As I understand it, you frutorianets. I had never before heard about it. Could you explain what that means?
Sure, no problem. Frutarianets a person whose diet consists exclusively of all kinds of fruit varieties. There are no secrets, rules or special techniques of frutarianskom lifestyle, especially such complex, as they like to present this "guru." It's simple: to pluck the fruit and eat it. Difficult part - that's what we call a period of detoxification. At this stage, when cooked food is eliminated from the diet, the body begins to cleanse itself.
Our body's natural reaction should always be self-cleaning, so when you begin to adhere to a strict frutarianstva, your body ultimately starts the process of getting rid of heavy deposits and remains thermally processed food, purifying way. And if you give it the right conditions, the body begins to clean out of their bodies, and on a much deeper level, all the debris from the cooked food you ate in the past. Therefore, the period of detoxification so heavy. Excluding the cooked food from your diet, you will zhazhdat her experience breaking, akin to the feelings of the addict or alcoholic, eager for another dose. In addition, you will suffer from the symptoms of detoxification.
The duration of this period for each individual. It can take weeks or years, but only when the body finally samoochistilos, you can fully enjoy and appreciate all that can give you frutarianstvo. Unfortunately, because of the fear, uncertainty, and severe symptoms of detoxification, which many mistake for the disease, only a few pass through this stage. My advice to anyone who would like to move on frutarianstvo - facilitate the process, stretching it for years. To start, turn to the maximum raw vegan foods into your diet, then become 100% veganosyroedom and then, when ready, try to go to frutarianstvo.
Untrained person can not be in an instant become frutariantsem, unless of course it is not super iron nerves and strength of will, he will be able to cope with a heavy detox. If I were in your place easier this way!
Thanks for such a detailed response. You are very well explained. So, you do not eat nichgo except fruit? How do you maintain the right level of sugar and protein, eating only fruit?
Yes, I eat only fruit ... no vegetables, nuts, seeds, supplements, and I do not drink water. I get all the liquid from the fruit. When I first embarked on frutarianstva, I was attracted by the wide variety of fruits, and I felt such freedom, eating only fruit and not worry about the grave consequences that haunted me every time you cooked food. I felt great on some fruit, but the more I read about frutarianstve, the more I came across negative and contradictory information. All written went against my instincts. I'm so confused, I decided, my instincts certainly wrong, and reluctantly Includes water, nuts, seeds and green juices as a supplement to my diet, but very soon I began to give them up, because neither my body nor the soul can not accept them as valid and necessary. Since I eat only fruit. On fruit, I feel great, I want to go out and be physically active, and as for the B12, protein, calories, and so on, I just ignore it all. I never really thought about them, when traditionally fed, so why should volnovatsya now?
In fruit contains natural sugars - fructose, and each fruit individually contains the necessary amount of protein. So I do not pay attention to the nutritional composition of the fruit that is it. Instead, I listen to my body and how it feels. Also, I do not care about the protein, calories, nutrition, recommended daily allowance, etc. My experience was simply not comparable with those taught by the modern science of nutrition, so I threw it out the window all the current information about nutrition, about which he knew a long time ago and began to study for himself, from scratch. I learned how my body reacts to different fruits, leading frutariansky life and not dependent on others. I am absolutely sure that if my ogranizma will miss some substances, it will fill them later, so I'm not worried about the nutritional aspects of my diet.
How long have you been frutarianets?
12 long, strange and wonderful years, and now I have excellent health. My period was like detox nightmare because symptoms were very severe, I am very much lost weight, and repeatedly tried to "get down" with cooked food. Also, I went through all this horror is absolutely alone, without support and without a mentor. For this reason, I broke so many times that I can not remember, but in my heart I always knew that if I could survive the storm, things will get better. At the time there was no experienced frutariantsev wanting to inspire me or provide a path forward. The forums rawfoodist I also did not receive support. Frutariantsev seen as extremists, so I was ridiculed, attacked on the forums and said that I was not more than 2-3 months proderzhus on fruit diet. In the end, I'm just tired of searching for support there to join it and soon realized that if I wanted to go through frutarianstva, I'll go alone.
What made you become frutariantsem first?
