Stages of transition to a veggie diet
The first phase of the transition to vegetarianism involves eating lean cooked meat at the rate of 50-100g daily, preferably for 3 - 4 hours before bedtime. In no case should not fry the meat, because it excites "meat" appetite. Frequency of meat consumption must be reduced to 2 - 3 times a week.
The second phase of withdrawal from meat eating is to prepare all kinds of meatballs, zrazy and other products of minced meat and vegetables relationship with cereals 50:50. This is achieved by deception taste apparatus body. It is possible that, having reached this stage, some carnivores on it and stop, while the other will go to the next step - the complete abandonment of meat.
In the first phase of transition to vegetarianism can be prepared the following dishes:
Low-fat boiled meat mince with raw carrots, wheat and oats (or rice). And the resulting mince add chopped parsley, dill, a pinch of cumin, soy sauce, egg mass is stirred vigorously, and then formed of her meatballs or meatballs. At the bottom of the pan is placed cut into large slices of carrots, cabbage, potatoes, turnips, they - meatballs or meatballs, then a layer of vegetables on top of meat products again. Pour 3/4 of the boiling water, bring to a boil and stew.
Of course, everyone can connect your culinary imagination and add some ingredients of prepared dishes with the principles of vegetarianism.
Taking the first step on the road to a vegetarian diet - a diet excluding from daily meat - it is important to inspire myself that way the body gets rid of many negative health effects.
The process of removing meat from the diet should be made in accordance with these recommendations below in the following order:
* Remove the menu all animal fats, and instead introduce vegetable oil and butter, and vegetable oil without heat treatment should be added to the already prepared meals;
* Refuse smoked, use for sandwiches with cheese-vegetable pasta, meat and fish dishes gradually replace cereals, pasta with eggs, cheese, milk, and capsicum - beans, soybeans, peas, ie, to apply the principle of manning the "set" essential amino acids;
* Replace soup in meat broth for soups, cooked in vegetable broth, as a condiment to use herbs, mushrooms, onion, celery;
* Administered in the diet honey, sweet fruits (fresh and dried), such as prunes, raisins, apricots, dried apricots;
* Introduce various cereals, especially rice crisp, are used without any additives or flavored cream cheese, eggs, beans, and some sauce - mushroom, tomato;
* Once a day to prepare meals of boiled vegetables;
* Once a week to eat throughout the day (at the positive reaction of the body - usually) only vegetables;
* Prepare meals from a minimum number of components, avoiding the connection of many products;
* Technological guided by the principle: do not cook that can cook, do not cook that can be eaten raw;
* Balance the composition of foods in protein content;
* Set the diet: dinner for 3 - 4 hours before bedtime, as the night the stomach is practically not working, and the food remains there until morning undigested;
* Learn to drink juices, herbal teas, holding each sip in your mouth, seeking their mixing with saliva;
* Enter a rule early in the morning on an empty stomach and at night to drink water, rinse the walls ensuring the digestive tract;
* Eat cheese, vegetables, cereals and fruits more than usual to satisfy unpleasant feeling hunger limit the amount of food a day to do the body needs;
* Increase your intake of natural, fresh, not refined foods in a balanced, the most useful proportions, and raw fruits and vegetables.
The positive results of the transition to a vegan diet appear in good health, a sense of energy, lightness, youthfulness.
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