Causes of Hair Loss
Causes of loss volosUznayte, if you have a problemHair loss - as a natural process, as well as their growth. Cells are constantly being updated, and fallen on the ground grows a new hair. This is the norm. In quantitative terms, the rate is dropped to 100 hairs a day. Check if you run out of this rule, you can use a simple test: not washed for three days his head handed grab a bunch of hair and pull.Do so at the temples, the nape and crown. If every time the number of hair remaining in the hand, not more than five, you do not have to worry about, otherwise - should take care to preserve their hair, especially if the hair has fallen during the inspection you will notice on the tip of his black bag. Its presence means that the hair falls out with the hair bulb, and you have the process of hair loss, because the bulbs are in place that fell nothing will grow.The main causes of hair loss
A number of serious diseases, which include diabetes, an increase in the adrenal glands, polycystic ovary syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, pneumonia, iron deficiency anemia, thyroid disease, etc. For them, the weakening and loss of hair - just a symptom.Therefore, the fight against hair loss should begin with a medical examination.
Androgenic alopecia, or an excess in the body of male sex hormone testosterone. Usually this occurs in adolescence, in women - during menopause and pregnancy. In this case, the protection of the hair becomes a serious problem, because the hormone treatment requires the participation of experts Trichologists.
Magnesium deficiency in the body. If, apart from hair loss you are worried about insomnia, nightmares, numbness, arrhythmias, severe chest pain, and brittle nails, it is very likely that your body does not have enough of this element. So does that help determine the spectral analysis of the hair. Top up your diet products containing a lot of magnesium, and unpleasant symptoms disappear. A lot of magnesium in nuts, black bread, poppy, soybeans, oats, cocoa, beans and peas, buckwheat, carrots.
Zinc deficiency. The lack of this element in the body is accompanied not only hair loss and baldness, and skin irritation, pimples and boils. Get rid of these symptoms will help oats and oatmeal, and bread and bran from wheat flour. Be sure to also include in the diet foods that are rich in vitamins A, B, E.
Spasms of blood vessels that violate the normal blood supply to tissues. Their appearance may be due to constant stress and frequent consumption of coffee. Blood circulation of the scalp worse from prolonged stress, constant wearing of hats, smoking, drinking holesterinsoderzhaschih products, physical inactivity and other factors that lead to a narrowing or constriction of blood vessels of the scalp.
Some drugs, among which is very popular: antidepressants, pills for high blood pressure, steroids, contraceptives, diuretics, and even aspirin. If you are assigned to the drug is contraindicated for use with hair loss, ask your doctor if possible to replace it with a neutral analogue.
Careless handling of hair. Especially guilty of this woman who is constantly using all sorts of dyes and brighteners of dubious quality, wigs and hairpieces, hair dryers and irons. Do not lag behind men, when they walk in the frost or the scorching sun with an uncovered head, steam room visit without special hats, combs are hard to damage the hair follicles, and the use of harmful hair shampoos.
Diet, teas and dietary supplements for weight loss. Together with the slag, they rapidly eluted from the body the necessary minerals and vitamins, but are often administered in a heavy metal. So while sitting on a strict diet, be sure to enter the foods in your diet with vitamins for hair, so that, together with the figure is not "lost weight" your hair.Ways to combat hair lossAs an effective means to combat pathological hair loss can be used as medicines, and many other available methods, including a head massage. It stimulates blood circulation and nutrition of hair roots. The easiest way to make him a massage brush with rounded ends of the teeth so as not to scratch the skin. Even more effective massage of the head with his hands, which must first rub the edge of the hair growth wrists, hands and then move radially from the periphery to the top and vice versa. Fingers during the massage, as it were draw circles, spiral or cross: up and down, left and right. Over the undulating movement of the auricle. The duration of the massage - 10 minutes twice a week. It is useful to combine it with a medical mask.As an effective means of hair restoration hair loss after the book "Life Without Drugs" VI Belova offered special massage beautician U.S. - a method of Margo. The author argues that its application leads to the growth of new hair with partial alopecia after 3-6 months, and in full - this takes years (from 1 to 5). Of course, provided that the capillaries of the skin of the head is not completely destroyed, and the hair follicles are able to regenerate.Massage is done with a towel every day for 5-10 minutes. Take particular care should be to handle those areas where the hair has thinned. When the massage head is tilted downward pressure on the skin of the average, after grinding should feel a slight numbness of the skin.You can slow down hair loss and by natural means:
rubbed into the scalp milled seeds of parsley;
wash your hair decoction of birch leaves;
rubbed into the scalp burdock, which is obtained at 10-day insisting ground burdock root for refined sunflower oil (100 g of dry root, and 300 g of oil);
with thin and brittle hair rubbed into the scalp after washing the juice of nettles;
an hour before washing rubbed into the scalp onion juice (you can with honey) or black radish, rinse without soap;
to eat before going to bed a little fresh onion;
drink as a tea decoction of horsetail (a handful of herbs in a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes) and rinse their hair after washing;
add water to rinse the hair of nettle juice;
instead of soap used for washing the hair soaked wood ash and actively rubbing her wet skin;
rinse hair after washing with infusion of chamomile or water acidulated with lemon or apple cider vinegar;
drink per day 1.5-2.0 liter of water to the hair cells contain not less than 13% moisture.
other means of hair loss.The best method is prevention and treatment of hair loss is a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.
