegetable salad and removed from the menu animal products, flour and sweet. As it is necessary to leave the 2-3-day fast.

Exit from prolonged fasting lasts from 1 st to 2 weeks. The transition to a normal diet should be gradual. The first two or three days, drink juice, then go on a grated fruits and vegetables, then include in a diet nuts, beans and bread. Two weeks (not before) back to a normal diet.

When you exit the fast is very important to observe moderation, not immediately pounce on anything that is found in the refrigerator. Clearly, in this case, the whole effect of the procedure - down the drain, plus some unpleasant consequences.
What is the use of starvation?

After a while you will feel the lightness in the body, and will not want to eat food all the time. Of course, first of all do not forget to watch what you eat and when you do it. For your body needs protein and vitamins, but it does not mean that at night you can get up and eat a piece of fried legs. Protein can always be replaced with nuts, beans, and other vitamins in fresh fruits and vegetables. Try to erase from your diet bad food, which not only benefits the body, but also hurts him. After the correct fasting your body healthier, and you will notice, as happened in the rejuvenation of your eyes.

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