As a special raw food diet food concept took shape in the twentieth century. Contribute to the spread of the raw food diet are mass civilization diseases - obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Furthermore, it is in the last decade has a real opportunity to say loudly the public about existing alternatives in the diet. The media and the Internet was a wonderful way to share information and experiences in terms of the raw food diet.
As the public became more widely available data on such power, of course, that began to appear some people's ideas about the raw food diet, its benefits, the raw-foodists, that raw food is harmful. There are followers and opponents of the raw food diet. If the followers of more or less clear, the opponents may have different motives to oppose the raw food diet: to please the public (doctors, pharmacy, etc.) or self-interest (to justify their lifestyle or other personal reasons.)
Thus, the beginning of a raw food diet "cluttered" myths about what a raw food diet is dangerous, that he died from a lack of essential rawfoodist substances that raw-foodists birth disability. However, raw-foodists do not miss the chance of excess sometimes fantasize about what a raw food diet is useful and how they are useful.
The paper will not be considered a raw food diet theory in the form in which it is perceived adepts. More attention will be given to some knowingly false representations, proposed as a substitute for the existing knowledge or experience in terms of the raw food diet.
All the myths in their study were divided into two categories: the criticism of the raw food diet and the use of raw food. In this article, we consider the order of the existing ideas about the dangers of raw food. Will analyze the various contrived or exaggerated dignity raw food diet.
When considering some of the myths used quotes from the raw-foodists experience or similar items with minor editorial style and grammar.
The first myth. The human body requires a thermally processed food
Proponents of this approach is generally agreed that some of the cooked food can harm humans if they eat for a long time - fried, salty and sweet foods. But in general, do not agree that cooked food is not fit for human consumption.
Each time an example unfit raw foods used rhubarb, beans, sorrel, recognized even more poisonous in its raw form than any thermally processed foods.
Such statements may scare novice rawfoodist, but is it really raw-foodists eat only rhubarb, beans and sorrel? To be honest, have not heard from friends rawfoodist about such products in their diet. But if they have a place to be, this is one-time actions in nutrition.
On the part of raw-foodists can also sound assertion that cooked food - it is poison. But is today rawfoodist life ate non-poison? Why is he still alive? In fact, if you often repeat a phrase can be formed unconsciously fear of cooked food. This may at the psychological level has poison life.
The second myth. Raw food is harder to digest than cooked
Yes, we can agree with the opinion of what a processed food is easier to digest than raw. For example, starchy food. Starch is found in food, represented mainly rice and potatoes. Temperature treatment contributes to the destruction of the crystal structure of starch, which makes the products available for digestion. Also recommended the use of spices and fermented.
Raw starch is difficult to digest, but in general it can not be very hurt if you do not eat these foods in large quantities.
Again the question arises: Is there nothing more to rawfoodist except rice and potatoes? In fact, such products in raw form does not even cause appetite rawfoodist novice, they are unpleasant to taste. But for a more veteran rawfoodist raw potatoes sometimes seems delicacy.
The third myth. The man - a unique omnivorous mammal
It is understood that the man fit the meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, dairy products, cereals. It is believed that a healthy body is perfectly capable of digesting this food. But if the body is sick, he needs special food.
"As for humanity, so that it pleased God to man won in evolution. If a cow has won, she would eat people. And which of them sewed jackets, boots and pants. "
Indeed, very humane.
The fourth myth. Crude protein food toxic
This is true not raw beans, and nuts, seeds and legumes in general. Proponents of this approach - fruitarians - consider appropriate catering exclusively fruit. They also argue that the use of fruit for several months indicates that a person is not really adapted to digest seeds, nuts and legumes. Blame - the protein in these foods.
There are also views that prolonged exclusive fruit diet weakens the digestive system and protein food is heavy to digest. Indeed, the body quickly gets used monopitaniyu. And if you add a new type of food (in this case more difficult, although the plant), it takes time, so the body has adapted.
The fifth myth. In vitamin B12 deficiency rawfoodist
There are people who believe that vitamin B12 can be synthesized using vegan, and not really worry about it. What has problems with this vitamin they do not.
However, in order to justify their reluctance to eat natural foods for humans are prevalent opinion that it is impossible to switch to a raw food diet, or rawfoodist necessarily need to use the artificial production of food supplements with vitamin B12. Feel, who benefits?
