Raw vegetables, berries and fruits compared with cooked the following benefits:
First of all, they retain all the water-soluble vitamins, which when cooked into the solution and are destroyed by high temperatures, a water-soluble vitamins include vitamins C and B.
In raw vegetables, fruits and berries we get all that they contain minerals that go into when cooking broth.
In raw products are fully preserved volatile - plant antimicrobial agents that inhibit the livelihoods of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines.
Raw vegetables and fruits have the so-called immune properties, ie capable of increasing the body's resistance to infection. This is the complete list of useful properties of raw vegetables and fruits.
It should be emphasized that the cooking of raw foods requires careful compliance with sanitary requirements. Vegetables and fruits should be carefully under running water. To remove worms and eggs of worms salad, cabbage and other leafy greens and vegetables, they should be dipped in salt water (50 g of salt in 1 liter of water). Some fruits and vegetables can be rough skin to neutralize the microbes and worms Blanch, ie immersed for 3 - 5 minutes in boiling water
It may be noted that the basis of raw food plant-based diet method Birher-Benner on the following rules: daily diet should include food with raw leafy fresh vegetables containing iron and folic acid, stimulating hematopoiesis. It is recommended to eat bread made of flour, meal, rich in vitamin E and B, magnesium salts that are important for the prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension.
Spices should be added to food only in the form of herbs and aromatic vegetables: parsley, leeks, celery, peppers, etc., mustard excluded because they irritate the stomach, intestines and kidneys. Salt intake is limited to 5.3 grams per day of sugar - up to 20 g of sugar as a source of honey is recommended. Meat in the diet is not included. Along with cow's milk are widely used soy and almond.
As a mixture of fats used oils: almond peanut, olive and vegetable and nut, walnut and cream. Such combinations are quite rational, because they provide the body with all the essential fatty acids. Commonly included in the diet of a variety of raw juices in mixtures with berry fruit and vegetables: carrot and tomato, lemon, etc. It is also used dried herbs, dried apricots and prunes soaked in the view.
In drawing up the menu of their food rations Swiss scientist into account, of course, the individual characteristics of the health of the patients, but in general terms they were the next set of ingredients.
Breakfast: salad of apples, 20 - 30 grams of nuts (they are served alone or administered in a salad), 100 - 200 g of fresh fruit, tea made from dried rose hips.
Lunch: 150 - 250 g of fresh fruit, 50-100 g of lettuce, fresh vegetables 100-150 g, 20 g of nuts, fresh fruit juices and vegetables.
Dinner: Same as breakfast.
This was the menu, dietary intake of raw fruits and vegetables. The menu, designed for continuous use, it was less severe, since it allows the preparation of vegetarian soups, steamed vegetables and egg dishes. Here is an example of such a menu.
Breakfast: salad with apples, nuts, milk, rye bread and butter, fruit.
Lunch: fruit and nuts, veggie soup (every other day), steamed vegetables, potatoes, cooked in their skins, periodically - egg dishes, cheese, peas, beans. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetarian soup alternated with dessert (cookies, pudding or fruit compote).
Dinner: Same as breakfast.
As you can see, the second (sparing) diet for permanent use is very different from the first dietary intake and the raw food diet has very little to do. Rather, it can be called "polusyroedeniem" that allows you to assign it to the case of a gradual transition to the use of only raw foods.
In terms of cooking is interesting technology of cooking according to the principles Birher-Benner. For example, a salad of apples include: 1 st. oatmeal, which soaked for half a day to 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water, then add the juice of 1 / 2limona or other sour fruit, 1 tbsp. spoon of milk, yogurt or honey, 2 grated apple and 1 tbsp. grated nuts (if they are not included in the menu for breakfast).
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