When Manek came to the U.S., the local researchers found that this Indian and in the case can not live without food. Carefully examined all physiological parameters of his body - the experiments conducted by Dr. Patel from Jefferson University. But no. Everything was normal. Someone once say that about such things, we have already heard, but either a pathology or another hoax. Well, in fact - we are not plants! Can a human body to turn into some sort of light-sensitive cells and transform sunlight into energy of his own body? Indian Hira Ratan Manek says it is - a very real thing. "We, the people who live mainly by secondary solar energy that we require, and to use the plants, because their growth and development are completely dependent on the Sun" - said Manek. All you need to do - is to learn to absorb solar energy directly from its original source. And he did it.
Manek was born in 1937. Became a mechanical engineer. He had quite a successful service career. But then came the feeling of meaninglessness materialistic aspirations. In 1962, almost by accident (or accidental nothing happens?) He came to the ashram of Sri Aurobindo called Pondicherry. The woman continues the work of Sri Aurobindo after his death, looked at the mannequin and said, "You must carry on the ground solar energy to help the Higher reason descend upon mankind." For a while he did in this direction did not. But then, much later, met a man, endowed with special powers and a lot of knowing. He looked at the crowd, and his eyes fell on a mannequin. And the man told him the same thing as the women in the ashram. But really at Manek know what he should do. He walked barefoot for a long time in the sun but learning all that, it seemed, could be relevant to his intentions. And then suddenly began to notice that all the food it needs less energy and it only increases.
One day he came to my mind that solar energy should be addressed directly to the brain. How? Through the eyes. He began cautiously, step by step, to accustom his eyes to direct sunlight snow. Physicians, which Manek asked for help, have expressed an interest. And when asked if he was ready to sacrifice a year of their lives in the cause of science, he replied, "yes." He left the family (with their consent) and devoted himself entirely to research. They were held at Ahmedabad (Gujarat). It was decided that Manek starve year - 355 days. But when that time has passed, he decided to continue the experiment. So he spent 411 days without food. However, this was not the first long fast. In the previous case, where a dummy did not eat 211 days, he first lost so much weight - 41 kg! A blood sugar dropped to 43 units. Medicine says that the figure is below 50 should not go down - it is dangerous. Even then, he did not lose muscle mass. Now, after 411 days of fasting blood sugar level was normal as, indeed, all other indicators of health.
MD Neurologist Sudhir Shah was one of those who carried out this unique experiment, and he says that the whole medical team relentlessly followed the subject, leaving it unattended even for a minute - day or night. Its isolated, placed in a separate box, not given to communicate privately with his family. And February 14, 2001 experiment ended. All the while, Manek drink only boiled water, and then only from 11 am to 4 pm, and - no food! Health all he was all right. During this time, many scientists had a chance to wonder. For example, a 401-day hunger Manek own, without any help (hoti around was about 500 fans and followers), climbed a mountain Shatrundzhay (Palitana), and did it in just half an hour. Is not that astonishing?
Now came a particularly difficult moment - for physicians - had all somehow explain. It is not in the Himalayas, this was not some sort of a jungle, and in the big city, in a modern hospital, in front of doctors, religious leaders, journalists, and scholars. But scientists know very well what happens to the body during long absence of food. First, the body uses carbohydrates. Then there are ketones in the urine. Burned proteins. The body draws from all of its store-fats, and eating them. But even before that person becomes gloomy, irritable, his logic and sober thinking pass. All vital parameters are reduced, and in 8-10 weeks is a threat of physical existence. Here there was nothing of the sort. Normal intelligence, good health, no depression. What can there be an explanation? Religious motivation? This is important, but the physiology is physiology. Maybe this person is genetically different from the rest, he has a different phenotype? Or he really makes energy from solar and somehow dispose of it in your body? There are several hypotheses, and specialists will answer many questions. Just say that to some of these answers are not found even today.