We prove that if "... Improve the lining of the large intestine, to release him from the cavity of the fermentation and putrefaction, and to create a clean environment for the development and growth of E. coli, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli - our symbionts, ie friends. And they are synthesized for us a lot of useful and very necessary to life and health products: amino acids, of which the liver then build our specific protein structures, and not borrowed from a cow, chicken or pig (ie, the, the human "meat", and beef and pork is not necessary for the person). What is E. coli synthesize? B vitamins are involved in all the processes of exchange and, in particular vitamin B12 is necessary for red blood cells. Here again was not the only source you need this vitamin in food - animal protein, meat, liver, and so on. "
Addition, there is silent, vitamin B12 and its predecessors is in the grapes, pomegranates, beets and other red fruits and vegetables.
Myth Six. Spices are necessary in any case
"What a shame that many raw-foodists refuse spices just because of ideology. Spices used wisely, can maintain / improve weak digestion, and help to digest the heavy, cold, with a high water content foods, which are often used raw-foodists. "
That such an approach exists. It is believed that spices also have a number of medicinal properties.
But if you think about what other spices needed to oranges, whose bright aroma and flavor? What can be added to enhance the taste of homemade tomato or avocado? Nature is so taken care of their children, that no improvements to the natural taste any raw plant product and is not necessary. Giraffes and elephants are not looking for spices, and eat adequate food and enjoy life.
Myth Seven. Raw Food Diet - a sect
"Most of the addresses in the" faith "raw food through the Internet, read a lot of stories about people fantastically stronger and prettier on a raw carrot. Such, for example, the most famous in the Russian Internet rawfoodist nicknamed Raisin ... ".
Such public opinion helps to ensure that a few raw-foodists often perceived as sectarian.
This is easy to explain. First, most of the novice rawfoodist can hear loud agitation raw food diet, the slogans of the wonderful changes that have occurred in health and appearance after giving up cooked food.
Second, in the pursuit of fashion trend, people tend to fall into the extremes than heartily glad the others. Although they may cause tears. For example, Guy-Claude Burger, based on the raw food diet has created his direction - "instinktoterapiyu." Its essence is to eat, listening to the call of his stomach. Fans gathered before such a theory tables with lots of fruits, vegetables, fresh fish and meat. Each chooses a product on demand of your body, eat it to saturation. Tears or laughter can call that one "rawfoodist" managed in two days to eat 150 eggs. It is logical that such actions can be disastrous to health.
Third, raw-foodists for processed foods used the word "poison", "blyudomaniya" for ordinary food lovers - "blyudomany" (and this is not the most vivid expressions), for doctors - "grabbers", etc. And it really smacks of sectarianism, if society as a whole from its individual elements presented to such aggression.
Myth Eight. Raw food - a set of rules contrived
"Fantasy rawfoodist certainly do not hold, and that they need to pay tribute. Not only that, try to eat every day meals with euphonious name under which hides grated carrots or mashed cucumber! Want to have beautiful - to know how to cook. To do this, these followers make up their own rules: 1) the meat and vegetables are handled differently on the two knives and cutting boards, vegetables are washed with water and vinegar, and 2) the fish is served with lemon juice - acid degreasing and makes it digestible protein, and 3) no fresh food should stay in the refrigerator for more than two days, soaking should: dates, nuts, fruits, grains (not kept in water for more than 15 minutes., or nutrients are washed out) 4) germinated: grains, nuts, peas, lentils, and 5) were fermentation: nuts and seeds to get vegetable yogurt or cheese, 6) fruits and vegetables are dried in an oven at low temperature, with the door ajar, and 7) can be boiled potatoes, which in its raw form is toxic, and beans, which are difficult to digest intestine.
Read about the rules that approach raw food in one of the most popular articles on this diet and I can not understand why such information was invented?
The myth of the ninth. On the raw food diet is easier to cook
It is strange that there is such a general term such as "prepare" for the raw food diet. Why bother to cook, if everything is already "prepared" by nature? How else can you improve the taste of persimmon and tangerine with cooking?
And here is actually another very interesting of public opinion:
"Carpaccio, sushi, ceviche - the names of the mysterious, stylish and just as attractive. So you want to try something new, exotic and at the same time of course! Idea to eat something not heat treated fairly attractive. Why, in fact, no? Quick, easy, effective. And the culinary "troubles" are kept to a minimum. "
Again, raw meat and fish ...
Myth tenth. Before about raw food diet is not mentioned
I mean, that was said at the doctors and the public. But this is not to say that raw food was not!
