Raw food to disease
Numerous studies show that people who eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, rarely suffer from cancer and heart disease. Fresh uncooked fruits and vegetables have the best effect on the body. It is proved that, when cooked destroyed 30-50% of all mineral substances found in plant foods. Many of these substances are not only creating special, nor the incomparable taste, but also protect the lovers of vegetables from cancer. Natural coloring compounds - carotenoids contained in the yellow-red fruits and vegetables, dark green leafy vegetables, prevent chronic diseases, stimulate the body's defenses, prevent the development of tumors.
Particularly sensitive to the heat treatment of biologically active substances contained in celery, cabbage, cherry. Loses most of its healing properties, and garlic. It is above all essential oil with a strong bactericidal action, which kills bacteria and fungi, which improves blood circulation.
In addition, syroedcheskaya diet alone is a great preventive cleaning of the body. This is - the best remedy against intestinal sluggishness, constipation and hemorrhoids, because such foods increased dietary fiber content.
Especially useful for patients with a raw food diet kidney disease, it greatly facilitates the water metabolism. Treatment of the raw food diet works well for gout, freeing the body of uric acid. It is indicated in atherosclerosis, skin diseases, rheumatism, etc. The use of a raw food diet for hypertension can improve their health by drastically restricting the salt in food.
With a raw food diet can cope with being overweight. It is known that treatment for obesity raw food gives even better results than starvation. When consuming raw foods compared to heat-treated body quickly becomes saturated, as raw food quickly fills the entire volume of the stomach. It must be remembered that some of the products have a high energy value (eg, dates, nuts, raisins, melons).
In addition, fruits and vegetables in their raw form more useless teeth than soft foods pappy. This contributes to strengthening the gums.
Vitamins, minerals and active substances
Raw vegetables, berries and fruits compared with cooked have the following advantages. First of all, they retain all the water-soluble vitamins, which when cooked into the solution and collapse from heat.
Water-soluble vitamins are vitamins C and B.
Mineral salts contained in large quantities in raw vegetables, fruits and berries, as in cooking go into broth. In addition, the raw products are fully preserved Fitton tsidy - plant antimicrobial agents that inhibit the livelihoods of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines. Raw vegetables and fruits have the so-called immune properties, ie, capable of increasing the body's resistance to infection. And this is only a partial list of useful properties of raw vegetables and fruits.
Several products containing active substances in particularly large numbers. This honey, citrus, cranberry, cranberries, apples, especially Antonovka, buckthorn, sauerkraut, fresh and dried herbs, onions and garlic. Seaweed contains 39 trace elements. Whole pantry of vitamins, minerals and amino acids is the pollen. Royal jelly (sold in pharmacies as apilaka) - a source of pantothenic acid and active bio-stimulator. Highly valued in rawfoodist dry yeast and fittings (rice bran), nuts of all kinds, etc.
In winter, on the advice of a doctor can take artificial vitamins Aerovit, ag-vit, Glutamevit, nicotinamide (vitamin B3), pyridine doksin (vitamin B6), ascorbic acid and other vitamins.
Enzymes - the basis of our existence
One of the founders of the system of natural healing Dr. E. Howell came to the conclusion that the main components other than raw foods from ready, are enzymes or enzymes. He found that these substances, which is rightly called "units of life energy", destroyed at temperatures above 50 ° C. In pasteurized, sterilized, canned, and frozen foods, they are already dead.
What is so important enzymes for living organisms? They play a direct role in the metabolism of actually representing the basis of the existence of any living creature. Vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins by themselves do not mean much. Only enzymes can manage complex processes of destruction and synthesis of new materials. Any chemical and biological reactions that occur in our bodies requires the indispensable participation of enzymes. The enzymes involved in the hearing and spectator-negative perception, they play an important role in digestion and detoxification processes. Updating the cellular composition of blood, bone, skin - all this and much more is entirely determined by the activity of enzymes. Depends on them as the functional state of the defense system of the body, which prevents infection, disinfects and removes poisons the waste products of the cells.
In humans, there are about 3,000 different enzymes, and in the same cell or to contain at least fifty. For a single moment the same enzyme may participate in the 36 millions of biochemical reactions!
It is known that enzymes the human body begins to produce immediately after birth, which ensures coordination of all processes that accompany the allocation and expenditure of energy. As we age, our ability to produce enzymes deteriorate, so respect for the enzymes is one of the basic principles of natural healing.
What are the enzymes?
How to make your diet, not to deplete the reserves of the body? In answering this question, naturopaths as an example comparing two nuts - raw or roasted. One of them is alive, and the other - no. From one plant can grow, and from another - no. Why is this happening? What is fresh and what is not in the roasted nuts? Science gives a definite answer - enzymes.
If we use a simple analogy, the enzyme - a kind of small mobile plant with very high performance and very narrow specialization. In normal nut enzymes remain dormant, but worth it to get to the wet and warm environment, the enzymes involved in the work and process all the complex substances that are contained in a nut, feeding the germ all the necessary components for growth.
Doing the same enzymes as a live product gets to us in the stomach. Gastric juice starts the processing, and our body can only absorb through the intestinal wall nutrients. Enzymes incoming live product itself dissolved this product.
By eating of processed, the dead body of the product has to spend its resources on the development of its own enzymes for recycling received food. After all, what is non-living, is perceived by the body as a toxin that is necessary to neutralize and remove from the body. But the problem is that each product meet specific enzymes of the product and the body is unable to build up the full range of natural enzymes (known today more than 8,000 of these substances).
As food becomes dead?
It is known that during the heating of the protein breaks down, it is denatured, unable to carry out any biological function, and useless for our body. Fats when heated changing their quality, forming a so-called trans fats that even bacteria can not process it.
Minerals, vitamins in raw products is that we need the connections that are easily digestible. During heat treatment, these compounds break down and lose their beneficial properties. Nature knows no cooked food, and therefore the biological organisms are not able to adapt to it.
Three types of enzymes
So, we found that the human body knows at least two types of enzymes - those that are produced by the body, and those that come to us with a living food. But it turns out, is involved in digestion, a third type of enzymes produced by microorganisms living in our intestines. But these organisms feed exclusively raw plant fiber. Metabolic products of these microorganisms are necessary for us vitamins and essential amino acids. So, as you can see, it is raw foods, including vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, are the main suppliers of vitamins and amino acids independent.
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