Still, something interesting is already known. In the so-called chronic adaptation to starvation (after about 16-30 days) metabolism and actually slows down. Cells of the body are only oxygen and water. In the brain centers of hunger are suppressed, but the active centers of satiety, saturation. People adapt and can lead normal activities, consuming only 500-600 calories. But maybe Manek indeed "Solntseedy"? After all, the same people have learned to build a solar-powered devices and a variety of mechanisms - heaters, stoves, even cars. So, maybe, and the body can become a sort of mechanism that works as a solar battery? The entire plant life thrives on chlorophyll and photosynthesis. If a person still need to figure out whether or not he receives solar energy through the body or is it through the "aura" of his body, which is sort of the modulator. More research is needed here. And if through the eyes, what in this case is the light sensor? We can assume that the retina. Or the pineal gland - the so-called "Third eye." Their cells, obviously, are a kind of photoreceptors. However, if this process actually involved the pineal gland, its activation may serve as a regulator, fine tuner to the entire endocrine system. Due to melatonin it regulates circadian rhythms, sleep-wake cycles and also slows down the aging process. The pineal gland also inhibits the growth of some tumors called metastasis. It has a stimulating effect on the immune system. And due to serotonin and it is involved in mental activity, including associated with extrasensory perception.
What is this tiny gland? Normally its size - only 6 mm to 8 mm. When done scanning dummy, it turned out that he had the size of the gland - 8 mm to 12 mm. That is, it greatly increased! More precisely, this 66-year-old man is of a size which is really Honour in their twenties. Size, however, by itself is not enough to hyperfunction. Need to check the hormone - melatonin and serotonin. These studies also should be with all diligence. And the skin? Did she not involved in the collection of energy? Maybe the so-called Acupuncture points and leaving them channels - a sort of "antenna"? If they can step up acupressure and acupuncture, so, perhaps, the influence of the sun, too? Solar energy take a water, earth, plants, animals. Maybe when a person walks barefoot on the ground, it takes up there and some of the accumulated solar energy? But where is it about this case is collected and stored? There is also still need a special study on the role of the frontal lobes of the brain, the limbic system, medulla oblongata. Maybe, as time is the medulla and is a "warehouse" store?
Sudhir Shah told reporters: "What we encountered in this case - is still not absolute scientific fact, but only developed a hypothesis. However, we believe that we face - the case of permanent adaptation syndrome, in which the fasting period of 16 to 30 days, the decreases in energy demand. This is achieved by switching the mechanism of receptor regulation. Simply put, you can get used to everything, including an empty stomach. Sudhir Shah does not exclude that in the process of this adaptation may be enhanced by the frontal lobe of the brain apparently responsible for psychic activity. Produced something like a sixth sense - the body's ability to regulate itself. Boc other brain regions including the pituitary gland, the medulla oblongata, or undergone any changes. other words, man is not from hunger grows dull, and rather the opposite - it becomes a free creative. When journalists tried to find near the dummy as it came to man in the head - nothing is - he says he does not, he invented this method. All this has been known for a long time, but people have forgotten the ancient wisdom. It is time to remind them of this.
Who can deal with this method? Yes any. No restrictions - no age, no race, no religion is not here. Do not have to drastically change your lifestyle, do not hold a debilitating hunger - all will come by itself. If it comes. And those who are not on their own after the training, they should quit. Such cases happen. But now more than 25,000 people around the world practice this strange system - people stare at the sun. And many of them already knew what benefits it gives. It is important that everything be done wisely. Suppose, in the first day you looked at the sun for 10 seconds, the second - 20 in the third - 30, etc etc. Or maybe you started out with five seconds, then 10.15, etc. The main thing - in any case, not to torture your eyes, or you may damage the retina. And even more important - the inner spirit. Visualize how the sun's rays enter our eyes, then - in the brain and the rest of the body. And ask about the light, that all this - only for the benefit of, for the sake of health. Then no harm will be done. After all, what truly believe becomes a reality. In the sunlight is, the entire spectrum of the rainbow, so that at the same time it is as if light and color therapy - if any body color tone was not enough, they will be filled. Is very important to believe that diseases are healed, and the cosmic energy you "feed", as it nourishes your strength and your body.
After about three months, you can already see the sun for ten minutes at a time. And odoleesh all fears. It could be a fear of death or illness. The fear of an uncertain future. In general, mental disorders should be gone. For example, stress. Or depression. By this time away mental stress, as well as many of life's problems. This is important in itself. If the case was your goal, you can stop here and not to increase the residence time in the sun.
If you metish above, continue to add a few seconds a day. After six months, ie after about 10 days, you can have without any tension to stare at the light for about 15-20 minutes. Physical illnesses have disappeared by this time. Breaking the 15 minute barrier contemplation of the sun, you will notice that your appetite is starting to fade.