If a person says it is, it just is not familiar with the theory of the raw food diet. Or just beginning to be interested in such a diet. There are books, even from the beginning of the nineteenth century, where the issue of raw food very thoroughly disclosed.
Now a little thought on the subject, whether the society is interested in healthy people? The answer is simple: "Yes!" It seems like it is clear that healthy people - the development of society.
But at this point there is a very subtle aspect: any society exists within a particular infrastructure, that is the system. Who is this system? It is an economic and political superstructure: food and chemical industry, agriculture, pharmacy, hospital, pharmacy, scientific research institutions, a network of trade stores, restaurants, cafes, etc.
And again the question: Healthy rawfoodist all this necessary? Why rawfoodist noodles or flavor enhancer, why meat, milk or wheat so, what remedy for heartburn, most doctors, restaurants, cafes, etc.? Nothing! Going into the regular grocery store, how many out there can buy rawfoodist? Maximum binding of green bananas or a couple of oranges. That's all.
However, raw-foodists do not need alcohol and cigarettes, which earned billions rawfoodist not need soft drinks, the production of which the corporation is in the world. Rawfoodist not need vaccinations, through which people implanted experimentally different diseases.
Who then would dare to talk about raw food diet? The same economic collapse not just national, but international level as a whole! And today we can see how people are given a "full" information on nutrition: in movies, television and radio broadcasts, Internet sites. What pronounced promotion of alcohol and tobacco is going on! On a raw food diet mass spread recently expressed very connected and doctors, whose authority to "bomb" the brain of the inhabitants about the essential amino acids and a heap of nutrients in the normal diet.
On the forums a lot written about the dangers of different raw food diet, there are increasing negative feedback supposedly seasoned raw-foodists are retrieved is not clear from the facts of the death of raw-foodists, birth rawfoodist disabled children about anorexia on raw food diet, etc.
If it goes further, it soon begins to criticize the president and raw food or administrative resources will be used on the import of fruit (elementary increase of tariff barriers on imports, non-tariff measures: licenses, quotas, informal constraints). May seem ridiculous, but at the time limited the import of Japanese tulip bulbs from the Netherlands, since they required checks on the quality of each bulb. Naturally, the expected cut each bulb. If the customs will check the number of seeds in each orange bead or how long they survive Slavic rawfoodist on carrots and potatoes?
Myth eleventh. Syromonoedenie - extreme fanaticism in the raw food diet
Proponents of this approach believe that "Not everyone has enough motivation and willpower for a sharp transition from the steak and biscuits on mono fruit and vegetables."
And not necessarily to make the transition to a raw food diet, including mono, at a time. During the transition to a raw food diet can be replaced with regular sweets dried fruit, cooking cakes or candies with nuts and dried fruits, dried bread to replace the dehydrator loaves of seedlings, cow's milk - milk with soaked nuts etc.
Myth twelfth. Rawfoodist need to have their subsistence farming or living in tropical countries
It is believed that raw-foodists in temperate climates or in Siberia there is no food, because today most of the imported fruits and vegetables full of dangerous debris. It comes to the point of absurdity, when the mother is ready to buy a child chips, but no tomato or orange. All epidemic of fear of nitrates and shy of fruit and vegetables in their raw form in winter. And let! Rawfoodist more will.
It is argued that "people used fire for cooking for thousands of years. Something eaten raw, but something cooked. If it was so simple, no one would bother with the collection of coal or firewood, and would eat raw. It is possible that the ice age has forced people to move to the heat treatment (meat). Perhaps the transition to agriculture, the cultivation of cereals. Just do not want to ignore the experience of our ancestors. If there was no need for heat treatment of it would have long since abandoned. "
Here is a mass spread on the need for thermal processing of food. In this case, people are not afraid of the problem is that not only fruits and vegetables, meat and sausages, fish, and milk is chemically contaminated to an extreme level of toxicity.
Myth thirteen. Raw food is much more expensive than the standard menu
The savings on raw food diet have not once mentioned in the previous articles. But to look at the bright example of the current prices for the products (to get the price of Russian rubles, multiply by 4). According to the latest data from the Central Market Chernihiv (Ukraine), a dozen eggs cost 20 home Rs., Milk - 20 UAH. per liter jar, cream - 14 UAH. for a half-liter jar, cheese - 28 UAH. per kilogram. Pork - from 40 to 50 UAH. per kilogram.
