Step 1: The room
Room selection is important for vegetarian restaurant as well as for any other. The only difference is that you need to consider that the proceeds of vegetarian restaurants, especially at first, can not cover the high rent, so there is no sense to put in the location, and the combination of price and quality. It is desirable that a vegetarian cafe is located in an area with good environment. "We believe that it is most advantageous to base their premise: if you count in the long term, it is cheaper than renting, to the same building can be designed to your liking," - says Tatiana Kurbatova, director and co-owner of a chain of restaurants "Troitsky Bridge." The building can cost approximately $ 500 thousand, rent - $ 2-3 thousand per month for about 60 m2.
Step 2: Equipment and Interior
Typically, a vegetarian restaurant in the interior natural materials, as close to nature: wood, stone, textiles. Do not use real fur, bone and other animal accessories. In the vegetarian restaurant, usually do not smoke or drink, so ashtrays and glassware for alcohol is not assumed. In the space renovation and interior need to invest about $ 20 thousand Kitchen equipment and storage is not much different from any other catering. But remember a lot of fresh vegetables on the menu, so you need to stock up and large compared with the traditional cafes of refrigerated vegetables and vacuum packaging. The equipment will cost at least $ 50 thousand
Step 3: Products
The selection of products you need to approach very carefully, because it is range of products and dishes makes cafe popular. "You should try to include in the menu, all kinds of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, mushrooms, which can get in the city. Been straightforward in rates of growth of their own disadvantage, as parties need small, the products have always been fresh. Better to establish a wide network of suppliers for a variety of positions, "- tells Roman Kurbatov, General Director of" Enterprise "range" (brand name "Trinity Bridge"). The hope to save on meat and eggs is unfounded, as some rare vegetables are not inferior to the price of deli meats and sometimes even surpass them.
Step 4: Staff
To open a cafe need two cooks, three to five waiters, cleaners and director. And if the latter three occupations specific requirements are not established, then the cooks in the vegetarian kitchen problems. "Professionals at all. Vegetarian Chef in missing a class - says Tatiana Kurbatova. - In our cafe we ourselves grow chefs, managers and owners themselves standing at the stove with the chefs. Moreover, the majority of those who prepare us - amateurs. professional chefs are extremely difficult to even think about cooking without meat, we had the experience of bringing the famous chef, but it ended badly. "
Step 5: Promotion
The most promising way of promotion of vegetarian establishments - this distribution of promotional flyers. We must remember that vegetarian cafe should expect not only diehard vegetarians. It should intensify campaign during Lent, when customers become more vegetarian cafe, place advertisements in appropriate publications and websites related to vegetarianism and a healthy lifestyle. Many Petersburgers like vegetarian food, but the institutions where there is no meat, fish, alcohol, in very small because of low profitability.
Tatiana Kurbatova, network director, vegetarian cafe "Trinity Bridge." Roman Kurbatov, General Director of "Enterprise" range ", which owns a network of convenience stores. Spouses staunch vegetarians, meat stopped using 15 years ago. First vegetarian dishes, which they invented in his kitchen, became the basis for cafe menu" Troitsky Bridge. " Today, the network "Troitsky Bridge" includes six cafes and one restaurant vegetarian cuisine - is the largest player in the market of vegetarian food in the city. daily visits schools network until 1500.
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