Fruktorianstvo - the simplest and yet the most natural way for human nutrition and lifestyle. This power only fresh, no processed fruit and berries. Any dried fruit, honey, carrots, sprouts, tea etc. Only the fruits in their natural fresh, not mixed in the form of salads. This includes tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and other fruits, which for some reason many people mistakenly believe vegetables. And fruitarians preference as free from chemical products. It is this power was originally intended for a man and that it is the Creator does not pollute our bodies, allowing the use of their resources for self-purification.
Pros fruktorianstva:
On fruits people get older, they are always young as body and soul!
Fruktorianstvo not imply any murder or violence, it is the most environmentally friendly power, because the fruits do not leave behind debris, and give the power to the ground as compost, preparing it to grow a new crop.
Only fruits give people the maximum amount of energy, because they contain natural sugars, which are the main source of food for humans, and fruits require a minimum cost of the acquisition and processing, thus completely without straining your body. There is nothing more natural and natural fruits.
Fruits do not need no cooking, no soaking, no couch, but only eat in their original form - they are ready.
Fruits are easy to grow, yield much higher than all other products. The amount of fruit on the ground is huge and you can always create more and new types by cross-breeding.
Fruit visually attract people - just look at these beautiful fruits, a desire to inadvertently eat them.
No other product has such sweetness and such a divine fragrance, like fruit.
Fruit - it is a natural anti-depressant, they comfort, cheer up, give a feeling of inner comfort and provide clarity of mind.
People who entered the fruktorianstvo, save not only themselves, but also the entire planet
How, you ask? It is too large percentage of the area occupied by pastures, slaughterhouses, meat processing plants, factories, and other things, to breed animals, kill them and prepare a variety of ways. If, instead of all this plant fruit trees, they will give us not only a huge crop, but also healthier and green the planet - the air will be cleaner, more oxygen rich land, gradually returning to normal temperature and weather around the world, natural disasters disappear and much, much more.
Plant leaves absorb carbon dioxide, due to which the world is global warming, so the number of fruit trees depends on the fate of our planet. Even stray animals will not be if people would stick fruktorianstva, because these animals live and reproduce only by beef debris, which they find in the trash. Old fruit trees will be used to build houses, furniture, fences, etc., and then there will be no need to cut down the forest! Eating fruits, we, the birds and animals contribute to their reproduction, as seeds are not digested in the gut, and leave in its original form. And, we only bring benefits to all fruit trees, because their fruit for that and needed to facilitate reproduction.
Like-minded fruitarians
In recent years, fruitarians have come together in a community fruit.fm, and growing. Newcomers come here for advice and support, fruitarians experienced share their experiences and lessons learned, are organized fruit meetings, joint trip through the territory of the country and abroad. When a person goes on a fruit diet, it is very drawn to like-minded people, but not all cities can not find them. No problems in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, but in small towns beginning fruitarians likely feel lonely. But not when they are aware of the portal fruit.fm. It is very advanced dating between fruitarian, and you can find both friends mate.
Fruits give us love, peace, harmony, happiness and literally opens up new possibilities! This can feel everyone who dares to fruktorianstvo. Often, people want to come to fruktorianstvu only for a time, to improve their health, but they feel so much positive change in their lives by changing the power supply, which remain on that track.
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