. From ancient times to the present day known special category of people, zealous adherents of the Christian faith, devoting his entire life spiritual development and sees the ultimate goal of "direct communion with God." These people have always believed that to achieve the desired unity can only be passed through at least after those sufferings, which took over the redemption of mankind his savior Jesus Christ. Rejection of the life of comfort, communication with the outside world and all worldly goods, brutal torture myself by fasting (bread and water once a day), prayers and prostrations, seclusion and asceticism, walking barefoot year round, wearing chains, etc.
Recently, however, is becoming increasingly common view that the acquisition of spiritual perfection is not necessarily linked to the assumption by the torture and suffering. It turns out, living in prosperity, joy and love, you can not only develop and improve their world, but also to provide their personal example is the impact on the people around them, which helps them to discover the true value of life and its hidden meaning.
Such a stance adopted for himself and a resident of Australia Dzhasmuhin, who devoted many years to the development of their spirituality and intuition. During deep meditation it is a vision of angels and spiritual guides have already completed the course of life on earth. Through contact with them, their wisdom Dzhasmuhin passes around and manages international companies that have a positive impact on the development of human consciousness.
For 20 years Dzhasmuhin was a vegetarian, and in 1993 did not eat any food, and is powered by the energy of light, learning it by prana, or "vital breath", which, according to Hindu belief, the support of the principle of life.
Dzhasmuhin lead the World "movement awakened public good", which aims at educating humanity in the spirit of kindness and concern for the protection of nature, the understanding of its basic needs. The first tip for her newly adopted society is: "If you still can not benefit, then, at least, do not do harm." Dzhasmuhin special care is the fight against hunger. It solves the problem, in particular, training people to eat ... the energy of light! In 1993, she had only a few dozen followers, now numbering several tens of thousands.
Dzhasmuhin - sweet, intelligent 49-year-old, looking completely exhausted or too frail. It is very easy to formulate and understand their thoughts, her message is always grab the audience, and in the voice of a sense of extraordinary warmth. Dzhasmuhin - very practical and open-minded person who tries to use in their education the best that can be found in the world's major religions. And, at the same time, it tells about the latest developments in science and, above all, medicine that can save people's health and salutary effect on improvement of the environment.
Dzhasmuhin sure that in the world there is one God, who for thousands of years are the people your various parties through such of his incarnation as Krishna, Buddha, Allah, Christ. The expression "not live by bread alone," she treats so that people can receive the necessary vitality to it not from food, but by the close and unbroken contact with God.
Our views and personal experiences Dzhasmuhin promoted at numerous seminars and press conferences in different countries, but in Germany, Switzerland and Austria, she visited several times. In February 2000, in London, is an international festival with the motto "Mind, Body, Spirit", whose program included workshops and Dzhasmuhin. She told the audience about the detailed three-week process of habituation of the organism to a state when the power is only on prana, and stressed that the achievement of this state is not an end in itself. Much more important is the spiritual insight, increase self-awareness and intuition. During the first two months of fasting person experiences a feeling of weakness, but then his strength not only restored, but also significantly increased. Dzhasmuhin warned that some people, particularly the lead a hectic life, to go to the food energy skylight can take months or even years of preparation. The first step is to switch to a vegetarian diet and practice a cleaning procedure. Finally Dzhasmuhin reported that women fed by prana, to have children, and that during pregnancy, they do not need to return to a normal diet.
At a press conference held after one of the workshops, participants were bombarded with questions Dzhasmuhin, including skeptical and even sarcastic. After one of these issues at the scene there was a pretty old lady and good English, but with a marked Polish accent said her name is Camille, in May 1999, she attended a seminar Dzhasmuhin, then read her book and decided to try it for yourself a new methodology. Camille moved to a remote monastery, where with great difficulty managed to force myself to go through the 21-day process of cleansing the body. Since then, its strength grows day by day. Camilla does not eat for nine months, however, feels great. "But I am already 79 years old," - she said the astonished audience. Finally Camilla invited all skeptics: "If you want, you can lock me in a room and keep it as many days, and then you make sure that a person can go without food and drink.
By Camille added that a few months ago, went to relatives in Poland. There, on the occasion of her visit was covered by a magnificent table. When she said that she does not eat, she, of course, did not believe and were reproached for refusing food, which was prepared for her. After all, she had something to eat, but the feeling at the same was as if the food somehow disappeared from her mouth.
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