While domestic apples are sold at Rs 04.05. per dozen (about two pounds).While domestic apples are sold at Rs 04.05. per dozen (about two pounds). Pumpkin is worth a penny (3.4 UAH. Per kilogram), many domestic grapes, pears, greens, fresh seeds and nuts. To distribution centers can be bought much cheaper than in the central market, imported grapes, persimmons, oranges, etc. For example, avocado, 3-5 UAH. a little thing, persimmon - 9 Rs. per kilogram, ripe-ripe bananas - 3 Rs. per kilogram.
You can continue for a long time, but remember that "He who seeks shall find." In this case, either cheaper fruits or justification for conscience.
Myth fourteenth. People - paleosyroedy
This is generally a unique statement, suggesting that in order to achieve maximum health and physical comfort through nutrition and a healthy lifestyle is imperative to eat animal food, not subjected to heat treatment (including assumed syromyasoedenie). "This is the only food by keeping all of its biochemical properties can recover health, strengthen it and multiply" - believe pitaniya.Takzhe followers of this, they argue that because raw meat people can get rid of the disease, abandoned by modern medicine, bring back the joy of life . This food does not bring discomfort, effortless and gives great results.
I would like to see only one thing: how paleosyroed doganyaet victim and forage without additional devices, like their teeth (as compared with the teeth of predators) bites into living flesh and tears off pieces of meat itself.
Is this picture compared with naturalness vegan raw-foodists, eating fruit plucked from the tree?
Myths from doctors
Doctors generally believe that a raw food diet is common sense, but it must be either part of the normal diet (nutritionists recommend that the share of raw vegetables in the diet was not more 50-70%), otherwise the lack of nutrients can cause cystitis or other diseases . Doctors also believe that the main advantage of a raw food diet - it is a great supply of fresh vitamins and minerals, fiber, clean the intestines. In this way they explain the disappearance of acne, allergies, bad breath.
However, doctors are very concerned about the issue of failing at the raw food diet, because the transition to such a diet a person constantly feel hungry, which is bad for the nervous system. Doctors are also concerned about the process of purgation in connection with the restructuring of the microflora when rawfoodist really can not give up some time to the toilet. But this is simply accompany raw food crisis. Also on the raw food diet and the accompanying weakness - like only a matter of time.
Minus the raw food diet doctors also recognize the imaginary lack of complete protein and micronutrients, the ability to pick up a bunch of parasites and bacteria when feeding raw meat, fish and eggs. Relative inferiority of vegetable protein can talk for a long time, but more than one doctor did not answer the question: "Why do giraffes and elephants do not suffer from a shortage of animal protein?" But in terms of worms and pathogenic bacteria when feeding raw meat, fish, eggs, then doctors are right at 100%.
Nutritionists advise to limit the raw food diet in the summer at the cottage and frightening problems occurred after six months of such power. At will, according to the doctors, a healthy person needs is exclusively raw food only once or twice a week.
And what to do unhealthy people? Everything is very simple: in this case, doctors will conduct surveys and discharged a great recipe with a very clever name drugs. And forward, to help the prosperity of the pharmaceutical industry!
This article discusses only the most common myths and the dangers of a raw food diet. To be sure, the full paper was prepared for a wide range of readers, especially those who only thinks about the way of life or novice rawfoodist. Rawfoodist experienced more argument in principle not necessary, but helpful comments are always welcome!
It is clear that this explanation different myths are not disclosed all the problems of the raw food diet, is not formulated a response regarding the current issue of "raw food diet: benefits and harm," but many people already have the ability to think in relation to the credibility of many of the statements about the food.
In any case, the determining factor is the debunking of myths outlook of the person seeking the information: what people believe what they want from life, where does it go in your soul. If his soul to the Creator reigns Love, gratitude, appreciation, good humor - all the way open to man. He was not just a raw plant foods will assist in improving the health and well-coordinated work of the whole body at the level of each cell. Such a person does not have a problem with other people.
On the raw food diet is necessary to think about food, spend a lot of time to buy it, squeezing juice and dehydrogenation
Slightly paradoxical statement, because people think in any case that he eat. Except on the first raw-foodists often want to eat, so by all looks like rawfoodist constantly preoccupied with finding food. On the other hand, it is not always possible to buy fresh and ripe fruit, raw-foodists so many things and buying them in store.
Also, if you compare the time spent cooking borscht and salad, then definitely prepare salad is much easier than to cook soup. Syromonoedenie generally reduces these costs to the maximum: washed, peeled and eaten. Simple and fast.