"This is a victory over hunger, not its suppression," - says a supporter unusual diet. When a person is able to look at the sun for 30-35 minutes in a row, his brain will develop a specific ability to maintain the solar energy and store it for future use. After another three months, in the final phase - 270 days - you can contemplate the sun for 44 minutes. Do not exceed this limit! During this period, the need for food will disappear completely, you will not be feeling hungry - it will go by itself. Opens a number of special features - the ability to visualize images or states, the ability to see auras and colors, etc. On this one could very well stop, ie daily look at the sun is not necessary. Why? Because, according to Indian researchers, solar energy, as it were, "paving the way" from the eyes to the brain and begins to "stored", that accumulate in every cell of the body. When the charge all the cells, the need for regular sessions eliminated. Need only periodically "recharge" your body. But how is this same charging?
"All that is required of us, it is a daily walk barefoot in the sun for 40-45 minutes," - says the enthusiast. He adds that the only way to achieve complete inner freedom and get rid of physical and mental ailments. Psychosomatic diseases caused due to stress, will be forgotten nightmare. But more importantly, the energy around you is formed crown. As more and strengthen the invisible protective cocoon of all diseases will retreat. Even the arch-enemy in front of you will be powerless, he simply can not hurt you! Manek said that we spend enormous energy to digest the food absorbed, as well as the fact that the brain could solve a lot of mental problems. If you forgive, not zhresh everything and internally calm, energy demand is immeasurably reduced. According to Maneka, in India alone, he knows at least 17 people who do not eat for five years or longer. And some people do not eat anything for 20 years or more. In total, more than 200 of the world. And thousands more go the same way.Which in this case should caution? First, not to increase the time of visual contact with the luminary by more than 10 seconds per day. Second, do not exceed the limit of 44 minutes, ie do not try to look at the sun for longer. Third, periodically show the eye doctor: it is important to watch out for risk of any violations. Manek insists that under the sun to stand barefoot on the ground. No concrete, stone, tile and even grass - just bare earth. You can stand on the sand, on gravel, on a dusty road. Or, say, on the site for baseball. But not on the roof of the building and not on the balcony. And the legs should not be shoes, sandals and even light. Simply put, the bare feet should be in contact with the bare ground. A place where you take a sun bath, should not be obscured. Outdoors, preferably held in the morning hours - just after dawn, and the last hour before sunset. That is, if the sun gets up, say, at 7 am, and sits down at 6 pm, the best time to "recharge his energy * - is from 7 to 8 am and from 5 to 6 pm.
At first, you should not stare at the sun staring - one need only look as if barely. Should be relaxed, in a state of relaxation. You should not strain the muscles of the eyes or face, but if you want to squint or blink - well, blink. Only then, as the addiction, people gradually learn to look without blinking. Of course, the eyes are different. If you have (or any) eye problems, Manek advises to switch to another mode: just look at the sun for about a second, then close your eyes and still see the sun called "Third eye" (the Ajna Chakra between the eyebrows), ie mentally. When the image of the sun disappears, open your eyes and look again at the sun just for a moment, as if memorizing it. Close your eyes and repeat everything. Do this exercise until the image of the sun will not be saved to the inner eye, and for 5-6 minutes at a time. By that time, medical eye problem has disappeared. You can gradually move to a normal practice.
For the very lengthy post Maneka has not only scientific, but also a religious significance: "All these attempts to invent a microchip and embed it in the human brain, so it can store a lot of information and it is better to remember, is ridiculous - says Manek. - After all, we do not use even ten percent of the capabilities of the brain. But if you keep at energizing, our opportunities increase many times. Pee fact, enlightened consciousness - in the spiritual sense - is exactly ctoprotsentnoe use your own brain. " Maneka studied by Dr. Anil Patel, an expert on Ayurveda and general treatment plant facilities, advocates for the creation of so-called itegrativnoy medicine Why, for example, it is imperative to walk barefoot on the earth? Sharpen that are projected on the foot all the organs of the human body. This, in fact, built and reflexology. And Dr Sudhir Shah strongly recommends checking the retina, and in general to start such experiments on themselves only with the help of doctors. However, he says (as a possible option to help people), the cloning of Maneka and use his genes.
