Sunday, January 13, 2013

7 questions about pranoedenii

7 вопросов о праноеденииWhat is Prana? Why give up the familiar food and pass on Pranic Food? What gives pranoedenie? The answers to these and other questions can be found in this article.

What is Prana?

Prana - the energy of life. This is something without which life can not exist. Everything moves around because imbued with prana. The body moves as long as there is prana, and the movement stops when the prana leaves the body.

Prana is everywhere: in the air, in water, in space, in the earth, in all living beings.

Man is able to store energy of prana in itself. The more you have the energy of life, the more you are healthier, stronger, and happier. Prana is not worth wasting on nonsense. Particularly well Prana is wasted when a person indulges in sexual excess. If you can control your sexual energy, you are able to control his mind and prana.

What is all this? Why migrate to pranoedenie?

First you need to decide what we do here? What is our mission? What is my purpose?

Pranoedenie - is not the goal, it is a consequence. It's like amateur sports or exercise. You run in the morning or you go to the gym, get a lot of pleasure from the process. After a while, you notice that you become more powerful, beautiful and sturdy, and your work on a reward you health, that is engaged in for the fun, for the sake of the process, for the sake of sensation that occurs after training, and received: in good shape , strength, endurance, health, energy ... Many people are not aware of the "here and now", for many it is a simple word. Few people can meditate on his every action. Everyone always vokrut us is in motion, a person must learn to "see" it. If you are having a love for what you do, you are on the right track.

So it is with pranoedeniem. You're doing something, it is that business that you like to do, the work to which you like to do, your soul starts to sing with joy, with happiness, what do you do exactly be what you want, and pranoedenie - the result, but not the goal .

Each person has a purpose, through which, you quickly uncover own potential. Hobbies - perhaps it is your destiny. If you like math, then the path to the Nobel Prize will be much shorter than if you had more than anything loved to draw, and that is not unimportant - Nobel Peace Prize will be a bonus from your favorite activities. Conversely, if you love to draw, then you will be an outstanding artist to be easier than that who loves math.

A man plays the guitar, because he has enjoyed, and that it takes several years, and he becomes a star, though, and did not seek to do so. The game for the game, pulling the strings for pleasure.

Awareness - Who am I, why am I here, what talents and abilities I have there?

Determine the direction of - what I want to do, to make full use of their talents and abilities, and get the most out of their use.

Disclosure of their talents.

Enjoying a happy and harmonious life.

The main question - how to go to pranoedenie? Is there any method to go? Where to start?

First you need to determine what to pass over. There is no clear instructions on how to switch to pranoedenie, no clear mechanisms. There are many books on pranoedenii, with different methods of transition, but combines it all - making sense of own self

Yes there is a method, but it is a need to restructure their thoughts. That is, it's like vegetarianism: If you think that life without meat is not possible, then going on a diet without meat, you will get sick, grow old and eventually just go back to their previous diet. Noo, if your oznanie sees vegetarianism - health, a great body, a way out of any situation, you become a vegetarian, you still got it.

This is referred to as the method of transition to pranoedenie? So simple as to Vitaminka that give the cancer patient. He begins to believe in the miracle acting new medication and is recovering. So it is here, a man running a methodology for the transition to pranoedenie, believes that he is pranoedom. In this case, the transition mechanism acts as a catalyst. You can do without all that.

Where to start? With the raw food diet.

What changes occur in the body? Whether the weight is lost? Exercise.

Again, it all depends on your thoughts, the thoughts, and the body is.

Weight - again thought. The power of thought - strong "thing."

Pinnacle of spirituality. If there is such that there is nothing to do here pranoedu on this planet? That is, it's enlightenment, and death has not yet occurred.

Is "needenie" and "nothing to do" something to do? Everyone has their own purpose and it does not depend on whether you stick to pranoedeniya, vegetarianism or other "religion". Its potential as anyone can.

Any person can become a pranoedom?


That after pranoedeniya?

Even as a vegetarian or raw-foodists, people are still part of our ecosystem leading to the abyss.

Perhaps the topic should not be called "Why become pranoedom?" And "What after pranoedeniya?", And only a small part of the issue will understand how to understand it. This is not about the supernormal person, what it will be after pranoedeniya, but about what will happen to our world when people move to a new level. Earth will begin its rebirth, change the thinking of the whole person.

That after pranoedeniya?:

- Healthy People

- Healthy Land

- A new level of consciousness

- Kindness in all things and all

- Life will be changed in hundreds of years

- Pure consciousness

- Most importantly - everyone will do their work, so it is why he is here.

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