In general, for full disclosure of the subject, it is worth to go completely the other side and raise very different issues. For example, if you wonder why you live here, and why come to this world? This question will help immediately weed out we need the "grain" of pacifiers chaff.
Typically, when a person at least once this question is given in my life and attempts to answer it, for him the question, "what I eat?" Soon emerges as one of the necessary stages of understanding things. That is, people are striving for something "higher" than the material, everyday world.
All interconnected.
If we consider the food for human rough analogy, the necessary fuel for the movement of vehicles, many can not imagine that there is power varies among individuals, "machine" - from "rough" to a more "refined" - coal, wood, all kinds of liquids, electrical , solar, wind, nuclear, prana!?
One does not replace the other. All necessary for different types of machines.
And humans, someone eating coarse food, the same sausage and while it is effective only to the extent it has come with power supply. And for someone like food becomes a throwback, as the man has grown to more thin layers of the world and interact with it. And as a rule, the closer to the divine power of man, so it is a great power, and opens the possibility for him (as in the case of the very similar to wood, and nuclear power).
That is, nutrition should be considered only in accordance with the level of the individual. One may, without food and water for years to live. A second "bent" just without meat once a day in a week. You have to understand that people can not compare. "What is good for a Russian, the German death!"
Some people believe that any improvement in nutrition (or as we would say programmers "to upgrade to the new version" is more advanced and has more features compared to the previous one) reduces the wear of your body (getting rid of physical ailments and their resistance to relapse), and extends thus life. Maybe it is. But in practice, while perfectly healthy and full of people to see the rare and sometimes chudnost.
This is due, in my opinion, with one "trick" that is stitched into our real world as a necessary condition, which many do not even know, some only guess, and only a little people know for sure.
Such a thing is every person on the planet without exception - is the destination. Sort of program for one life, which is expected, and sets the background for the image and the conditions in which to live and develop people with certain personality traits and attitudes, including personal timer. Simply put - a particular person in a certain allotted time than should perform a particular task and leave.
Of immortality in our earthly world of speech and is not, simply because "not included"! Conditional maximum longevity in a single life for the execution of any relevant tasks. Recall the obvious example, even "immortal" Duncan MacLeod in the movie Highlander every moment exposed to risk cutting off the head, which would lead him to certain death. Although he lived long enough and ate what I wanted.
We must understand that all captured in this earthly world.
Nutrition - it is part of us, because we are part of the natural world and live by its laws. A world of planet Earth is very diverse and it is also designed with specific goals and objectives. Who goes (dies, goes to the other world) beyond this world, he finds is something else. And while we are here we have the concrete possibility to go forward all the time and move - from the rough and low to very thin and high, that there is in the manifest world. And sin not to take advantage of this opportunity.
That's why now, more and more young and old people refer to themselves and their beings, feel the need to search for something better, including in the diet, as it is to move forward knowing. Stand still swamp, puddle, and the river is always striving forward, because its waters are cool and clean and so nice to bathe in them.
Food feeds us and nourishes or litters and decomposes. It's just a matter of choice! But the choice is an individual!
Remember: you can always take your pick - who leads you and what you choose?
Meals - Individual program, and good change!
I hope you learned creative reading this article, and more for you to be clear with regard to food, "this is not" like everyone else.
Eat what you need now. And soon you may want to change something in their diet?
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