Because no one knows the causes of obesity, and perhaps all in the genes? So for a full examination of the "phenomenon of HRM" requires the involvement of geneticists, biologists, biochemists, and TE MD Maury D. Presman of Filadelifii writes that we, that is, humanity, it is hoped to reach new milestones, learning to manage mental, magnetic and solar energy. It may even become a new, more perfect race - in the spiritual and physically. In this case there will be no need for a gradual scalpel and chemical medicines. In short, this experiment looks promising, but, you see, it begs some questions. It is unclear, for example, if all people are able to equally benefit from these procedures, and if not, who is more receptive, and who - less? Are there those who do not will be able to fed from alternative energy sources and "doomed" zhevat?
Arises purely our Russian question: what is it - to walk barefoot for 45 minutes, if the street is not an Indian sun, and fierce Siberian frost? And finally, what NASA hopes, as she imagines the astronauts walking around barefoot on the bare ground - in space? And yet, you see, that's interesting. If you configure the fact that it is possible to live without illness and suffering, and the morphology of your cells should be capable of re-programming, resilience. Either you're a slave to his body, or his master. And if we do not eat anything that grows, running, swimming and flying on the planet, if stop devouring themselves and each other, the earth really become a paradise ...
Hira Ratan Manek, Solntseedy since 1995. (India)
Information from the official website of Hira Ratan Manek
About Hira Ratan Manek
Hira Ratan Manek was born on September 12, 1937 in Bodhavad (India), later moved to Calicut, Kerala (India), where he received his degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Kerala. After receiving the academic title he worked in the shipping industry for as long as retired in 1992.
After the withdrawal from there he began to explore and study the ancient practice of looking at the sun, which had interested him since childhood. It was old but forgotten method, which was used in ancient times in many parts of the world.
After working on this method for 3 years, HRM was ready to re-open the secrets of looking at the sun. In learning this method, most of it inspired by the teachings of Lord Mahavira Jains, who also practiced looking at the sun 2600 years ago. Another inspiration for the HRM was the information solntsesozertsanii the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans.
July 18, 1995. Hira Ratan Manek live only by solar energy and water. Occasionally, according to the custom of hospitality or social reasons, he drinks tea, coffee and buttermilk. To this day, he had three strict fasting, during which he lived only by solar energy and water, and was under the control and supervision of the various scientists and medical teams.
First post lasted 211 days in 1995-96 at Calicut (India) under the leadership of Dr. Ramachandran, a medical expert on allopathy and ayurvedic medicine.
Then there was the post in 411 days in 2000-2001 in Ahmedabad (India), led an international team of doctors and scientists in the 21 people, led by Dr Sudhir Shah and Dr. KK Shah, at the time the current president of the Indian Medical Association. Dr. Maury D. Pressman also described the experience of studying the phenomenon of HRM in an article he later gave the group to follow-up for HRM.
Following the findings of the study in Ahmadabad, HRM was invited to Thomas Jefferson University and the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, where he passed the 130-day period of observation. This medical team's objectives were to examine his retina, pineal gland and brain. Leaders of the study were Dr. Andrew B. Newberg, a distinguished authority
in the field of brain research, recently starring in the movie "What signals do we know", and Dr. George Bernard, a leading authority in the study of the pineal gland.
Initial results showed that the gray cells in the brain HRM restored (recovered). 700 photos were taken, which showed that the neurons are active and do not die.
Moreover, the pineal gland HRM was increased in volume, and the volume it did not decrease, as it usually happens after 50. Its maximum average size is about 6x6 mm with respect to HRM, its size was 8h11 mm.
There were many other practitioners looking at the sun, which reached similar results, and volunteers were called for examination, but due to lack of funds and other life limited studies of these people have not been documented.
The uniqueness of HRM is that he provided his living body for observation and scientific experiments luminaries of science for a long time, several times.
Despite the fact that scientists and doctors agreed that hunger has declined, if not disappeared at all, due to the complexity of the various functions of the brain, yet they were not ready to explain, like looking at the sun has such positive effects on the human mind and body, further studies are still ahead.
