It is believed that eating patterns are changing dramatically due to disease, hobbies, religion / mysticism, or at will, after certain books, movies, someone's example. And I'm in my '44 was almost well, the religion, body and soul love "traditional" food. And I liked that kind of life!
I loved the grilled meats, I liked the smell, look, taste and feel on the tongue. Since vegetarians laughing, and when I accidentally read about Raisins, was confident that this "divorce."
But one day in the spring of 2010 after a meat I suddenly noticed a strange feeling - the meat was bland and expressionless. I thought it was just a little stuffed and better to wait. But there was unprecedented - as long as I did not eat meat, the less desirable, and the better I felt. And I dared to experiment - to live a little without meat! Health was strong, if anything, I'm always "jump off." A protein is in the fish - so I started my fishing season, which soon ended with the same result. Then hit was cheese ... but when in December 2010 my favorite meal was a tiny piece of cereal (without salt and oil), and a huge bowl of salad, I'm really scared.
My mom is a doctor, I know that meat provides protein, milk - calcium, and fish - phosphorus. But without all that my being and his health rapidly improved! In the brain, came the "gap" - the reality was contrary to knowledge. I rushed to examine all the available power of the theory, but the answers were not there, until he came to the book by Sebastyanovicha. It was for me, as it were the key "puzzle", formed in the head disparate pieces of information into a coherent picture. I read the book "heavily" for two days, and the third wife announced that I would eat only fresh and natural - that is, I do not cook porridge! My beautiful "half" smiled and said - how do you say, dear! A couple of weeks she had "asked" me to the company. Thus, in January 2011, our family moved to the food only fresh and natural.
We first made the salad. Complex combination of 7-8 vegetables / fruit / root vegetables, salad of several oils, additives from nuts and seeds - it was very tasty, we just enjoyed them and were ready to eat for life. But ... after 3 months there was another "something" - and wanted to ease to 2-3 salad products prefer. And the taste of the oil has some "heavy", added just a couple of drops. In April 2011 I visited a "wild" idea - bite off a piece of cabbage straight from the heads. To my surprise, I liked it! Better than in a salad. Since that time, our period of food combining.
Now we eat all by itself. Without mixing much brighter and better to taste, and the addition of oil and salt kills the joy of feeling at all. And it's faster saturation and energetic. This is not a classic mono. We can eat tomatoes, then be happy to continue the cucumbers, and eat cabbage. But there was "apricot" period, when we ate 2 weeks almost 100% of apricots. Also, "nectarine", "hurmichny", "grapefruit", etc. Strawberry-watermelon, cantaloupe is also better to go by themselves.
We changed his diet for one reason - it was so delicious. And getting tastier when the body itself would change.
How my body reacted to the SAME? The fact that I'm purely pragmatic. My mother is a doctor, I did an electronics engineer, so I need only real, measurable benefits. And my body responded very well. About a week I started to wake up in the morning just because enough sleep! There was no drowsiness, no desire to lie down a bit. Energy for the day was "more than enough." More - more. Mouth had gone bad and the morning brown patina. Through time, the smell of sweat disappeared. And a half years I have enough warm shower with a washcloth (no gel or shampoo) to be clean and fresh. In spring 2011, I suddenly realized that nice throw down the extra weight. With the growth of 192 cm, I weighed 96 kg, for 4 months lost up to 78 pounds and now I weigh 82 kg. My favorite weight! In parallel, purified skin on the body, became more soft and smooth. After shave face stopped itching (gels thrown in the trash). Language became pink as a baby. Disappeared forever occasionally appear herpes on his lips. In late 2011 I visited a "wild" idea - Do not walk barefoot in the snow? It was scary, because all the previous life, I even wash hands with warm water. But when I came out, it was the opposite - nicely. Now I often do walk. You know, the cold (and other) diseases can not remember.
From time to time I go through medical tests, examinations, inspections, and incidents often occur when a doctor does not understand what's going on. My results contradict his concepts. Another doctor, studying the results, said:
-You know, you have a huge family history of hypertension, and you need ...
Suddenly stopped in bewilderment, running his eyes over the computer screen and clicking the mouse. After 20 seconds of surprise went on:
- ... But the likelihood of at the moment is almost zero! I see it the first time! You develop hypertension is moving in the opposite direction!
After 2 years at the SAME my internal organs and systems are working better than laid on the medical standards for 25-year-old boy. Osteochondrosis of spine faded, and he became more flexible than in his youth. Pulse dropped to 50-52 shock value, which indicates a healthy heart and a clean vessel. And many, many, many things.
I am very happy with my choice. I made sure that food fresh and natural products most natural nutrition system. It allows you to get rid of diseases and other problems with the body of the most effective and natural way. Need not do anything special, everything happens by itself. Yes, there are all sorts of so-called "Scientific theories" that prove that this can not be. But maybe!
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