Raw-foodists are broken and it is very bad
The breakdown of a lot of that is painted in the article raw food diet and breakdowns. But in general, this assumption is frightening possibility of failure and its consequences. Actually, the very failure of yet, but a subconscious fear for him already exists.
So, switching to a raw food diet has occurred. What happens next? Immediately there is a rawfoodist whirl of thoughts in my head: "Can I eat that?", "Do I have to harm another is the last roll?", "How soon can have a drink of water?" "Oh, never eat your favorite cake ..." "Oh, fell ... I am ashamed ..." etc.
Previously, people ate everything and did not bother, but now out of nowhere there were problems - so-called "failures." Comes the paradox: rawfoodist like trying to improve health with a certain lifestyle, but it is always in a state of stress due to built a cult of various prohibitions and regulations.
It is logical that the resulting negative thoughts and emotions, and the very raw food is dangerous in case of a simple breakdown. So the person can start to humiliate myself that it would be better and do not go to such a diet. Much easier to continually increase the proportion of live plant foods in the diet and to be myself.
When a person goes to a raw food diet with traditional foods, the body adapts to it as possible. Logically, a sharp transition from fried, greasy, meat and refined foods to raw plant foods cause discomfort. For the adjustment of the organism takes years, so we recommend an abrupt transition to the raw food diet is inappropriate. In this case, the concept of "failure" simply disappear.
All raw fruits and vegetables - GMO or stuffed chemistry
The fact that fruit and vegetable processing pesticides is a real scourge of our time. Humanity is highly perverted natural products breeding, fertilizers and chemical treatment.
But today not only fruits and vegetables stuffed with chemistry. Animal meat, which also feed plant food with pesticides, in fact, is the main source of exposure to the human body of harmful substances. And if the chemistry of the treated orange digested by its own enzymes, the cooked meat involves additional energy costs of the body.
Also, many raw-foodists today have decided a question about growing their own food due to move to their own land, using organic farming techniques. The alternative - a temporary relocation or travel to tropical countries, where the chemical processing of fruit and vegetables in principle abolished.
Thermal processing enhances the benefits of products
When it comes to beans, then, yes, only beans cooked perfectly edible. Otherwise, it is poisonous.
However, many researchers argue that enhance the action of lycopene (phytochemical element contained in fruits and vegetables, red, pink or orange in color and protects against cancer, high blood cholesterol and hypertension) it helps to heat treatment. As an example, always gives tomatoes, lycopene, which increases considerably during cooking, conservation, etc.
The scientists are right about the increasing number of the element. However, because no quantitative index, and quality is important to assess the value of nutrition. In addition, today launched tomato varieties of healthy life (other names - Health and Medical). This variety of tomato has a high level of lycopene in a raw form, which clearly defines its exceptional therapeutic and prophylactic properties that lower cholesterol in the blood, preventing the development of atherosclerosis and certain cardiovascular diseases. Human consumption of tomatoes promote healthy kidneys, liver, prostate, stomach and breast cancer. But this is a special kind of tomato, the most useful for people with traditional food.
Each rawfoodist do realize that if eating raw tomatoes all grades with the skins, the lycopene body will always abound. In addition, the recovery will be done in any case, because of what cholesterol is not formed by raw food diet.
Raw food diet does not provide the full realization of potential nutrient
In general, this position is typical for supporters of Ayurveda, and he believes that the impact of Agni (heat) can transform nutrients of vegetables in a digestible format.
It is also believed that the tough, rough and cold food increases Vata energy, so that raw-foodists face dry and rough skin, easy exhaustion, poor ability to concentrate, poor digestion. Therefore, proponents of Ayurveda believe that raw food should not exceed 25% of the diet.
This is very interesting, but, above all, for vegetables, that really can be fibrous, rough, hard digestible or trite taste good without a heat treatment. Another thing, if it will be about fruit: fresh and ripe, the level of learning that an order of magnitude easier and higher.
All raw-foodists evil and aggressive toward other people
In the minds of many people who met in their lives rawfoodist, formed an opinion as to whether persistent aggression in raw-foodists. Not only is the public perception of the image rawfoodist helps to ensure that the raw food diet is antipathy and rejection in the community as a sort of sectarian dogma.
