www.vita.org.ru - good site on vegetarianism, many articles on vegetarianism, vegetarian recipes.
www.vegetarian.ru - recipes, articles, vegetarian news, directory, photos, videos, photos, forum.
www.poznaisebya.ru/health/viewforum.php?f=2 - forums about the benefits of vegetarianism.
www.otherway.euro.ru / _material.htm - vegetarian library.
www.elena-kuzmina.blogspot.com - informative blog on vegetarianism and zoozaschite overall.
www.hari-katha.org/svetik - vegetarian website "I did not eat!"
http://marsexx.narod.ru/vegetarianstvo.html - why we are vegetarians?
www.veggy.ru - delicious vegetarian every day, vegetarian recipes.
www.ru.wikipedia.org / wiki / Vegetarianism - Vegetarianism in Wikipedia.
www.veganstarterrussian.blogspot.com - migration guide vegan diet.
Books on vegetarianism
Schekalev "Vegetarianism"
Juliet Gellatri "How to be a vegetarian and stay"
The book on the raw food diet
Juliet and Tony Gellatli Vordl 'Silent Ark "
To live a vegetarian. The need to abandon meat eating
Vegetarian Recipes
www.maranatha.org.ua / cook - vegetarian cuisine.
www.syroedenie.com / rec.html - recipes for raw-foodists.
www.srichinmoycentre.org - recipes from the followers of Sri Chinmoy.
www.veget.nm.ru - vegetarian recipes (Vegetarianism for the elite).
www.poznaisebya.ru - Forum for vegetarian recipes.
www.community.livejournal.com / kitchen_veggi - Forum for recipes.
www.hari-katha.org/svetik/list/index.htm - archive of vegetarian recipes.
www.krishna.org.ua / world / cook - Vedic culinary arts.
www.gangadevi.ru/content/section/8/45/ - some recipes vegetarian cuisine.
www.myasu.net - site of "Vegetarian Cuisine."
www.vegetarians.kiev.ua - site for vegetarian cuisine.
www.perfectfood.ru - good recipes.
http://otherway.narod.ru/recept_vegan.htm - recipes for vegans
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