Sunday, January 13, 2013

12 simple tips from Porphyry

12 простых советов от ПорфирияDirecting minds of people on the path of unity with nature by improving the physical and moral qualities, PK Ivanov created and tested on itself a unique system, which is called "Baby." The essence of the system is reduced to the 12 specific recommendations, farewell. "Baby - Porfiry Ivanov said, - you are full of desire to benefit all the people. For this, you try to be healthy. Cardiac request to you, please accept from me a few tips to improve your health." Here are the tips:

1. Twice a day to bathe in cold natural water to make you well. Bathe in what you can: in a lake, river, bath, take a shower or hosed. This is your conditions. Hot bathing Complete cold.

2. Before bathing or after it, and, if possible, and together with it, get out into nature, stand barefoot on the ground, and in the winter the snow, at least 1-2 minutes. Breathe through your mouth a few times air and mentally ask myself and I wish all the people's health.

3. Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke.

4. Try at least once a week completely without food and water since Friday 18 hours to Sunday 12 hours. This is your contribution and peace. If you find it hard, keep at least a day.

5. At 12 am Sunday, move to the nature barefoot and breathe several times and think it is written above. This is a celebration of your business. After that you can eat whatever you like.

6. Love the natural surroundings. Do not spit around and do not spit anything out of myself. Get used to it - it's your health.

7. Hello to all and everywhere, especially with older people. Do you want to have around health - hello to everyone.

8. Help people than you can, especially the poor, sick, hurt, needy. Do it with joy. Respond to the need of its heart and soul. You acquire in him a friend and help the cause of peace!

9. Win a greed, laziness, complacency, greed, fear, hypocrisy, pride. Trust people and love them. Do not talk about them unfairly and not take to heart unkind opinions about them.

10. Free your mind from thinking about diseases, ailments, death. This is your victory.

11. The idea is not separated from the case. Read - good, but most importantly, do it!

12. Tell us and communicate knowledge of the case, but do not brag and does not raise it. Be modest.

P. Ivanov, said: "We must always be together with nature and with her natural connection to keep staring. Should have a love of nature, not a whim and anger, one time, the good and the other bad.'ll Be fine. Human nature will not be bad, and the nature - man. between them cease the struggle for existence - who wins, but would love to friendship, saving each other. People love the people, the war is no more. "

I wish you happiness and good health.

Porfiry Ivanov Korneevich.

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