However, to say that it is all evil and raw-foodists are aggressive toward other people, too, is not true. Of raw-foodists have different people: good-natured and aggressive, gentle and proud. Moreover, if a person has rawfoodist - this is not to say that it was perfect. Yes, he changed his life, but the inner motives of these changes have yet to be thoroughly analyzed.
Now, the reason for the aggressive attitude toward other people is not due to nutrition, and self-restraint and intentions emerged. Let's think about what really motivates a person in the transition to such a diet? Most elementary motives by their own egos, "I want to be healthy," "I want to look better than others," "I want to be good in contrast to the other, not killing animals and eating living plant food." In addition, there is a strong desire to justify himself in the eyes of others, self-esteem with a new power to condemn "dissidents" on a "best defense - attack." And that's the truth about the raw food diet. "Naked" truth.
Actually, these negative mental images contribute to the fact that in the end rawfoodist starts to put himself above others, above their fellows, feels almost divine. In this lies the main danger raw food diet: The main purpose of the human soul is trite to a healthy lifestyle, and not to love.
Confess to himself. Nobody forces to talk about his aggression out loud, but even that did not help much awareness do mistakes.
The purpose of every human life - to live in Love. In this case love does not involve the usual passion or lust at the level of instincts, and thanks for everything, take all situations as given by God and sacrifice. We all are children of God only, and therefore the behavior of each person ordained from above.
If a person received information about raw food diet (or about vegetarianism, veganism), to be grateful for it. When neighbors do not understand the raw food diet and deny it at all, you should take an attitude like this again. After all, everyone is entitled to a personal opinion.
Sacrifice at rawfoodist as part of Love is also present, as it shall be removed from many products, adhering almost permanent post. However, if this sacrifice to expose, is forced upon others boast, it is pure selfishness, ideal, fanaticism - anything. Sacrificing really need to give up the desire to make all people rawfoodist take, again, the opinion of our neighbors and be good-natured. This might seem strange, it is necessary to be kind and to a man to kill animals, and the people who fund the meat industry, and consumers of meat. Everything is determined from above, and wish to build a happy world, where all love animals and eat only fruit - a utopia.
At best, the lack of love in his heart rawfoodist turn banal stall or completely return to normal diet. In this rawfoodist not really hurt, except pride diminished. In the variant worse - liver problems, teeth, hair, loss of menstruation in women, difficulties in childbirth, etc. In the worst-case scenario is - problems in personal relationships, the depletion of energy of the future, or even death.
So, the experience already accumulated enough. And in the article it is a deliberately negative experience. The main conclusion that can be drawn is this: put the basic meaning of life only raw food diet - is the way to nowhere. Raw food can only be accompanied by way of a man to love.
However, raw-foodists more attention should be paid to work on his spiritual development than people on a traditional diet. Permanent retention and increase of love in my heart - the goal of every one of us. At the same time there is more rawfoodist temptation to retreat from love: always have a desire to criticize other people, to impose their opinion, to control the situation and the world, to promote certain ideals in terms of nutrition, physical appearance, physical endurance.
In addition, each rawfoodist remember that people eat food to live, not live to eat. Swimming and dousing with cold water, exercise, periodic abstinence from food and water, a walk in the forest, limiting himself in the sweet fruit - the proven ways to reduce the pride and sense of superiority of a raw-foodists.
Also help to significantly reduce the potentials arising from idealizing the raw food diet can pray before meals and after.
Scientists have shown that the effects of prayer on all living and non-living things are much more radiation. By conducting experiments with grains of wheat and barley, which received doses of 2 to 10,000 X-rays, it was found that even the high-energy particles that break chromosomes, could not kill the grain. All just because scientists simultaneously treated their special electromagnetic waves, which were imposed on the acoustic vibrations of the human voice. And this speech was rhythmic, facing the Divine - in other words, a prayer. Its impact was so powerful that in the grains formed wave "skeletons" healthy chromosomes, which contributed to the restoration of broken chromosomes. Thus, the genetic machinery of cells get rid of grain damage.
Myths and Realities raw food
Myths myths, but in practice, in any case, they have to refute. Again, you must remember that it is the most raw-foodists need to focus on love. Actually, this way of life in modern society necessitates the greatest kindness, making the behavior and reactions of others, constant spiritual development.
Rawfoodist to be ready every day to hear a variety of provocative questions. Patience and respect for the interlocutor, good nature in communication will help to avoid aggression and disruption. Do not expect support from other people: family, friends, and acquaintances. Be patient, even if you want to answer the same thing every time.
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