In 2002. HRM spent more than 136 lectures in the U.S. and has been invited by many governments to help them understand the process, for which he created the International Center in Orlando (Florida). In 2003. HRM spent more than 147 lectures in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland), about 400 newspapers around the world published articles about him. In addition, many television stations broadcast stories about him, and recently interviewed him took the BBC World Service. In December 2003. HRM traveled to India for 4 months and 70 read lectures in different cities such as Chennai, Pondicherry, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Palitana, Dzhadhpur, Pali Balatara, Delhi, Chadigarh and others.
Lecture in New Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow and Chadigarhe was sponsored by the Foundation "The Times", whose leader S. Indizhayn was very interested in the global promotion of the phenomenon of HRM (Suryanamaskar).
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (founder of the Foundation "Art of Living Foundation" and "Surya Foundation" International Naturopathic Organization) and Salila Tiwari (Doctor of Indian Prime Minister Vadzhreidzhi) was also deeply interested in the dissemination of information about the phenomenon of HRM around the world. In the house of S. Tiwari ZTV conducted an interview with HRM and there as representatives of "Surya Foundation" removed detailed film about him. ZTV found this interview on March 25 in the "Hindustan Hamar" and repeat it a few times after a while. BBC World Service also re-broadcast an interview with HRM July 22, 2003. Other media from around the world reported on HRM, including media from Europe, Russia and other countries.
Now I get "Sunny Treatment Centers" (Solar Healing Center), supporting a huge group of practicing HRM-phenomenon (looking at the sun) around the world.
For those who want to learn more about the sun as an effective source of treatment, HRM recommends these books:
- "Light. Medicine of the Future" Jacob Liberman
- "The Healing Sun: Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century" by Richard Hobdeya.
Sun - the largest planet in our planetary system. The circumference of the sun is 109 times larger than the circumference of the Earth and the volume it can accommodate 1.3 million Earths. The sun is 150 million kilometers from the Earth and weighs in at 333 thousand times the size of Earth. In addition, 99.8% of the mass of our planetary system is the solar mass. The Sun constantly emits light clusters (50 thousand km long and 9 thousand km wide), each of which does a flight toward Earth at 200 thousand miles. Seeing all these great forces of the sun, it is not surprising that it inspired mankind throughout our history. It was honored with naidavneyshih times many cultures living in different parts of the world. Each civilization has its own history of it.
In ancient Egypt, the sun was worshiped as Ra. It was believed that mankind and the animals came from the tears of Ra. Pharaoh believed that he is the "Son of Ra". It was also believed that the death of the Pharaoh is reunited with his father, the Sun. The pyramids were considered stairway to heaven. Also believed that Ra travels across the sky in a boat for the night crossing the underworld. When the dawn comes the next morning, he defeats the evil Apep. He was represented as rising from the ocean of chaos to welcome the world.
In ancient Greece and Rome, associated with the Sun Apollo. In Mesopotamia - Shamash. The tribes of American Indians have many stories associated with the Sun. One of them is.
"Once upon a time there lived a selfish leader. He owned the Sun, Moon and stars and use them for yourself. World existed without any light. At the time there lived a raven who wanted to get the light and give it to the world. Raven transformed himself into a sheet and was swallowed by the daughter of the leader. She became pregnant and soon gave birth to a child. This child was none other than the raven. saw the child in the house of the leader of many packages which were crowded around, and started to cry because of them. chief was grandfather baluyuschim their grandchildren, and He gave the child the first bundle. This was a bag of stars, and the raven threw them into the flue. They quickly settled in heaven. child cried again, and this time the grandfather gave him a bag in which there was the moon. Again the child threw it into the sky. Slightly later the child began to cry again. So my grandfather gave him the sun, - the child quickly turned himself into a crow and flew through the window.'s wrong in this world, there was light. "
Science has proven the need for sunlight for growth and development, agriculture, health, and many other aspects of human life. Many myths around the world reflect a belief in the need for sunlight in the global scheme of things.
Indian mythology also understands the role of the Sun. In ancient times, it was regarded in India as the "Surya". According to Hindu mythology, Surya is responsible for the health and life, as reflected, perhaps, are the scientific views of our time.
Surya - is one of the main Vedic deities. He is depicted as riding through the sky in a chariot driven by seven horses. Amazing analogy between seven horses and seven colors of sunlight.