Over the years, my health began to deteriorate, and when I was a little over 20, I saw the same thing exactly is happening to other people. And so I realized that on some level, that something was wrong with the generally accepted standards of nutrition. I am a native of South London, England. My family was not particularly wealthy, so the cheapest and not the most healthy food, like cheap meat was a way of life. I grew up on a meal and ate so take before my 25th birthday. Until then, I live to eat, and did not know any other way. In general, the food was good consolation for me and that's how I used it, eating stress in their lives. I ate anything and everything I could, not paying vnimamiya the composition. The only thing I did not like - it's seafood, and, as I said, I just did not know a better way, and choosing food, is not guided by any thoughts of health. I just really like to eat cooked food, and I thought that if it was not safe, it simply would not sell in the stores.
Over the years, regular colds and flu and was sick all around, seemed less normal, and I began to ask myself, why are all used regularly sick. I also started to notice that I have bloating, constipation, weight and full of mucus, but the fact is that I have always had these symptoms. Just for some reason, I became more sensitive to them.
Finally got to the point that I could not eat cooked food. The more I ate, the more weight I felt, and I could hardly breathe because of the resulting slime. And that summer, I stopped eating cooked food, and for no apparent reason and began to eat fruit. Strange, but I used were hardly touched the fruit. I just followed instinct, I started with mango, melon and grapes. I was in seventh heaven! I felt so good. My health began ulushchatsya, skin glowing and was clean, body odors have disappeared. I felt more energy, could breathe freely, and there was no weight in the stomach.
All these changes seem so pravilnyi I wanted prodolzhit eat only fruit. I have studied some literature and found that cooked food is exposed all kinds of operations, it is refined, canned, processed on an industrial scale, and that most of it unnatural, often contains synthetic additives, preservatives, substances that cause addiction, as monosodium glutamate and others. After reading about it in my heart I knew I wanted to eat only fruit, and in search of more information and the Internet, I came across such a thing as frutarianstvo. I continued uzuchat literature and began to make the first steps to put this idea into practice. Now, as frutarianets with long years of experience, I am convinced that at the dawn of time we have gathered and ate what we are attracted by their appearance: fruit, nuts, etc., in their natural fresh. I do not for a moment believe that we are naturally attracted to animals as food - live, with hair, claws and all. It's like looking at your dog and think what it would have been delicious burger in between two buns.
I get heaviness in the stomach and I feel terrible when I eat animal food. And I never really much of it is not it, was never a lover of meat. But I understand what you mean, and it makes sense, because people live exactly as you describe. I get my protein from protein drinks and bars. Are most frutariantsev protein from other sources?
In general, experienced frutariantsy avoid sources with high spderzhaniem protein because we believe that we have everything you need in the right quantities of fresh fruit. But, as I said, the way frutarianstva very different, and it all depends on the person and the level of experience, for example, many novices pass nuts, dried fruits and fat simply because they do not have that feeling of fullness in the stomach, which gave them boiled food. the problem is that all nuts, unless otherwise indicated, that raw, subjected to heat treatment to a greater or lesser degree. This is another reason why frutariantsy avoid them. On people today have a lot of pressure, forcing sledovat modern rekomenadiyam in nutrition, but are usually more experienced frutariantsy ignore them. Instead - they listen to every day - it takes their body.
I heard that you have opened fitness club in Dallas. Can you tell more about that?
Yes, I actually organized the club to bring together people who hold different positions in society, and organizovat joint activity, and the benefits of choosing pokazat them more healthy food. We focus on exercises that are natural to our bodies, such as running, walking and kalistetika. I do it because that physical activity makes people think - they can achieve better results in sports, changing your diet for the better. I have found that raw-foodists were often slow-moving, sluggish due to the fact that all of their energy is spent on cleaning processes in the body. And at the same time they had to pay for their inactivity.
I myself had as many raw-foodists, initially just lazy and complained of any pain and discomfort, did not really want to. But I soon realized that I felt like that because they do not help your body get rid of waste deposits, leading a passive lifestyle. I hold myself in that stuff that was supposed to go. And soon I realized that physical activity - a key element of success frutarianskoy diet. I refer to the lack of knowledge about frutarianstve and the lack of a true leader, as Very few survive the transition to frutarianstvo / veganosyroedenie, not to mention that in order to stay on this path. So, in this club I play the role of leader by example, showing people that a raw food diet plus activity - carries a huge advantage during and after detoxification.
