Hair Care
Care volosamiLekarstvennye herbs are widely and successfully used in folk medicine for hair loss caused by dry or oily seborrhea. In those cases where it is a genetic male pattern baldness (bald father is in the 30-35 years old, and a son the same age starts to go bald), the effect of herbal medicine is low.Accelerated hair loss may be due to either illness or lack of hair care, as well as dysfunction of the sebaceous and sweat glands of the head is dry and oily seborrhea.Of the diseases associated with hair loss, you must first remember about diabetes, thyroid disease and gastro-intestinal tract.In a normal healthy adult man on the head from 80 to 150 thousand hair lifespan of each hair from 2 to 4 years old on average per day falls about 80-100 hairs.Age-related aging of the scalp, as well as the skin, occurs more rapidly under the influence of cold, wind, heat and sunlight. Great damage to the hair in our climate brings fashion in recent years to walk in any weather with an uncovered head, from which the hair becomes brittle, dull and begin to fall.Tight hairstyles, frequent perming, use of chemical dyes, irregular and rare shampoo, in turn, contribute to the preservation of healthy thick hair.Regular use of various natural natural resources, including plant, strengthens hair roots and treats oily and dry seborrhea, cleanses the scalp of dandruff.The main thing for hair care - a regular shampoo. Otherwise, the decomposition of fat and sweat, increased proliferation of various bacteria, disturbed nutrition of the scalp, the hair becomes dull and greasy. It is believed that the head should be washed at least 1-3 times a week, even with dry hair. After the physical work in hot weather hair washed more frequently than in the winter.Vintage effective means to maintain the beautiful dense hair in Russian, Tatars and Bashkirs considered regular shampoo fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir, koumiss, acidophilus and katyk. Instructions for use as follows: once a week hair thick smear yogurt (or other listed fermented milk products), rubbing it into the scalp. For 20-30 minutes on his head wearing a rubber cap or plastic bag. Then wash the hair with warm water. If the sour smell remains, you can rinse your hair with mustard water.Shampoo (2-3 times a month) mustard improves circulation of the skin, promotes, and hair growth. To do this, 1 tablespoon mustard powder thoroughly dissolved in a liter of warm water. Mustard water is rubbed into the scalp for 20-30 minutes, put a rubber cap, then wash off with warm water and mustard.For the treatment of oily and dry seborrhea are an effective means of onions and garlic.Usage is simple and accessible to all. Once or twice a week in the scalp rub pulp grated onion or garlic (you can rotate the onion and garlic). Also, for 20-30 minutes put the rubber cap to enhance the action of onion and garlic to the hair roots. Then the hair is washed with water, baby soap or a good shampoo. The number of treatments 10-12 and over again. Usually by the end of the course abnormal hair loss stops.From herbs to strengthen the hair is also used burdock root, nettle, airny root, knotweed, trifol, horsetail, linden flowers, leaves, walnuts, hops, etc. Two or three times a week wash the head (from 20 to 30 minutes of exposure) burdock root extract of hops with cones, taken in equal proportions. To do this, take two tablespoons of the mixture is boiled for 10 minutes on low heat in a 0.5 liter of water. At the pre-washed hair causing warm strained broth, carefully rubbing it into the scalp for 20-30 minutes, put a rubber cap, then the hair is dried, without washing them with water. Data collection is suitable for any skin heads.
Finally, the well-known excellent for dry hair - is burdock.
Finally, the well-known excellent for dry hair - is burdock.
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