The practice of energy-based Native Americans. To obtain energy for the body, the indigenous Indians take sunbath by standing in the sun for 2 hours, the maximum opening area of the body to the sun, in those days, they did not feel the need to eat. They support themselves microfood from sunlight. When the clouds gather, we grustneem. When we see the sun, we feel cheerful and energetic.
HRM phenomenon is actually a rediscovery of the scientific ritual, which has been used for the treatment of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual diseases in ancient times. Ancient Indians called this practice Surya
Namaskar, the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of America - heliotherapy, Europeans - apollonoterapiya. The American people know the sun is also the name of INTA.HRM practiced scientific technique is that it extracts the energy for their life from the solar energy of the sun. Mankind is also using solar energy to keep the solar stoves, solar heaters and solar mobiles (machines). Similarly, HRM transforms himself into a solar machine that uses sunlight.
Traditionally, people eat secondary sources of energy, such as vegetables, fruits and other plants, the development of which is highly dependent on the sun. In that case - how to learn to absorb the energy from the source - the sun?
There is a scientific explanation of what happens when a person is working on this method.
Because the brain - is a powerful receiver in the human body, and the retina and pineal gland (third eye) have svetovosprinimayuschie cells and may be light sensitive organs, a sort svetoanaliza can occur with the Surya Namaskar. This process ensures that people all kinds of energy and vitamins, which is necessary for proper operation of the internal organs. In addition, beams with 7 colors contain cure for all diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, obesity, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer and others.
If people want to achieve peace in the world, everyone should be perfectly balanced mind. This method can also contribute to world peace.
HRM experimented with his body for three years, and through trial and error, invented this method. The method can be improved by anyone in any part of the world at any time of year. HRM is not a unique person, anyone can do it. Now thousands are using this method, and the results achieved. In Brazil, Australia, Germany, more than 3,000 people eat light. This revival of the doctrine as practiced for centuries. In ancient times, in the original it was a spiritual practice, now it becomes a scientific practice, which may be followed by any person, as will be described below. Day after day, this practice is becoming popular, and she became known as the HRM phenomenon.
Safe looking at the sun
The practice of looking at the sun usually takes a period of 9 months. You can split the practice into 3 phases: up to 3 months 3 to 6 months 6 to 9 months. Throughout the period of practice and rest of your life you have to walk barefoot daily 45 minutes.
Food forces us to inflict maximum pain to others and exploit them. Solntsesozertsaniya practice involves looking at the rising and the setting sun one time per day only during the safe hours. Safe hours - this time for 1 hour after sunrise and 1 hour before sunset. During these hours your eyes will not be applied any harm. Scientifically proven that it is currently free from ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) rays that are harmful to your eyes. To determine the time of sunrise and sunset, you can watch your local newspaper, which also usually indicates that the UV index over the period of time equal to 0. Both periods are good for practice, which one to choose - up to you.
Looking at the Sun has an additional advantage - people within a 1-hour safe period of time to get vitamin A and D. Vitamin A is essential for eye health, and it is the only vitamin that is needed eyes.
If you have problems with your vision, you overcame the sun, there is the effect on your eyes, that vision improves and you begin to see better without glasses.
For those who at first can not look at the sun in a safe time, an effective method of obtaining solar energy at a slower pace is sunbathing - as long as they start to looking at the sun. The best time for taking such baths - a time when the UV index is 2 or lower. Such an index is usually seen within 2 hchasovogo period after sunrise and before sunset. Recommended to avoid sunbathing during the day throughout the year - except for the winter months, when the UV index usually is 2, which is a sign of safe period for sunbathing. To be sure, check your local newspaper and look at the data on the UV index.
When you practice this ancient method, do not use sunscreen. Body, warming in the sun, sweating. Pot - is a waste, unnecessary body, slag, from which it gets rid of. When the skin is covered with a cleansing milk or cream under the sun, they are reborn and chemicals come into adverse reaction with your skin. We mistakenly believe that the sun to blame for skin cancer, but in fact to blame for our ignorance and criminal misuse of sunlight.
Up to 3 months
On the first day, see the Sun up to 10 seconds to secure the clock. On the second day looking for 20 seconds at the rising sun. Increase the time by 10 seconds each day. Thus, the end of 10 days you'll look at the sun 100 seconds (1 min 40 sec).
Stand barefoot on the ground.
You can blink or squint. Do not hold your eyes open, with no movement, let them move naturally.