A number of serious diseases, which include diabetes, an increase in the adrenal glands, polycystic ovary syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, pneumonia, iron deficiency anemia, thyroid disease, etc. For them, the weakening and loss of hair - just a symptom.Therefore, the fight against hair loss should begin with a medical examination.
Androgenic alopecia, or an excess in the body of male sex hormone testosterone. Usually this occurs in adolescence, in women - during menopause and pregnancy. In this case, the protection of the hair becomes a serious problem, because the hormone treatment requires the participation of experts Trichologists.
Magnesium deficiency in the body. If, apart from hair loss you are worried about insomnia, nightmares, numbness, arrhythmias, severe chest pain, and brittle nails, it is very likely that your body does not have enough of this element. So does that help determine the spectral analysis of the hair. Top up your diet products containing a lot of magnesium, and unpleasant symptoms disappear. A lot of magnesium in nuts, black bread, poppy, soybeans, oats, cocoa, beans and peas, buckwheat, carrots.
Zinc deficiency. The lack of this element in the body is accompanied not only hair loss and baldness, and skin irritation, pimples and boils. Get rid of these symptoms will help oats and oatmeal, and bread and bran from wheat flour. Be sure to also include in the diet foods that are rich in vitamins A, B, E.
Spasms of blood vessels that violate the normal blood supply to tissues. Their appearance may be due to constant stress and frequent consumption of coffee. Blood circulation of the scalp worse from prolonged stress, constant wearing of hats, smoking, drinking holesterinsoderzhaschih products, physical inactivity and other factors that lead to a narrowing or constriction of blood vessels of the scalp.
Some drugs, among which is very popular: antidepressants, pills for high blood pressure, steroids, contraceptives, diuretics, and even aspirin. If you are assigned to the drug is contraindicated for use with hair loss, ask your doctor if possible to replace it with a neutral analogue.
Careless handling of hair. Especially guilty of this woman who is constantly using all sorts of dyes and brighteners of dubious quality, wigs and hairpieces, hair dryers and irons. Do not lag behind men, when they walk in the frost or the scorching sun with an uncovered head, steam room visit without special hats, combs are hard to damage the hair follicles, and the use of harmful hair shampoos.
Diet, teas and dietary supplements for weight loss. Together with the slag, they rapidly eluted from the body the necessary minerals and vitamins, but are often administered in a heavy metal. So while sitting on a strict diet, be sure to enter the foods in your diet with vitamins for hair, so that, together with the figure is not "lost weight" your hair.Ways to combat hair lossAs an effective means to combat pathological hair loss can be used as medicines, and many other available methods, including a head massage. It stimulates blood circulation and nutrition of hair roots. The easiest way to make him a massage brush with rounded ends of the teeth so as not to scratch the skin. Even more effective massage of the head with his hands, which must first rub the edge of the hair growth wrists, hands and then move radially from the periphery to the top and vice versa. Fingers during the massage, as it were draw circles, spiral or cross: up and down, left and right. Over the undulating movement of the auricle. The duration of the massage - 10 minutes twice a week. It is useful to combine it with a medical mask.As an effective means of hair restoration hair loss after the book "Life Without Drugs" VI Belova offered special massage beautician U.S. - a method of Margo. The author argues that its application leads to the growth of new hair with partial alopecia after 3-6 months, and in full - this takes years (from 1 to 5). Of course, provided that the capillaries of the skin of the head is not completely destroyed, and the hair follicles are able to regenerate.Massage is done with a towel every day for 5-10 minutes. Take particular care should be to handle those areas where the hair has thinned. When the massage head is tilted downward pressure on the skin of the average, after grinding should feel a slight numbness of the skin.You can slow down hair loss and by natural means:
rubbed into the scalp milled seeds of parsley;
wash your hair decoction of birch leaves;
rubbed into the scalp burdock, which is obtained at 10-day insisting ground burdock root for refined sunflower oil (100 g of dry root, and 300 g of oil);
with thin and brittle hair rubbed into the scalp after washing the juice of nettles;
an hour before washing rubbed into the scalp onion juice (you can with honey) or black radish, rinse without soap;
to eat before going to bed a little fresh onion;
drink as a tea decoction of horsetail (a handful of herbs in a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes) and rinse their hair after washing;
add water to rinse the hair of nettle juice;
instead of soap used for washing the hair soaked wood ash and actively rubbing her wet skin;
rinse hair after washing with infusion of chamomile or water acidulated with lemon or apple cider vinegar;
drink per day 1.5-2.0 liter of water to the hair cells contain not less than 13% moisture.
other means of hair loss.The best method is prevention and treatment of hair loss is a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.
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