But if, rejecting the established unnatural habits and traditions begin to eat, as it should all earthly beings on three principles:
1) per meal - one natural product,
2) is not on time, and when the very wish,
3) periodically cleaned by starvation,
then after a while (about 2 - 3 months) will inevitably and automatically begin to appear positive changes.
And more and they are becoming more vivid and significant:
Regaining its natural ability to feel pleasure in the product its utility "consumer" value, and the taste of the object the pursuit of pleasure is transformed into information about the properties of the product.
The man begins to "hear" the voice of his body, to understand its needs. The body itself determines what and how much to eat.
Eliminated the accumulated failure, disturbances in the stomach and the entire digestive system. Restored the intestinal microflora, which produces the body needs vitamins. Improves digestion. The body is cleared of numerous toxins. The activity of the immune system.
In composition, diet becomes healthier and more economical by number. It becomes impossible to overeating. To normal weight.
Simplifies the process of feeding and cease to be a cult.
Man gets amazing properties, it is incredibly healthy, free, friendly and happy.
Move to separate food is not as difficult as it may seem. Especially if you do it collectively, for example, the whole family. The main thing - to look at the existing human traditions and customs with new points of view, rethinking everything, free from prejudice and given freedom of choice. Then easier to overcome old habits, develop new principles and concepts that are more consistent with the nature of our body. Change habits is not easy, but to achieve a result - is necessary.
Realizing unnatural combination, mixed food, realizing that any mixture is cheating digestion, masking some other products, try to keep each meal to one product, ie at each meal drink possibly one natural product, without any additions or changes. Then the body will learn to distinguish between the products of the composition of substances, take care it requires, assortment and quantity of food, will suggest what they need, and most importantly, will clearly and unequivocally say that for him too much, harmful.
Start, for example, the reform of dinner: tonight - only bananas, tomorrow - the only lentil porridge, then - only dates or nuts and so on. When you are sure that this is possible, then spread the same rule for every meal.
Now this way of eating is sometimes called "MONOTROFIEY," but this is not mono-prescribing food the same product. Separate food - is the use of any product, but without mixing, ie separately. Just so ate all our ancient ancestors, before 10,000 years ago have learned to make the dishes.
Product range to separate food only causes difficulties in the beginning, and then it expands and becomes a problem. Choose food not on some theoretical considerations on the benefits or diversity, but only for the practical needs of the body, on a specific request at this time. Possible natural products eat only one that appeals to you alone, alone, with no condiments and garnishes.
At a separate power becomes almost unnecessary, for example, any oil. This is not food, and cooking. If no oil or without other additives is not eaten anything, it means that the body is not required. And it makes no sense to cheat. A fat body itself can easily create a need to measure from the proteins and carbohydrates. Gradually become more than bread. Really do not want soup. And what could be better treated carrot of washed fresh cucumbers or tomatoes! But this does not usually come at once, and go stage vegetables and green salads.
Who can not immediately abandon the meat products that will replace the sausage patties and other products and the combined mixture simply boiled or grilled meat or fish, only better - if possible, at least not before bedtime. Of course, it's not a side dish, side dish - the second time, as a single meal. Body will tell you when he wants to, for example, or that buckwheat porridge (pre-soaked and briefly seething), and maybe he will like wheat germ or soaked lentils. As for nuts, fruits, melons, watermelons, and so they are traditionally consumed separately. It is advisable to not mix different products in the stomach, ie, have to give them some time to digest. Accustom to drink water, too, separately, not with meals.
If possible, increase the night break for food, before supper, after breakfast. In the morning there is usually no big appetite, use it, distract yourself affairs. Do not be tempted to detail, eat, when very hungry, but not in time. If you want to drink, just drink water instead of tea. Initially with increasing intervals may experience discomfort, even a headache, but every day these things will be significantly reduced. When a person is hungry, well, he eats with great pleasure, and significantly improves digestion, increases the "efficiency" of food. And after fixing supply and disposal of the body of accumulated toxins and fault-being will be a great time.
Little by little, without much effort, you will come to two meals a day, and then sometimes be missed and one times. And it turns out, just no need for regularity. Wanted - ate, and if there is not much appetite or simply did not have time and the whole day did not eat anything - no problem, never "sucks" and nothing hurts. The need for frequent and regular meals - a sign of an unhealthy condition of the person. Longer breaks in the food after a restructuring and workouts will not cause trouble, they do like and will need. Achieve freedom from the need to eat at a certain time is expensive and means that health has reached the level of "normal."
In obese people, without additional efforts and special events will be decided the issue of excess weight. A thin - on the contrary, will add weight. But not immediately. At first, for some time, they may even lose a little more. This is not to be feared, the body, getting rid of defective tissue, adjusting metabolism, then be sure to bring it to the required weight standards.
Gradually changed the perception of the taste of food, changing the scale of the value of different products, there is confidence in the body, to the objectivity of his "advice." When seek to better understand the signals and needs of your body, then, as in contact with intelligent animal, such as a dolphin, a dog or a horse, there is a feeling that is tied friendly dialogue and a process of mutual learning and mutual support.
Do not be surprised if, mastering separate meals, you will notice that the body pushes you to a raw food diet. He knows better. So you're on your way. Natural food this is separate raw food diet. Even if you do not go to the end and become a wholly owned rawfoodist, in any case achieve tangible, better health and live without hospitals, medicines and surgeries.
However, you need your will carefully preserve and protect the body, like an unreasonable little child, on such cutting-edge products that may contain new chemicals to the environment, it did not previously encountered, for that matter-crafty crooks, substance-terrorists against whom in the body there is no protection.
They occur in a disguised form of mineral nutrients in many processed foods, especially in such as tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, alcohol and various artificial drinks, confectionery and general industrial products, canned food, all fried. And, of course, we must beware of almost all drugs.
Separate nutrition is especially important for children. It will prevent many of the diseases of children and will develop habits that will withstand the impact of the negative aspects of modern civilization, will form the foundation for health and wellness. One who leads a child to eat something or telling him to "Eat the bread" - is wrong. Innate instincts children how "civilized" habits of adults. Nature is wise, be with her and learn.
Separate food - it's not a frozen mode, and developing the natural process of gradual improvement of the body. It is the way in which the body will recover and improve the lost natural features and capabilities. Do not seek to achieve all the outcomes immediately. At every step of the way should give the body enough time for him to have time to regroup, adjust and adapt.
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