I do not take a fee for membership in the club, do not force people to do the monthly fees or sign a contract. I believe if you really want to help people, you will do it for free. It is also my vision of how to build a stronger community and support cooperation of individuals who seek to improve their lives and health, and their associates.
Young or old, athletic or not - does not matter. I try to help people sdelat first step to come to the club for what they are and uchastvovat in various kinds of activities, such as long distance passages, climbing, camping, mountain biking, canoeing, picnicking, and all that we can only come up with all, where we can meet, talk, share experiences raw food diet, discuss health and fitness, etc. - rawfoodist or not, anyone can join us and have a good time.
I believe everyone can decide what goals to set. We all understand that we need to start with something, and we all recognize that we achieve what we want but if we rabotat on it. Our goal - to help people achieve what they want. Therefore, we strive to create a motivating environment surrounding and supporting people.
Very impressive. You're right about that, if you really want to help people, you do it for free. When you take money for it, pomogaesh themselves, not others. Tell us about the hikes and picnics, you recently arranged.
I was very nervous and did not know if anyone would come, especially since I have not had the opportunity napechatat about the event in advance. all happened quite spontaneously, we decided to put talk into action. In the end, come all those who promised to come, but one, and we had a great time. I was not sure what to expect, but I knew that shyness and nelovkost leave as soon as we crossed over those hills. We were lucky with the sunny weather and no rain. We intended to go to difficult hilly road, and despite the fact that we have kids and we walked, I knew that we can handle. We are not in a hurry, and we did it! Halfway we had a break, and it was great to see how things interact with each other, share experiences, ask advice. It warmed my heart.
The boys were well done, my wife handled great! I was a bit harsh with them at some point, because I wanted to see how they sweat! It's still a workout.
When we finished, we packed a snack and pulled his "artillery" - watermelons, apples, nuts, and some brought home squeezed juices, which went very well in the Texas heat. One of the juices struck me with its taste, because it reminded drink "Gin and Juice", but it just okazalos strange mixture of pineapple, aloe vera and orange. Everyone had a good time, and have little to slow the pace, I was enjoying the nature around, instead of just ran past, I would have done if it was one.
Sounds good. Sometimes it's good to march at a slow pace. As you say, you can enjoy the sights around. How many followers you have frutariantsev?
When it comes to frutarianstve as a way of life, I do not believe that people can be followers. I believe you need to share information and encourage the people who come to me for advice and want to try frutarianstvo. I do not think people need to be fed information from a spoon and raise drooling about how great it is. I tell it like it is. I have nothing to sell, so I do not need to be nice to cuddle or buyer. In my opinion, love for people to be a little "tight", and to make them understand that, to achieve the result they would have to make an effort. I often said to be very tough, and many people are afraid or ashamed of me and my team, because they know that I do not listen to excuses, and I will bring them from a state of comfort. But I also learned that you have to be "hard" when it comes to your health, because the way frutarianstva is not easy, and very hard to find support.
On my forum is now more than 20 members, and I saw that many more have come and gone, but those that do survive and priderzhvayutsya frutarianstva, achieved amazing results. We are very supportive of each other, and at the same time, we do not hide anything. We do not tolerate any nonsense, because Some of the kids is passed to deal with a sensitive issue in the period of detoxification. With the positive atmosphere of communication - a key element of success. Also, many people contact me by e-mail, and they help me too. My philosophy is not to build yourself a guru frutarianstva. I'm just a guy who has gone further than the others, and I want to share with them their experiences.
How do you think the state of your health is different from those who hold to the standard of the American / Western diet?
Over the years I found that heat-treated food is strongly dehydrating. Cooking process deprives the original ingredients of oxygen, water and enzymes, which makes the body work hard to digest the food and get rid of waste. This long and iterative process takes away the body's own energy and denies the ability to recover from illness or to defend themselves from it. Whenever I cast frutarianstvo and returned to cooked food, all my pain and allergies back in an instant. Now, again being frutariantsem, my health is better than ever, and the expense of what I stand for the level of physical activity, my stamina and strength rose to the skies. I just want to show everyone that with dedication and patience, they can also improve your health.
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