When looking at the sun, do not wear glasses.
Why do not you look at the sun instead of the TV? The radiation intensity of the TV is much higher than the rising or setting sun. If you can watch TV for a long time, then you can and at the rising or setting sun look safe.
Believe that the sun or the light enters your eyes, giving you the benefit and absolutely no harm. This idea will help you get good results quickly. Even if you do not think so, it is still positive results will be - just what you are looking at the sun, but the time it will take a little longer.
It is not necessary to rebuild their normal daily food intake - it's not necessary. No food restrictions are required. You can enjoy the food as long as the practice looking at the sun. Over time, hunger disappears by itself.
Well look at the Sun at the same place at the same time every day. Such follow circadian rhythms gives the advantage.
If you pray, read, if desired, any prayer of your choice. No specific actions, rituals and special requirements while looking at the sun is not present.
As a precaution, check your eye doctor. It would be good to do this periodically.
After 3 months of practice, you'll be looking at the sun for 15 minutes. If you can watch TV 3 hours, how much more so you can look at the sun.
What happens when the time reaches 15 minutes solntsesozertsaniya? Solar or sun's rays passing through the eye, charge hypothalamic tract, which is after the retinal path leading to the brain. When the brain receives the flow of energy in this way, our "mozgyuter" is activated. One of the programs laid down in the brain starts to work, and we begin to implement the changes that will enable us to get rid of any mental stress or anxiety.
As we gain confidence to meet life's challenges bravely, this is due to the development of positive thinking instead of negative. Moreover, as soon as psychosis disappear together with our other psychological problems, we will be fearless, courageous.
So, it was a description of the first phase of the method, which lasts approximately 3 months.
People have good and bad qualities - as two sides of the same coin. In the absence of sunlight we develop bad qualities. When the brain is sunlight, begin to show good quality, replacing the bad.
Over time, even spiritual ignorance goes away. Sometimes you confused by what you hear or read. You get conflicting information, for example, "red wine is good" and "bad spirits." You are confusing the problems of life, and decisions can be abhorred. But after 3 months of looking at the sun you will develop a sense of confidence and will
to know the answers to the spirit level, spiritually. Balance of mind manifested in the fact that you are in a position to give yourself the answers - the correct answers. You develop the skills that you originally laid in nature. Bad qualities disappear, anger, greed, jealousy leave you. You become a perfect God's creation. People like you. You do not do anything
bad. If you think positively, you have no fear, you will not harm or pain to another. You will become a compassionate person. And this change in you will significantly contribute to world peace. These positive effects will eliminate problems and losses in society. We will not suffer losses, because the opportunity to go away for the loss occurred. After 3.5 months, everything will change.
Disappear depression. Psychiatrists concluded that sadness and grief due to a lack of sunlight. If you look at the sun, no depression does not arise at you throughout the course of life. You will achieve great internal balance. Away the fear of death. You will reach the point where death will be easy and joyful to be perceived by you.
No matter what happens, you'll be able to let it go. There will be no worries. Each of us has some psychological problems, they can be considered the biggest human problem. However, they can be eliminated using the proper sunlight.
3-6 months
Next, begin to heal physical ailments. 70 to 80% of energy from food consumed by the brain and is used as fuel for stress and anxiety. When reducing the psychological stress the brain does not require the same amount of energy as before. With the practice of looking at the sun psychological stress decreases and the need to absorb the food disappears.
When the duration of looking at the sun reaches 30 minutes, you will slowly begin to be released from physical illness due to the fact that all colors of sunlight will enter the brain through the eyes. The brain controls the flow of color prana inherent to the authorities. All the internal organs get enough of the required color prana. Vital organs are dependent on the specific solar color prana. Kidneys - the red, heart - the yellow, liver - from green, etc. Color into the organs, eliminating any deficiencies. This is how color therapy - Reiki and Pranic treatment. There are plenty of available literature on color therapy. This is the process of liberation from physical ailments occurring in 6 months. After 3-4 months using self-hypnosis you can be cured of your physical ailments, for this use your imagination - when you look at the sun, imagine healing your ailments. Such scientific methods as the solarium, crystals, colored bottles, stones - they all utilize (use) of solar energy, which is stored in these natural materials. You can put colored minerals in liquids that you drink, - this will help speed up the healing process.
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